Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1203 Zhu Pingan is very busy (5)

According to the timeline, when Zhu Ping'an was in the county government to conclude the case of private meetings between monks and nuns, Eunuch Qian had just finished whipping Liu Jie, the newly appointed military officer of Jingnan, in the post house. He was so proud that he boasted of whipping Uncle Liu Huang, who was in charge of postal services.

Zhu Ping'an had just finished the case of monks and nuns, and someone came to the county government office to complain about injustice.

At this time, Eunuch Qian was inflamed by Chief Yao. He gritted his teeth and ordered the eunuch Xiao Congzi to go to the county office to inform Zhu Ping'an. He ordered Zhu Ping'an to take the Jingnan County Chronicle to the post house to pay homage to Eunuch Qian.

Before the melon-eaters outside the courtroom left the county government office, they saw someone coming to complain. They couldn't help but stop, turned around and walked back. They occupied a good place outside the courthouse and continued to wait to watch the show.

"Master, the magistrate, I have been wronged. I beg the magistrate to make the decision for me."

Before anyone arrived, the sound came first. An old woman's crying voice came into the county government office from outside.

Then, I saw an old woman walking into the court from the outside with a sad face. As soon as she entered the court, she knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, Mr. Magistrate, I am wronged."

Seeing that the old woman had a sad face and was out of breath from crying, Zhu Pingan was really pitiful, so he quickly said, "Auntie, don't be sad. If you have any grievances, please tell me, and I will make the decision for you."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "

The old woman's face was even more miserable. While kneeling on the ground, she kept tapping the ground with her hands to express her emotions.

"How wronged this old lady has been. She looks so sad."

"Oh, how pitiful. It's really heartbreaking to cry like this at such an old age."

"This reminds me of my mother."

"Is there a thief at home? Or is a family member killed? Why is the old man so aggrieved? What happened?"

The melon-eating people watching from the outside of the courtroom couldn't help but start discussing when they saw the old woman looking so sad.

"Old man, don't be sad. You always have any grievances, but please tell me. I will make the decision for you."

Zhu Ping'an saw that the old woman kept crying about her miserable life and did not complain about her grievances, so he couldn't help but repeat it again to remind the old woman.

"Woohoo, Master Zhixian, are you, are you? The old life is bitter. When you are young, you marry someone. After two years of good days, my man will be seriously ill, and he will throw off our orphans and widows. I raised my son with nothing but shit and piss, and the hardships I endured in the process are countless."

The old woman knelt on the ground, crying with snot and tears. Several women outside the court cried while listening.

After hearing what the old woman said, many people outside the court speculated that the old woman's son was unfilial. Alas, this old woman's life is really hard. She lost her husband at a young age and had to work hard to support her eldest son. Then she met an unfilial son. What a hard life it was. No wonder the old man cried so pitifully.

Zhu Ping'an listened patiently to the old woman's complaints in the court, and observed the old woman carefully while listening.

"However, no matter how much hardship I have to endure, I am willing to do it as long as my son grows up safely. Finally, my son has grown up, and I used all my savings to find a wife for my son."

The old woman continued to cry in the courtroom.

Is this because the son married his wife and forgot his mother? ! Alas, this unfilial son is really sorry for his mother.

The onlookers outside the court thought so, thinking that this was a typical case of marrying a wife and forgetting about her mother.

However, everyone later discovered that they were wrong.

"My son has been obedient since he was a child and can endure hardships. He learned the craft of carpentry and became even more hard-working after marrying his wife. In order to support the family, my son often goes out to do carpentry work. But, alas, I regret it. , why did I blindly find such a wife for my son? She is lazy, disobedient, unfilial, and disobedient. She has never taken good care of me on weekdays. Especially when my son goes out to do carpentry work, my wife here becomes even worse. ."

When the old lady mentioned her daughter-in-law, she couldn't help but burst into tears and kept slapping the ground with her hands.

"It turns out that I came to sue my daughter-in-law."

"It turns out that it's not that the son is unfilial, but that the daughter-in-law is disobedient and unfilial. Alas, you should marry a virtuous wife. If you marry someone who is lazy, rebellious and unfilial, alas, that will be really unlucky. Let me tell you, we Aunt Liu and her daughter-in-law next door are not very economical. I have personally seen Aunt Liu cry several times when she was scolded by her daughter-in-law."

The onlookers suddenly realized that the old woman had come to the court to accuse her daughter-in-law of being disobedient and unfilial.

"My magistrate, my son went out to do carpentry work two days ago and hasn't come back yet. Today is my sixtieth birthday. My wife, she, she, she only gave me food. A bowl of stewed rotten vegetable leaves and rotten radish soup, but she ate it all by herself in the room. My life is miserable, I really can't bear it anymore, I beg the magistrate of the county to make the decision for me. The verdict is that my son should divorce my wife and bring peace to my family."

When the old woman talked about her sadness, she collapsed on the ground, sobbing repeatedly.

Oh, what a pitiful thing, we have such a wicked daughter-in-law. The old man only eats rotten leaves and rotten radish stew for his birthday, but she herself is a big fish and meat. Seeing the old woman like this, everyone can't help but sympathize with her.

"Old man, what is your name? Where do you live? Who is your son? Who is your daughter-in-law? I will send someone to send your daughter-in-law to court for interrogation." Zhu Pingan said to the old woman.

"I am He Li, and I live near Donglifang in the county. My son's name is He Dabao, and my daughter-in-law is He Wang." The old woman replied.

"Come here, let's tell Mr. Wang to come to court." Zhu Ping'an ordered.

The old woman lived in Donglifang, which was not far from the county government office, only a few hundred meters away. After a while, the old woman's daughter-in-law, Wang Shi, was brought from Donglifang to the county government office by two government servants.

"Mom, why did you go out in the middle of the meal? I couldn't find you no matter how hard I looked, why did you run to the court?"

Wang He was brought to the court in panic. When he saw the old woman, he asked in surprise.

"Haha, you are so thick-skinned. Why did you go out in the middle of the meal? Who can drink rotten vegetable leaves and rotten radish soup? Why did you come to the court to sue this evil daughter-in-law of yours?"

The people watching the melon-eating were sarcastic and sarcastic in a low voice outside the courtroom.

"Ms. He Wang, your mother-in-law accused you of being disobedient and disrespectful to your elders. She said it was her birthday today, but you only gave her a bowl of stewed rotten vegetable leaves and rotten radish soup, while you ate a big fish in the room alone. Big meat. Yes or no, tell me the truth quickly." Zhu Pingan patted the gavel in the hall and asked.

"Ah? Mother-in-law, are you accusing me of being disobedient and unfilial?"

When Mrs. He heard this, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She looked at her mother-in-law in disbelief, and her tears were like a river bursting its banks.

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