Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1199 Zhu Pingan is very busy (1)

Zhu Pingan was very busy today. Before Zhang County Cheng and others went to the entrance of Liuhe Town to wait for Eunuch Qian, Zhu Pingan had already gotten up early. It was still dark outside and the rooster hadn't crowed yet.

In fact, Zhu Pingan has been very busy since he took office as the magistrate of Jingnan County. Although a county is small, everything is embryonic in the state and county, and all types of public affairs such as officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and work are indispensable. Especially in the past, the magistrate of Jingnan County changed frequently, and there was a gap of several months before taking over. The official duties left behind were very numerous. Although Zhu Pingan took office and provided logistics for official duties, there were still some official duties that had not been completed.

It's just that during this time, I'm even busier.

Jingnan has experienced a Japanese invasion, and is in need of revitalization. There is a lot of work to do to stabilize the people, provide relief, rebuild, and resume production. In addition, the autumn harvest is approaching. To ensure the smooth progress of the autumn harvest, the county government needs to do a lot of work.

Zhu Ping'an simply ate the breakfast prepared by Hua'er, then arrived at the county government office early and began to deal with urgent official business.

Speaking of which, Hua'er's cooking skills have improved a lot during this period. At least the food she cooks is not so salty anymore. She has risen from the dark cooking world to the rookie cooking world. Although the color of the cooked food is not very good, the taste is not very good, and it is not very delicious, it is ready to eat.

After the rooster crows, the newly appointed subordinate officials rushed to the county government office one after another, and no one was late.

The rooster is crowing, and the court is in full bloom.

The east is bright and the dynasty is prosperous.

Zhu Ping'an was very satisfied with the new arrivals in the county government.

Not only Zhu Pingan is satisfied, but the people in Jingnan County are also satisfied. Yesterday, a tea merchant came to the county government to handle tea imports. He was surprised to find that the subordinate officials in the county government did not accept his tribute. You must know that in the past, every time they came to the county government to seek help from subordinate officials, they had to donate money every time. This is called "routine", but no matter how hard he tried yesterday, the subordinate staff just refused to accept it. Not only did they not accept it, Cha Yin also handled it very quickly. Yesterday, several ordinary people came to the county government office to do business. They were also surprised that the county government officials were enthusiastic and cooperative, and things were done quickly and smoothly. Later, they learned the truth from a subordinate official they knew. The subordinate official said that the county government had restructured the county government, investigated the long-standing disadvantages of the six houses of the county government, eliminated all bad rules, and banned all explicit and implicit bad habits of eating and taking cards. If found, severe punishment will not be tolerated.

The common people all clapped their hands and shouted at the new arrival of the new county government officials, but they were just worried that it would not last long.

The rice harvest was about to begin. Zhu Pingan planned to take people from households and workshops to the villages and towns below for inspection after finishing the urgent official duties in the morning. However, the plan could not keep up with the change. Not long after the opening of the office, Zhu Pingan had just finished handling the urgent official affairs and was about to call Mr. Xie, Mrs. Liu and others to go out. Before Zhu Pingan could get up, he heard " "Dong dong dong" three drum sounds.

Someone beat the drum and filed a lawsuit.

If someone beats a drum to raise a lawsuit, it is natural that the case must be raised to court to settle the case. Zhu Ping'an sent people to the hall and brought up the drummers.

It was very noisy outside and it felt like there were a lot of people.

Sure enough, the government officials brought in seventeen or eight villagers, who dragged and pushed a monk and a nun. And while pushing and shoving, they scolded them for being shameless, immoral, unruly, and having an affair.

The monk and nun were tied up by five-flowered buns respectively, and they were dragged into the lobby staggeringly.

The monk was in a very embarrassed state. His robes were torn and deformed. Half of his arms were exposed and stained with egg shells and rotten vegetable leaves. There were wounds on his body, but they were all minor injuries and not serious. The nun was also in a mess, with egg shells and rotten vegetable leaves on her robes, but she was much better than the monk, and there were no wounds on her body.

In addition to these parties, many people came in to watch the excitement. There were about seventy or eighty people, and the water outside the county government hall was blocked.

In the past, county government cases were only heard publicly occasionally, or only for particularly serious cases.

After Zhu Pingan came to Jingnan, he established a rule that all litigation cases brought to the Jingnan County Government, except for a few private cases, must be heard in public. Once a case is brought to the court to be resolved, the Jingnan County Yamen's gates are all wide open, allowing people to come to the court to watch and listen. Of course, ordinary people can watch and listen, but they cannot make loud noises that affect the judgment of the case, otherwise they will be kicked out.

Zhu Pingan intended to allow the people to observe the trial, firstly, to promote a fair trial of the case, secondly, to improve the credibility of the county government, and thirdly, to educate the people through the trial of the case.

Ordinary people like to watch the excitement, and there were not many entertainment activities in ancient times. Every time Zhu Pingan went to court to hear a case, many people would come to watch, and more and more people would join in to watch during the process.

Now, the Jingnan County Yamen Trial Case has almost become a fixed legal propaganda program in Jingnan County, and the ratings are very high and getting higher and higher. Every time a case is brought to court, the outside is crowded with people watching the excitement.

Today's case is very special. The protagonist actually involves a monk and a nun. Listening to the villagers scolding them for being shameless, not following the rules, and having an affair, it is obvious that it is still a sex case.

Monks, nuns, and fornications involve multiple factors such as religion, gossip, sex, and privacy.

This topic is explosive news even in modern times, let alone feudal and conservative ancient times.

Villagers kidnapped monks and nuns to report to the government. This explosive news blew up Jingnan County on their way to report to the government. The news spread from ten to ten, and soon it spread throughout the county.

Therefore, as soon as the ceremony was held today, the people who were watching formed a mountain and sea of ​​people outside the hall.

"Is it true? A monk had an affair with a nun?! How did they do it? Where were they caught? Did they really do that?"

"My dear mother, this is so exciting, isn't it? The monk who cut off the worldly bond and consulted Liugan actually got involved with a nun?!"

"Oh, it's so shameless. It corrupts morals. People who corrupt morals like this should be thrown into a pig cage."

"The fornication between a monk and a nun cannot be punished. They are all monks. Once they become monks, the kinship between their parents and children is severed. They are not controlled by clan laws. They just do not abide by the rules and precepts, and they do not commit murder or arson. They cannot be punished. Bar."

While waiting for the case to be heard in court, the people watching were already discussing it with great interest.

"Ascending to the Hall!"

Zhu Ping'an clapped the gavel in the lobby. After a crisp sound, he gave the order to go up to the hall.


Two rows of government officials down the hall banged the water and fire sticks hard and shouted mighty. The effect of the hall's authority was highlighted, and the audience immediately became quiet.

Seventeen or eight villagers in the hall knelt down one after another, and the monks and nuns were also pushed to their knees.

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