Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1208 Thief, how dare you

"Everyone is very happy when everything is clear. Congratulations, Eunuch Qian, for purchasing such a pearl for the Holy One."

Master Yao stuffed a contract and a tael of silver into Old Man Liu's arms, then bowed and walked to Eunuch Qian, respectfully handed the other contract to Eunuch Qian with both hands, and flattered him.

"Congratulations, Eunuch Qian, for getting your wish." Zhang Xiancheng, Li Dianshi and a group of subordinate officials followed suit and complimented him.

"Haha, great kindness. You are determined, and everything you have done will not be forgotten by the Zajia family."

Eunuch Qian handed the contract to the little eunuch beside him and put it away, and said to Zhang County Cheng and others with a smile on his face.

For a time, the post house was filled with laughter and laughter. Of course, except Old Man Liu. Old man Liu was forcibly bought and sold his family heirloom. Tears were streaming down his face. He beat his chest and said, "You can't do this. I won't sell it. I won't sell it."

Naturally, no one paid attention to Old Man Liu.

"Master Zhu, why haven't you come yet? Eunuch Cong has been gone for so long. According to his footsteps, he should have arrived a long time ago."

In the midst of the joy, Chief Yao pinched his fingers and muttered to himself in front of Eunuch Qian, intentionally or unintentionally.

After getting the pearl, Eunuch Qian was very happy, but when he heard Zhu Pingan's name, he became unhappy again. This Zhu Pingan really treated me so lightly, even if he didn't drink the wine as a penalty.

"Not to mention that he didn't go to the city gate to greet Eunuch Qian. Now that Eunuch Cong has specially gone to invite him, he won't still come, right?! He, Zhu Ping'an, is too arrogant. He doesn't even give Eunuch Qian face. .”

"We really want to express our grievances for Eunuch Qian."

A group of petty officials added fuel to the fire.

After listening to the people's words that fanned the flames, Eunuch Qian's mood became even worse.

Just when everyone was slandering Zhu Pingan, there was a sound of footsteps outside the post house, and then Zhu Pingan's figure appeared at the door, followed closely by more than 30 government officials including Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui.

"Ah, Zhu Pingan!"

"Zhu Pingan is here!"

A group of subordinate officials shouted.

After listening to the words of the subordinate officials, Eunuch Qian raised his head and looked at the door, knowing that the man wearing the uniform of the magistrate was Zhu Pingan.

"Master Zhu, why are you here? Eunuch Qian has been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Zhu Pingan showed up, Zhang Xiancheng stepped forward, stood beside Eunuch Qian, and asked the question first.

"Mr. Zhu, you must be too arrogant. You have to ask Eunuch Qian to send people to invite you again and again, so you can show your respect."

A group of subordinate officials supported and accused Zhu Pingan. They felt that their father-in-law Qian was making the decision for them, and they were not afraid of Zhu Pingan at all.

"Zhu Pingan, where is the county magistrate that the Zajia wants?! Send it to the Zajia quickly."

Eunuch Qian was sitting on the chair where the little eunuch was kneeling, holding an orchid and pointing at Zhu Ping'an in the distance, gesticulating like a boss.

The next second, they were all stunned, watching Zhu Ping'an pass in front of them without even bothering to hang on them.

Zhu Ping'an actually turned a blind eye to them and turned a deaf ear.

Eunuch Qian and others were turned to stone.

Zhu Ping'an didn't bother them at all, as if they didn't exist. As soon as he entered the post house, he went straight to Liu Dianli who was hanging on the tree. Seeing Liu Dianli in a mess, with rags stuffed in his mouth and bruises all over his body, Zhu Ping'an and his party became angry.

"Quickly untie Liu Dianli. Doctor, hurry up and treat Liu Dianli's injuries." Zhu Ping'an suppressed his anger and commanded.

Liu Dadao and others stepped forward in response, carefully supported Liu Dianli, untied Liu Dianli, and removed the rag from his mouth.

"The county magistrate is humble and incompetent in his position. He failed to take good care of the post house. Someone broke into the post house." Liu Dianli held up his body and said with cupped hands.

