Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1209 Palm

Eunuch Qian didn't expect that the first thing Zhu Pingan said to him was, "Come here, tie up that villain!"

Not only that, but it was very rude to point at his nose and say it. Ever since he left the capital, no matter where he went or whoever he met, he was always complimented. How had he ever been treated like this before? In the eyes of Eunuch Qian, this is a great shame and humiliation.

Therefore, Eunuch Qian was so angry that he was shaking all over, he was so angry that he exploded on the spot, and he was so angry that he was furious.

"Zhu Ping'an, please don't be rude. This is Eunuch Qian in the palace." When Zhang Xiancheng and others heard that Zhu Ping'an had ordered Eunuch Qian to be tied up, they were all shocked and couldn't stop for a long time. God came to their senses, it was not until Eunuch Qian started hysterically scolding Zhu Pingan and his traitor An Gan that they came to their senses and shouted loudly to Zhu Pingan again and again.

"Tie them up!"

Zhu Pingan turned a deaf ear to the shouts of Eunuch Qian and others.

After the Jingnan Defense War, Zhu Pingan had already established absolute prestige among the government officials, just like the general's prestige in the hearts of soldiers. When Zhu Pingan gave an order, the government officials executed it without hesitation. Under the leadership of the general, they all pounced on Eunuch Qian like wolves and tigers.

Eunuch Qian never expected that Zhu Ping'an would actually dare to come. When he saw the government officials rushing towards him like wolves and tigers, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and shouted, "Escort, escort, protect the miscellaneous family quickly! "

When he came, he brought four guards with swords. He asked his godfather Chen Hong to equip him with them. They were all masters and specially designed to protect him.

After Eunuch Qian shouted, four guards with swords stepped forward and stood in front of Eunuch Qian to protect him.

These four guards were indeed very skilled, but Liu Dadao, Liu Dachui and others were not vegetarians either. In addition, there were more than 20 brothers behind them. With the strength of their numbers, they quickly subdued the four guards.

After the four guards were subdued, Eunuch Qian was like a little white rabbit cornered by a pack of wolves.

Struggle, intimidation, hysterical threats. Then he was subdued without any suspense and tied up. Zhang Xiancheng and others tried to rescue Eunuch Qian, but in front of thirty government officials who had experienced bloody battles, they were like a mantis using their arms as a cart, useless and even a bit ridiculous.

"Zhu Ping'an, the Zajia are on errands for the Holy Emperor to purchase gold, treasures and pearls. You dare to arrest the Zajia and delay the emperor's mission. You have several heads that are not enough to cut off. If you are wise, let the Zajia go quickly and give the Zajia another blow. Come on, the Zajia family can pretend that nothing happened." Eunuch Qian was tied up, jumping high and struggling, while screaming at Zhu Ping'an angrily and hoarsely.

"Yes, Zhu Pingan, Eunuch Qian is the emperor's messenger. You can't afford to suffer if you delay the emperor's errand."

Zhang Xiancheng and others also hurriedly shouted, Eunuch Qian was their life-saving straw, how could they not be nervous.

"Oh, you are a scoundrel who dares to pretend to be the emperor's envoy. You are so courageous. The emperor has great talents, knows people well, cares about the people, and loves the people like his own son. Naturally, the emperor's emissary sent by the emperor must be impartial, do no wrong, and be considerate. How could the people, like you, force their way into the posthouse, beat up the county officials, and seize the people's heirlooms?! Not only are you a scoundrel with many evil deeds, but you dare to use the banner of the Holy One, you are really guilty! I slapped my mouth hard to see if this villain still dares to talk nonsense and pretend to be the emperor's envoy!"

Zhu Ping'an raised the corners of his lips slightly and sneered. He did not acknowledge Eunuch Qian's identity at all and ordered in a stern voice.

"How dare you, thief?!" When Eunuch Qian heard this, he was sweating profusely and shouted at Zhu Ping'an with a stern expression.

As soon as Eunuch Qian finished speaking, he saw a bamboo board enlarged in his sight, and then with a "snap", it came into close contact with his mouth. In an instant, severe pain hit him, and the smell of blood emerged.

Snap, snap, snap, the bamboo board opened its bow from left to right, and slapped Eunuch Qian ten times in a row.

Eunuch Qian was crying like a ghost and howling like a wolf. His mouth was swollen and full of blood.

When Zhang Xiancheng saw this scene, his vision suddenly went dark, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

When the subordinate officials who were dismissed saw this scene, their mouths were open and their hearts were filled with chills.

It's broken, it's broken, Zhu Ping'an is so aggressive, he's just like a mad dog, biting whoever he catches!

Eunuch Qian was their life-saving straw. They originally wanted to use Eunuch Qian to pressure Zhu Pingan and make Zhu Pingan submit. However, he never expected that the outcome would be like this. The enemy and us had just come into contact, and their coach He was captured alive, trampled and rubbed under his feet.

At the door of the post house, Xiao Congzi and two subordinates arrived at the door in a carriage with bruises all over their buttocks, gritting their teeth and enduring the pain. They paid a lot of money to hire a carriage at the gate of the county government office and rushed them to the post house. They wanted to inform Eunuch Qian, but Zhu Ping'an's arrival was unkind and asked Eunuch Qian to be prepared.

"Eunuch Qian, something bad happened...?!"

Xiao Congzi and two subordinates supported each other and walked into the post house. Just as they were about to report, they saw Eunuch Qian being slapped.

Oh my God. Suddenly, Xiao Congzi's vision went dark, and he fainted to the ground in fear.

After Eunuch Qian was beaten, his mouth was full of blood. He looked like a madman. He gnashed his teeth and shouted hysterically at Zhu Pingan, "Zhu Pingan, how dare you humiliate me like this! My godfather is the royal horse supervisor. Grand Eunuch Chen Hong, Eunuch Chen, you dare to hit me, I think you are too ambitious! When I go back and report to my godfather, I will definitely ask you to move away! Let me go now, and kowtow ten times to me. Ring your head, let me slap you thirty times, and I might consider sparing you!"

"Eunuch Chen Hong, Grand Eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor, I have also heard of Eunuch Chen's name." Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his lips and said lightly.

"You know you're afraid, why don't you let the Zajia go!" Upon hearing this, Eunuch Qian raised his neck high.

"Eunuch Chen is famous for being law-abiding, conscientious in his duties, gentle, and never oversteps his authority, let alone bullying others. Well, the godson he chose must be as good as his character. How can he be a bully like you? You are a tyrannical and tyrannical villain! Just now you pretended to be the emperor's official, and now you are pretending to be Eunuch Chen's godson. It seems that the slap just now has no effect. You still dare to talk nonsense! Come on, slap me again, I Let’s see if he still dares to pretend casually and deceive me!”

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth, revealed a sneer, and ordered the slap again.

"Zhu Pingan, how dare you?!"

When Eunuch Qian heard this, he trembled all over and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Bamboo boards are back!

Bang bang bang, there were ten big mouths again. Not only was Eunuch Qian’s mouth full of blood this time, he even had one of his teeth knocked out.

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