Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1204 Zhu Pingan is very busy (6)

"Have I wronged you?! Today is my birthday, but you only feed me rotten vegetable leaves and rotten radish soup, while you yourself eat a lot of meat and fish in the room. Do you think you are disobedient and unfilial? !”

The old woman questioned her daughter-in-law, Wang Shi, with runny nose and tears. After speaking, she patted the ground again and begged Zhu Ping'an with tears streaming down her face, "Master, the county magistrate, I haven't seen any meat for several months. Please tell me, magistrate." The master has made the decision for me. I have decided to let my son divorce this rebellious and unfilial daughter-in-law and restore peace to my family."

The old woman said that she had not seen meat for several months, and the crowd watching the melon-eating felt pity for the old woman.

"Mother-in-law, woo woo woo." Mrs. He looked at the old woman in disbelief, crying.

"Ms. He Wang, can you hear clearly your mother-in-law's accusation against you for being disobedient and unfilial? Please tell me the truth as soon as possible."

Zhu Pingan asked Mr. He Wang in the lobby.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo of of of out of our hands." He Wangshi turned a deaf ear to this. She just lowered her head and cried and refused to say anything.

"Ms. He Wang? Can you hear me clearly?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

If He Wang hadn't just spoken to her mother-in-law, Zhu Ping'an would have thought He Wang was mute.

No matter how Zhu Pingan asked, Mrs. He and Wang in the audience just bowed their heads and cried, not sure of anything to say.

"Look, her head is almost down to her crotch. She also knows how shameless she is?! If she had known this, why did she do it in the first place?"

"I'm too embarrassed to speak."

"Be careful in the future. Don't find a daughter-in-law like this. Otherwise, you will suffer a lot when you get old."

The crowd watching the melon-eating sneered at Mr. He Wang and whispered in disgust.

Zhu Ping'an rubbed his forehead in the lobby. He and Wang didn't say a word. How could this case be tried?

In a case, a verdict cannot be made based solely on the plaintiff’s words.

Evidence and testimony are indispensable, otherwise, unjust, false and wrongful convictions will be inevitable.

Zhu Pingan carefully observed the original defendant in the hall again, raised his eyebrows slightly, then put a smile on his lips, and said gently to the old woman in the hall, "This aunt, I am a Jingnan parent officer, for The people within the territory have the responsibility to educate them. Your daughter-in-law is disobedient and unfilial, and I also have a certain responsibility. Today is your old birthday, but you only ate rotten vegetable leaves and radish soup, which is really shabby. How about this, aunt, I will explain it in this court. How about you organize an extra birthday party?"

"Ah? How could this happen? Mr. County Magistrate, you have so many things to do, how can I bring you trouble because of this little thing about me? All you have to do is order my son to divorce this rebellious and unfilial daughter-in-law."

The old woman declined politely.

"No trouble, no trouble. We won't do anything big, so I'll just order two bowls of longevity noodles. One bowl for you, um, one bowl for your daughter-in-law, and you can eat longevity noodles together in this courtroom. Once here, I’d like to celebrate your wife’s birthday. Secondly, we are a family after all. Let’s see if eating a bowl of longevity noodles together can resolve your conflicts and make your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law reconcile as before. Of course, if you still can’t reconcile after eating, , it doesn’t matter. After you have finished eating, I will continue to review the case and make a judgment according to the law."

Zhu Pingan said gently.

"I don't dare to trouble the county magistrate, I don't dare to trouble the county magistrate," the old woman declined.

"No trouble, there is a noodle shop near the Yamen, the craftsmanship is good. After you have eaten the longevity noodles, I will continue the case." Zhu Pingan said gently.

"Big knife."

Zhu Ping'an called Liu Dadao over, whispered a few instructions to him, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, young master, I'll go to the noodle shop and bring two bowls of longevity noodles." Liu Dadao nodded vigorously and followed the order.

After a while, Liu Dadao came back with a steaming food box, exuding the fragrance of noodles.

Zhu Pingan had a table set up in the hall, with two chairs facing each other. He invited the old woman and Mr. He to sit face to face. He placed two steaming bowls of longevity noodles in front of them and invited them both.

The old woman and Mr. He Wang took their seats and looked at each other.

"You're welcome, please use it." Zhu Pingan looked at the two of them with a smile, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

The old woman and Mr. He Wang raised their heads and saw Zhu Ping'an looking at them with a smile and making an invitation gesture.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Magistrate."

The magistrate was so gracious that the two had no choice but to thank them, pick up their bowls, chopsticks, and eat longevity noodles.

While the old woman and Mr. He Wang were eating noodles, the onlookers outside the courtroom all looked at each other in shock.

"What's going on? This case is being tried, how do you know that the county magistrate is inviting someone to eat noodles?"

"Is this our county magistrate? Why do I feel like a different person?! Our county magistrate's handling of cases is very miraculous. If there is any divine help in solving a case, it would be the case of the previous monk and nun. The same is true for our county magistrate. The trial was clear, clear, and well-founded. Why is it that the case of the daughter-in-law being unfilial to her mother-in-law was treated to a meal while the trial was ongoing?! No matter how you look at it, it feels a little ridiculous. The daughter-in-law here is disobedient to her mother-in-law, Will they be able to reconcile if I treat them to a meal of longevity noodles!? Will she be able to change her ways?! Even if she says she has changed her ways, you can't believe it."

"What do you know? We know that the county magistrate is kind-hearted. He is showing sympathy for the old lady. He feels sorry for the old lady."

The melon-eating crowd began to discuss quietly.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Mrs. He Wang quickly finished the longevity noodles, but the old woman only ate half of it.

"Auntie, don't worry about the money. I've already paid it. You can just eat." Zhu Pingan looked at the old woman and said gently.

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Magistrate." The old woman continued to eat under Zhu Pingan's gaze.

While eating, the old lady felt a discomfort in her stomach, and a strong feeling of vomiting surged into her throat.

Then, the old lady couldn't control herself and vomited on the spot.

Beside him, Wang He also felt uncomfortable in his stomach, and a strong feeling of vomiting surged into his throat, and he also vomited it out.

"Have you vomited after eating?!"

"Here, I'm afraid this noodle is not clean. Both of them vomited. Which noodle restaurant made this noodle? Arrest the noodle shop owner."

The people eating melon outside the court were stunned.

"Go and see what their vomit is?" Zhu Pingan seemed to have expected this, and was not surprised by the two people's vomiting. He calmly ordered the left and right officials to check the vomit of the old woman and Mr. He.

Hearing Zhu Ping'an's order, the people eating melon outside the hall were stunned for a moment. Some of them reacted so quickly that their eyes widened. Regardless of their nausea, they stared directly at the old woman and Wang He's vomiting. things.

"Back to the county magistrate, the plaintiff old woman vomited fish, meat, eggs, and noodles, and Mr. He vomited vegetable leaves, radish strips, and noodles." The yamen officer covered his nose and checked the vomit of the two people before reporting back.

"Ah?! It's true. What the old lady vomited was really fish, meat, and eggs. What happened to what Wang and He vomited were vegetable leaves and radish sticks? Didn't the old lady say that it was her birthday, and He and Wang only gave it to her? Rotten vegetable leaves stewed in rotten radish soup? Didn’t you say that He Wangshi eats big fish and meat?!"

"If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. The old lady actually lied?!"

"So this is why the magistrate invited them to eat noodles?!"

"The county magistrate is really good at judging cases!"

The melon-eating crowd outside the hall suddenly realized one by one. They worshiped Zhu Pingan in their hearts and looked at the old woman in disbelief.

The truth of the case has now been revealed.

The truth is completely opposite to what people think.

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