Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1207 Forced Buying and Selling

"Huh, I'd like to teach you that Liu Dian, the official of the post house, is as ignorant as you and actually turned away Eunuch Qian from the door of the post house. Eunuch Qian was just like Uncle Liu who was in charge of postal services in the Three Kingdoms. He was hung on a tree with a crooked neck and was given a severe lesson. Huh, if you are sensible, you can kowtow to the Za family now and admit your mistake, take the county magistrate with you obediently, and go with the Za family to the post house to pay homage to Eunuch Qian. The Za family can still be a great person and not remember the faults of a villain. , I will help you to beg for mercy in front of Eunuch Qian. Otherwise, today, that surnamed Liu, will be your tomorrow!"

Xiao Congzi was carried by Liu Dadao, raised his head vigorously, and threatened Zhu Ping'an at the top of his lungs, his face distorted.


Zhu Ping'an was furious. Without saying a word, he ordered thirty skilled government servants including Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang, and Liu Dachui on the spot. They brought all the fire sticks, ropes, shackles and other things, and went to the post house with murderous intent.

Xiao Congzi and the other three people who were thrown outside the county government watched as Zhu Pingan led more than thirty government officials to the post house with murderous intent. Suddenly, they felt that something was wrong. Zhu Ping'an didn't look like he was going to see Eunuch Qian. He was clearly coming with bad intentions. They wanted to go to the post house in advance to report the news to Eunuch Qian and others, so that Eunuch Qian and others could be prepared. , but they had only been beaten thirty times, and their legs were torn apart. When Liu Dadao and others threw them out of the county government office, they made another mistake and deliberately slapped them on the ground with their wounds facing down. It was difficult for them to stand now, let alone After leaving, I could only watch helplessly as Zhu Pingan led his men to the post house with murderous intent.

On the way, Zhu Ping'an ordered a yamen servant to ask a doctor who was good at treating trauma to go to the post house, and told the yamen servant to be sure to ask the doctor to bring Jinshen medicine and other healing medicines with him so that he could treat Liu Dianli's injuries more conveniently.

When Zhu Ping'an and his entourage rushed to the post house, inside the post house, Mr. Qian was sitting on a chair shaped like a human body as the eunuch knelt down, looking like a big boss, looking at Old Man Liu who was being pinned to the ground by several people.

Old man Liu was in a state of embarrassment, with disheveled hair and traces of kicks and punches on his body. He was held down by several people and struggled on his own. He glared at Eunuch Qian and Zhang Xian Cheng, Li Dianshi and others next to Eunuch Qian.

"Zhajia asks you again, do you want to sell these pearls or not?" Eunuch Qian pinched the orchid finger, took the tea from a young eunuch, and while scratching the tea cup, he asked Old Man Liu in an effeminate manner.

Eunuch Qian's tone was very unkind, and his eyes were cold, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

"I won't sell it! I won't sell it even if I die! This pearl was passed down from my ancestors. It is an heirloom passed down from generation to generation of my Liu family. It is the root of my Liu family. It entrusts the seven generations of my Liu family's ancestors to the descendants of my Liu family. Thanks to the protection of grace, although I, Liu Qi, am unworthy, I cannot let the heirloom of my Liu family be cut off in my hands."

Old man Liu raised his head and replied firmly.

"Old man Liu, Eunuch Qian is the emperor's messenger who buys gold, treasures and pearls in the name of the Holy One. He buys your pearls for the Holy One. It was the smoke coming out of the ancestral grave of your old Liu family, and it was the seven generations of your Liu family's ancestors praying to gods and Buddhas in the underworld. Let you encounter such a good thing that honors your ancestors. Don't bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know what is good and what is evil."

Zhang Xian Cheng took a step forward, stood in front of Old Man Liu, and spoke condescendingly to Old Man Liu.

"Don't sell it! The ancestors have a saying: The pearl era has been passed down from generation to generation, and the Liu family has lasted for thousands of years." Old man Liu shook his head firmly.

