Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1198 Eunuch Qian takes action

Liu Jie, the newly appointed warden of Jingnan, had his mouth gagged with rags, his hands tied and hung from a crooked tree in the courtyard of the post house. His brand-new official uniform had several long holes ripped out from it. A series of bloody whip marks were exposed, the tattered uniform was stained with blood, and there were three broken canes under his feet.

After a beating, Eunuch Qian's depression was mostly gone, and he felt much better.

Eunuch Qian held a cane in his hand and sat on a chair shaped like a human body with the eunuch kneeling on his knees. He said to everyone in high spirits: "Hee hee, look, is the Za family like Liu Xuande who whipped the postal supervisor during the Three Kingdoms period?!"

"Of course, when encountering difficulties from traitors, he is not afraid of power, punishes evil and promotes good. My father-in-law is 100% the same as Uncle Liu Huang back in the day."

Zhang Xiancheng was the first to respond. He bowed in front of Eunuch Qian and slapped a rainbow fart.

"Although we are not lucky enough to see Uncle Liu who whipped the postal supervisor, it is a great pleasure to see my father-in-law whip the traitor today."

"More than just like Uncle Liu Huang, my father-in-law is now more heroic and courageous than Uncle Liu Huang. He is even worse."

"My father-in-law is mighty, punishes evil and promotes good, and helps our Jingnan to eliminate a lot of harm. He is really the blue sky of my Jingnan. On behalf of all the folks in Jingnan County, I kowtow to my father-in-law and thank him for eliminating harm to the people." "

All the subordinate staff tried their best to pile up vocabulary, and rushed to flatter Eunuch Qian. Some even knelt down to Eunuch Qian in public and shamelessly thanked him for "removing harm for the people."

Right, this is the normal rhythm.

Seeing the flattery and compliments from Zhang Xian Cheng and others, Eunuch Qian couldn't help but feel a little prouder.

"I haven't been back to the county office for a few days. Are there so many official duties? The county magistrate is so busy that he doesn't show up at this time."

At this time, Master Yao was beside Eunuch Qian, and he said something to Zhang Xian Cheng, intentionally or unintentionally, and threw dirty water all over Zhu Ping'an. Both the words and the words are hinting and reminding Eunuch Qian that the county government is not busy, and he, Zhu Pingan, has not come to see you at this time.

Sure enough, when he heard Zhu Ping'an's name, Eunuch Qian's mood suddenly became less beautiful, and the sunny day started to rain again.

"Xiao Congzi, go to the county government office to inform the Zajia County Magistrate Zhu, and ask him to bring the Jingnan County Chronicle to the post office."

Eunuch Qian folded the cane in half, tapped it lightly on the palm of his hand, and ordered to a young eunuch through gritted teeth.

"I obey, little one."

Eunuch Xiao Congzi bowed to accept the order, and then said to a group of subordinates, "Someone who knows the way will take the Za family to the county government office."

Soon, a subordinate official stepped forward actively, took the horse of the post house, and took Xiao Congzi to the Jingnan County Yamen.

Seeing Eunuch Qian's announcement about Zhu Ping'an, Zhang Xiancheng and Master Yao looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths curled up.

Eunuch Yugyeom made the decision for them, and their impeachment dilemma was solved. Of course, their purpose is not just as simple as immunity. The battle to defend Jingnan, the battle to recover Taiping, and the beheading of 824 Japanese pirates. Each of these three events is a mouth-watering feat. Credit, when they heard that Zhu Ping'an had accomplished these three great feats, they felt regretful. If they had known that there would be no danger in staying and that he could accomplish such great feats, why would they abandon the city and flee? Not to mention they were too greedy. I also want to get a piece of the action.

Haha, if they share this pot of soup, their official status can be raised one or two levels at least. It is not a dream to get rid of the embarrassing status of assistant officials and become serious county magistrates in charge of the party. Even if they go up a level and become a Shangguan of the government office, they will have a good relationship with each other.

The more they thought about it, the more beautiful they became. Their eyes were in a trance. They had become county magistrates wearing official robes and government officials who inspected prefectures and counties. They were cheered and supported wherever they went, and thousands of people admired and fawned over them.

As a result, Zhang Xiancheng, Yao Zhushu and others served Eunuch Qian with great respect and dedication.

"Oh, by the way, Zhang Xiancheng, the Zajia family remembers that you told the Zajia family at the dinner table that there was an old man named Liu in the county. He had a pearl that was much better in size and quality than the one you presented to me before? "

After Duke Qian sent Xiao Congzi to inform Zhu Ping'an, he called Zhang Xian Cheng to his side and asked him with special attention.

"Yes. It is said that Old Man Liu's ancestor was a soldier around Chen Youliang of the Puppet Han. After the defeat of the Puppet Han, Mr. Liu's ancestor robbed a batch of finances from the Puppet Han Palace, including this pearl. I heard that this pearl is The cherished treasure of a concubine of the pseudo-Han Chen Youliang, it is big and round, with a warm and delicate color, and a sense of mystery." Zhang Xiancheng bowed and replied, describing the pearl as extremely legendary.

"Mysterious? You mean this pearl is mysterious?" When Eunuch Qian heard this, he suddenly became excited.

The Holy One decreed to buy golden pearls for the purpose of cultivating immortality and refining elixirs. Pearls are to be used in elixirs. These pearls are mysterious, so wouldn't they be great for the Holy One to refine elixirs! Haha, when I see this pearl, my godfather will definitely praise me for my ability to run errands; when the Holy Emperor sees this pearl, he will definitely be overjoyed.

Haha, damn Xiaoliuzi still wants to compete with me and threatens to overpower me. Bah, just dream!

Haha, it seems that it is time for him to develop. This trip to Jingnan was so good and wonderful.

"Yes, it is mysterious. I saw that pearl with my own eyes at Old Man Liu's house. It was night, and under the moonlight, the surface of the pearl faintly glowed with a halo of pearlescent light, giving it an elusive and mysterious charm. Until now, I can't forget that feeling." Zhang Xiancheng nodded vigorously.

"I heard that top-quality pearls can make people live longer if worn and played with. No wonder Old Man Liu has a youthful appearance despite his age. He doesn't look old at all. It turns out there is such a mysterious pearl at home."

Chief Yao observed the words and expressions, and then what Zhang Xiancheng said immediately added fuel to Eunuch Qian's jealousy.

"Quickly, quickly, bring Old Man Liu and Pearl to the Zajia family." After hearing what Zhang Xiancheng and Chief Yao said, Eunuch Qian couldn't help but waved his hands to Zhang Xiancheng and others. .

"Don't worry, father-in-law, Old Man Liu's home is near the post house. I will bring someone to bring Old Man Liu here."

Zhang Xiancheng bowed and cupped his fists.

"Pearl, don't forget Pearl, this is the most important thing." Eunuch Qian couldn't help but emphasize.

"Yes, father-in-law, don't worry." Zhang Xiancheng bowed again.

After receiving the order, Zhang Xian Cheng called his brother-in-law Li Dianshi and several former government officials to go with him to pick up Old Man Liu. Eunuch Qian was worried and waved his hand, asking the two guards with swords to follow Zhang Xian Cheng.

The group of people were like robbers, attacking Old Man Liu's house in a menacing manner.

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