Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1201 Zhu Pingan is very busy (3)

"The young monk was completely devastated. He originally wanted to take refuge in my Buddha for the rest of his life, accompanied by the Qingdeng Zen Scroll. However, he never thought that the Japanese invaders invaded Jingnan some time ago. The abbot of the Hongmiao Temple where the young monk lives took us and other monks to hide in the valley behind the temple. Unexpectedly, Hongmiao Nunnery was also retreating in the valley. Seeing how pitiful the god was, the young monk unexpectedly met him. He met a girl from the Wang family who had become a nun. The girl from the Wang family actually became a monk in the nearby Hongmiao Nunnery. She was really stepping out of iron shoes. There was no place to look for, but suddenly he looked back and saw that person in a dimly lit place. The young monk's Zen mind was confused, he was greedy for the world of mortals, and he did such wrong things. However, there were countless mistakes, all the mistakes were made by the young monk and had nothing to do with the Wang family's sister. Please ask the county magistrate to punish me alone."

The monk knelt on the ground, clasped his hands together, kowtowed heavily, and begged with tears in his eyes.

"No, no, what are you talking nonsense? All mistakes are yours alone. Mr. County Magistrate, please don't misunderstand his nonsense. All mistakes are Xiaoni's. It was Xiaoni who did not abide by the rules and regulations and seduced The Liu family brother has made a thousand mistakes, and all the mistakes are Xiao Ni's fault. It's all Xiao Ni's fault and has nothing to do with the Liu family brother. I hope the county magistrate understands what's going on and lets the Liu family brother go and only punishes Xiao Ni."

When the nun heard that the monk had taken all the responsibility on himself, she couldn't help but become anxious. She shook her head vigorously. Before she could speak, the tears in her red and swollen eyes were already flowing down her cheeks like a river bursting its banks. , while crying and kowtowing, he also took the responsibility on himself.


Rushing to take responsibility? !

Are you showing off your affection in court? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw the monk and nun in the hall desperately trying to take responsibility.

The onlookers were stunned. They had seen people shirking responsibility, but they had never seen someone trying their best to take responsibility for themselves. This pair of immoral wild mandarin ducks seems to be a little different.

Zhu Pingan patted the gavel and took control of the situation, "I would like to ask you, what the plaintiff just said, that they had a private meeting in the woods and were caught red-handed while cuddling, is it true?!"

The nun's head was so low that she couldn't lift it up.

The monk nodded, then shook his head, "Back to the county magistrate, they did catch us on the spot during a private meeting in the woods, but we didn't hug each other, we just leaned together and talked to each other."

Zhu Ping'an asked the plaintiff, "When you caught them on the spot, were they hugging each other or leaning against each other?"

"Let's hug each other."

"Isn't it the same as hugging each other?! If she is leaning in your arms, doesn't that mean you are hugging her?! Is there any difference?"

"At that time, we shouted, and they separated in a hurry. We didn't pay much attention to whether they were hugging each other or leaning against each other. Anyway, they were together."

The plaintiffs replied that they were not sure whether the two were hugging each other or leaning against each other.

Zhu Ping'an did not delve into this issue and asked the plaintiff, "When you caught the two of them on the spot, did they do any other inappropriate behavior? Did they have sex? Did they have sex?"

"This is true. When we caught them, they just hugged each other and did not have sex. As for whether the two of them had sex before we caught them, we don't know."

Li Zheng Zhang Dalong replied matter-of-factly.

"Are you sure?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"I'm sure not." Zhang Dalong and others nodded.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an nodded slightly, which meant that when Zhang Dalong and the others caught the monk and nun on the spot, the two had just had a private meeting in the woods and had not had a relationship. They had not yet reached the level of adultery.

"Are there any people from Liujia Village present?" Zhu Ping'an asked the crowd watching outside the hall.

"Yes, the eldest county magistrate, the younger one is from Liujia Village."

"So is the little one."

Among the people watching outside the hall, two people stood up, an uncle in his forties and an old lady in her fifties.

"Do you know what happened to the two of them before they became monks?" Zhu Pingan pointed at the monk and nun and asked them.

"The younger one knows. They are from our Liujia Village. Everyone in our village knows about them. They live not far away, so they can be considered childhood sweethearts. Everyone in the village makes fun of them. However, Liusuo's father She was a poor child, and her family had only a few walls. Wang Lian’s father was a butcher, and he looked down upon Liu Suo’s family. At the beginning of the year, we heard that Wang Lian’s father had an affair with Wang Yuanwai in the town, and promised Wang Lian to Wang Lian. After Liu Suo heard about it, he went to see Butcher Wang, but was beaten so hard that he couldn't get out of bed. Wang Lian vowed not to let her go, but she couldn't resist, so she had her hair twisted, ran away from home and became an aunt. As for which nunnery to go to, We didn't know. After Liu Suo found out, he became a monk in anger. Unexpectedly, the two of them were still destined to be together, and even the nunnery and monk temple where they became monks were so close to each other."

The melon-eaters in Liujia Village walked out from the crowd and said loudly.

"These two are poor children," the old lady couldn't help wiping away her tears as she spoke.

Next, the old lady told the story of the two of them with tears in her eyes. She watched them grow up when they were young. One was good at reading and the other was good at embroidery. They were a match made in heaven. What a king. The butcher fell into the eyes of money and actually gave his daughter as a concubine. He was really deceived by lard. Although Suozi's family is poor, he has great ambitions. Everyone in the village sees it, etc.

"Ahem, okay, ma'am, I understand."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help coughing and interrupted the aunt's words. If she continued to speak, she might not be able to finish her words by the end of the night.

Zhu Pingan has a rough understanding of the facts and background of the case and has made a judgment in his mind.

It turns out that the monk and the nun were from the same village before they became monks. They were childhood sweethearts and had been secretly engaged for life. However, the woman's father disliked the poor and preferred the rich, so he betrothed her to the king of the town. The woman refused to do so, left home and went to the Red Temple. The nunnery is a nun. The man became disheartened and became a monk in Hongmiao Temple. Unexpectedly, Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan some time ago, and Hongmiao Village was also affected. Hongmiao Temple and Hongmiao Temple coincidentally went to the valley to avoid the Japanese pirates. The man and woman actually met again, and the two started to hook up. When they went to have a private meeting in the woods this morning, they were mistaken for a wild beast by the people of Hongmiao Village, and they were beaten and caught red-handed.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be a team of miserable mandarin ducks."

"No matter how miserable the couple are, they can't have a tryst in the woods without the orders of their parents or the advice of a matchmaker. Besides, one of them is a monk and the other is a nun."

"This is going to be difficult."

The melon-eating people watching outside were talking about this and couldn't agree.

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