Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1206: Teach the Crazy Prisoner a Lesson

Hearing the onlookers sighing about cherishing family, uniting and loving each other as they left, Zhu Pingan had a smile on his face. This case can play a role in educating the people, and my efforts will not be in vain.

The onlookers left the county government office one after another. Before some people could leave the county government office, they saw a group of three people riding horses charging into the county government office. The people in the aisles quickly dodged and were almost hit by the horses.

This group of three horses was Xiao Congzi, the young eunuch sent by Eunuch Qian to the Jingnan County Government. Xiao Congzi led two dismissed subordinate officials and drove their horses to the outside of the lobby without even getting off their horses.

"Jingnan County Magistrate Zhu Ping'an is here. Quickly take the Jingnan County Magistrate and follow the Za family to the post house to meet Eunuch Qian."

The little eunuch Xiao Congzi sat upright on the horse, held up his riding whip arrogantly, pointed at the court, and shouted in a high-pitched drake voice.

Who is this? What's the origin? !

How dare you break into the county government office without permission and boss around the county magistrate? ! The people who had not yet left the county government office were shocked when they saw this.

Zhu Ping'an was checking the trial transcripts of the documents in the court. He heard a panic sound outside, and then saw three cavalry rushing to the front of the court. The leader was a young man wearing gray eunuch clothes, followed by two Zhu Ping'an. They knew that they were the two subordinate officials whom he had dismissed.

Then, Zhu Ping'an heard the young man in gray eunuch clothes arrogantly giving orders to him.

Is it Eunuch Qian again? !

When I was hearing the case of monks and nuns, I asked myself to take the squire Li Lao to the city gate to greet Eunuch Qian!

Now I am ordered to take the county magistrate to the post house to meet Eunuch Qian!

What is Eunuch Qian!

I have urgent business at hand and haven't had time to deal with it. Tens of thousands of Jingnan people are waiting, so how can I have time to visit the eunuch!

"Who are you? Who is Eunuch Qian? Do you have any proof of identity?" Zhu Ping'an frowned and asked word by word, "I am ordering you to appear in court with the county annals. Do you have any official documents, government orders, or orders? Submit them to me. "

"Are you Zhu Ping'an?! Stop dawdling! Hurry up, take the Jingnan County Chronicle, and go with the Za family to the post house to meet Eunuch Qian."

Xiao Congzi pointed at Zhu Pingan with a riding crop and urged impatiently, ignoring Zhu Pingan's question at all.

When Eunuch Qian comes to Jingnan, how dare you not go to the city gate to organize a welcome! Since leaving Beijing, has any local official dared to treat me so lightly? The Za family wants to say this for Eunuch Qian. When the time comes, when this scene reaches Eunuch Qian's ears, Eunuch Qian will also praise me for my ability to do things and say a few nice words for me in front of Eunuch Chen. Maybe, when I return to the capital, I will have the opportunity to get a few good jobs.

With this in mind, Xiao Congzi was very rude and arrogant towards Zhu Ping'an.

Damn it!

I have never seen such an arrogant little eunuch in Xiyuan!

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked at the arrogant little eunuch outside the court with interest. He lowered the corner of his mouth and said in a warning tone, "I'll give you one more chance to answer my question. Submit your identity certificate, official documents and government orders.”

"The Zajia family will give you another chance. Quickly bring the county magistrate and follow the Zajia family to meet Eunuch Qian! If you dare to delay again, the Zajia family will definitely report it to Eunuch Qian, and then you will be left with nothing to eat!"

Xiao Congzi pointed a riding crop at Zhu Ping'an, giving tit-for-tat warnings, threatening to report to Eunuch Qian for punishment.

Since they left the capital, all the local officials from all over the country have treated them like gods, greeted them respectfully and fawned over them, even the prefects were no exception. Xiao Congzi and his entourage have been so used to it that they have become swollen. He really didn't take Zhu Ping'an, a small seventh-grade county magistrate, seriously.

"There are no official documents, no government orders, three no registrations, and four no drums to protest grievances. You rode your horse into the county government office and disturbed the court. You and I will capture these three people and beat them thirty times." Let’s serve as a warning to others!”

Zhu Ping'an stopped talking nonsense, took out a stick and threw it down the hall, and gave orders to the officials on the left and right.

"As commanded."

Liu Dadao and others had long been displeased with Xiao Congzi and his party, so they walked towards Xiao Congzi and his party with a murderous stick in hand and a sinister smile.

"Zhu Ping'an, you dare to touch me! I am the dog-beater sent by Eunuch Qian, but it depends on the owner. If you hit me, you will slap Eunuch Qian's face. You, the county magistrate, don't want to do this, do you?!"

When Xiao Congzi saw that Zhu Ping'an was serious, he couldn't help but screamed in fright, and threatened with bared teeth and claws.

"Master Zhu, Eunuch Qian is the emperor's official, and Eunuch Qian's godfather is Eunuch Chen, the royal horse supervisor. I advise Master Zhu not to make mistakes or ruin your future!" The two dismissed subordinates were also anxious when they saw this. Followed by shouting.

"The emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law, let alone you and others!" Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and ignored it.

Liu Dadao and the others went up and pulled Xiao Congzi and the other three off the horse without saying a word.

During this period, Xiao Congzi wanted to fight back with a whip, but in front of Liu Dadao and others who had experienced life and death fighting, he was as ridiculous as a child playing house. Liu Dadao grabbed the riding whip with one hand and pulled it down with one hand.

By the time Xiao Congzi reacted, he had been pushed to the ground by Liu Dadao and others, and his pants were taken off. The arrangement was clear.

Snapped! Snapped!

Liu Dadao and others who were dissatisfied with Xiao Congzi showed no mercy at all. They swung the killing stick in their hands and beat Xiao Congzi and the other three people with thirty blows until they cried for father and mother. Like a pig.

All the onlookers applauded. Let you break into the county government office without permission, let you roar in court, let you show off in the crowd, let you be arrogant and arrogant, and let the county magistrate punish you!

"Ouch, I hurt the Zajia family so much, Zhu Ping'an, you are a little seventh-grade sesame official, but you really dare to hit the Zajia family. The Zajia family tells you that you are finished, you are finished! Eunuch Qian will never let you go!"

After the beating, Xiao Congzi burst into tears of pain. Before he even got up from the ground, he pinched his orchid fingers and cried to Zhu Ping'an.

"Your Majesty, this grandson dares to be disrespectful to you. Let's loosen his bones and strengthen his memory."

When the yamen servant saw that Xiao Congzi was still so arrogant, he couldn't help but hold up his killing stick and asked Zhu Ping'an for instructions.

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand and ordered, "Expelled from the county government."

Liu Dadao and others lifted up Xiao Congzi and the others like a chicken cub and carried them out of the county government office.

"Zhu Ping'an, don't make a toast or eat the fine wine. Now take the county magistrate and obediently follow the Za family to Eunuch Qian to beg for mercy and admit your mistake. There is still a chance."

While being dragged outside the county government office, Xiao Congzi struggled and shouted at Zhu Ping'an at the top of his lungs.

"I just like to drink fine wine." Zhu Pingan twitched his lips in disdain.

"Okay! Okay! You wait for the Zajia family! Liu Dianli in the post house was toasted and fined wine. He was hung up and whipped. Now he is like a dead dog. The Zajia family would like to see, Zhu Ping'an, your End!"

When Xiao Congzi was about to be dragged out of the county office, he struggled and spoke at the top of his lungs.

"What did you say!"

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he became furious instantly!

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