Hearing this, Eunuch Qian had a terrible stench on his face. He glanced at Zhang Xiancheng displeasedly and snorted coldly.

"Zhang Xian Cheng! Please continue to 'persuade' him." Eunuch Qian pinched his orchid finger and said meaningfully.

"Yes, father-in-law, don't worry."

Zhang Xian Cheng bowed and replied, turning his head and winking at Li Dianshi.

"Damn it, you old guy doesn't know what's good and what's good!"

Li Dianshi couldn't stand it anymore. After receiving the hint from Eunuch Qian and Zhang Xiancheng, he immediately stepped forward and kicked Old Liu to the ground. He led several people to punch and kick Old Liu, and used "physical" persuasion. .

After some physical persuasion, Li Dianshi pulled Old Man Liu up and asked fiercely, "Old man, I ask you again, do you want to sell it or not?!"

"I won't sell it, I won't sell it, and I won't sell it even if I die!" Although Old Man Liu was old, his bones were very strong. Even though he was punched and kicked, he still insisted not to sell it.

Li Dianshi originally wanted to show off in front of Eunuch Qian and his brother-in-law, but he didn't expect Old Man Liu to be so stubborn. He couldn't help but become furious and said to Old Man Liu fiercely, "Damn it, then you just die!"

"I don't believe that your mouth is harder than your bones!" Li Dianshi said fiercely, wanting to be cruel to Old Man Liu, and use his skills of beating him in the cell to his advantage.

"Why bother?"

Master Yao closed the folding fan and said with a smile.

"Master Yao, what's your clever move?" Li Dianshi and Zhang Xiancheng couldn't help asking curiously, and Eunuch Qian also looked at Master Yao curiously.

Noticing Eunuch Qian's gaze, Master Yao's smile grew wider. This was his purpose. He immediately said to Li Dianshi and others confidently, "What's the problem? Go get pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

As a resting inn for officials, the post house naturally needs pen, ink, paper and inkstones, and soon a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstones were delivered.

Master Yao took a writing brush, dipped it in ink, and wrote on the top of the rice paper: Pearl Sales Contract.

"Pearl sales contract?!" Zhang Xiancheng thought, and then suddenly realized.

Master Yao nodded, and then wrote: Liu Qi, the person who made the contract, lives in Jingnan County. Now he has a pearl, which is round in shape and weighs about three coins. Because his family needs silver, he voluntarily sold this pearl to Qianxu. Price.

When it came time to write down the price, Master Yao looked up at Eunuch Qian, bowed and asked for instructions, "Eunuch Qian, what do you think is the appropriate price for this pearl?"

"Trading requires genuine goods. Although this pearl is of decent size, it is hundreds of years old and has lost its vitality. It has been touched and touched by them, and it has been contaminated with the unclean atmosphere of the world. However, the Zajia considers his age. Now, let him take advantage and take care of him, and the Za family will pay a high price of one tael of silver for his pearls." Eunuch Qian pinched the orchid finger and said as if he was taking care of Old Man Liu.

"Eunuch Qian is really generous and considerate of the people." Master Yao heard this and complimented Eunuch Qian repeatedly.

"No matter where you are, the Za family is just kind-hearted and there is nothing they can do about it." Eunuch Qian waved his hand modestly.

The two sang together.

"What?! One tael of silver?! Why don't you go and grab it!" Old Man Liu spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard this.

No, they are robbing you!

A businessman once offered this ancestral pearl one hundred and fifty taels of silver, but I was not willing to sell it!

Would you like to bid one or two? ! You even claim to have high prices? ! You said you were taking care of me? !

What a damn robber!

Old Man Liu was heartbroken, struggled repeatedly, and shook his head vigorously, "No, I won't sell, no matter how much money you pay!"

But there was no chance for Old Man Liu to refuse. After Master Yao finished writing the two contracts, Li Dianshi grabbed Old Man Liu's hand, smeared some blood on Old Man Liu's face, and pressed his fingerprints hard on the two contracts. .

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