"Liu Dianli, you did a good job. Quickly, lie down and let the doctor look at your injuries. Leave the rest to me."

Zhu Pingan stepped forward to support Liu Dianli, patted his shoulder, and encouraged him with concern, asking him to lie down peacefully.

"Zhu! Ping! An!"

The handkerchief in Eunuch Qian's hand was almost broken. He gritted his teeth and looked at Zhu Ping'an, his face ashen.

"Master Zhu, what are you doing?! Eunuch Qian is here. Why don't you pay your respects to Eunuch Qian quickly?"

Zhang Xiancheng shouted to Zhu Pingan.

"Our county magistrate is so proud that he doesn't even take Eunuch Qian seriously."

Naturally, the dismissed subordinates would not miss this opportunity and fanned the flames in front of Eunuch Qian again.

Zhu Ping'an still ignored them and watched with concern as the doctor examined Liu Dianli's body and wounds.

"Doctor, how is Liu Dianli's injury?" Zhu Pingan asked the doctor with concern.

"Go back to the county. Liu Dianli's injuries look serious. Fortunately, after I checked, I found that Liu Dianli's injuries were all skin injuries and did not damage the muscles and bones. He can recover as before after ten days and a half."

After the doctor checked, he replied to Zhu Ping'an.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. Then he turned his attention to Eunuch Qian and others who had been barking like dogs for a long time.

"Zhu Qingtian, please ask Mr. Qingtian to make the decision for me. They bought and sold my ancestral pearl. That pearl is an heirloom of my Liu family. If I didn't sell it, they beat me several times first. Then he grabbed the old man's hand, and with the blood on his face, forced him to put his fingerprints on the contract they had drawn up. A businessman once offered me one hundred and fifty taels of silver for my ancestral pearl. I didn't sell my son, but they only gave me one tael of silver. This is the contract they drafted, and the one tael of silver. I ask the magistrate of the county to make the decision for me, and help me take back the ancestral pearls."

Old Man Liu took advantage of the fact that Eunuch Qian and others had no time to pay attention to him, so he knelt on the ground, crawled all the way over, and lay down in front of Zhu Pingan. He cried loudly and presented the contract and a tael of silver, begging Zhu Pingan to make the decision for him.

Although Zhu Ping'an took office in Jingnan not long ago, since he took office, he has owed money to the people, cleverly solved mysterious cases, divinely solved cases, slept on the city wall and vowed to live and die with Jingnan, fought bloody battles with Japanese pirates, miraculously saved Jingnan, and regained peace among the people in Jingnan. He has a great reputation and is known as Zhu Qingtian and Zhu's parents, so Old Man Liu was so excited when he saw Zhu Pingan that he called Zhu Qingtian and asked Zhu Pingan to make the decision for him.

"Old man, please get up. I will make the decision for you."

Zhu Pingan took the contract and one tael of silver presented by Old Man Liu, held Old Man Liu up with both hands, and helped Old Man Liu up.

After Zhu Pingan settled Old Man Liu, he opened the contract. The bloody handprint on the contract was extremely eye-catching. After reading the content of the contract, Zhu Pingan knew that this matter was a typical case of forced purchase and sale as Old Man Liu said.

"Zhu Pingan! You are going too far!"

At this time, Eunuch Qian couldn't bear it any longer. He stretched out his orchid finger and pointed at Zhu Ping'an, trembling with anger.

"Eunuch Qian, calm down, Eunuch Qian, calm down, Zhu Pingan, why don't you come and see Eunuch Qian soon!" Zhang Xian Cheng and others accused Zhu Pingan one after another. They didn't even call him "sir" and directly called Zhu Pingan by his name.

Finally, after their attacks, Eunuch Qian saw Zhu Pingan finally looking at him, and was about to scold Zhu Pingan again.

But Zhu Pingan pointed at them and shouted, "Come here, tie up that villain!"

ah? !

ha? !

douchebag? ! I? !

Eunuch Qian followed Zhu Ping'an's fingers and gaze and pointed at himself in disbelief. He suddenly trembled with anger and cursed angrily like an explosion on the spot, "How dare you, thief!"

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