Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1214 The holiday between Chen Hong and Zhu Pingan

"Godfather, let's forget it then?" Eunuch Qian was so scolded by Chen Hong that he lost all hope and his face looked haggard.

His answer was another slap in the face.

"Trash! You don't even dare to have the desire for revenge. You are not worthy of being the adopted son of the Za family!" Chen Hong cursed because he hated the iron.

That means going back for revenge! Eunuch Qian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he expressed his position through gritted teeth, "Godfather, I have never dreamed of settling a score with Zhu Pingan. I want to repay the pain and humiliation I received from Zhu Pingan a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times." Zhu Pingan, I want to make Zhu Pingan unable to live and die!

"Jie Jie, you're still a bit bear-like." Chen Hong Jie Jie smiled and finally did not slap Eunuch Qian again.

"Godfather, although the child was beaten sixty times by Zhu Pingan, the child can still charge into the battle for his godfather with a crutch. Godfather, please give the order, where should we start to deal with this damn Zhu Pingan?!"

Qianxu was praised, and his spirit suddenly glowed. He straightened up while holding on to the pillar, and took the initiative to ask for orders.


He responded with another slap in the face!

"I'm just complimenting you, but you don't know anything about east, west, north, south! Zhu Ping'an has just made great achievements now. I guess the official reward documents are on the way. It's the time when he is in the limelight. At this time, you charge into the battle!? I don't think your butt was spanked. Instead of being hit with a board, his head was hit with a board?! He didn’t even think about it, is now the time for revenge?! A gentleman takes revenge, and it’s never too late in ten years! Ten years to the east of Hedong, ten years to the west of Hexi! He offended Prime Minister Yan , standing opposite King Jing again, there will be times when he is unlucky, and if you wait for him to fall into a trap, you will get twice the result with half the effort!" Chen Hong said sarcastically after giving him a modest slap.

"My godfather taught me a lesson! It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. My eyes will always be on him. When he falls into the well, I will make his head bleed and his brains will be smashed out." !”

Qianxu crawled at Chen Hong's feet like a dog and said through gritted teeth, his hatred for Zhu Pingan beyond words.

"Get up." Chen Hong patted Qianxu's head and nodded slowly, "In the future, you must use your brain when doing things."

"Yes, the child will definitely keep his godfather's teachings in mind." He nodded modestly and vigorously.

After he left humbly, Chen Hong walked slowly in the room with his hands behind his back, the expression on his face became more and more gloomy, "Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan, we all come from poor families. It's a pity that we had the opportunity to join hands. It's a pity that you are so unlucky." You know the current affairs! You actually gave advice to that brat Feng Bao! You ruined the good things of the Za family!"

Closing his eyes, Chen Hong's thoughts couldn't help but drift to the past.

That was when I was a child. My family was in a village in Lingnan. The village was very poor, and my family was even poorer. It was famous in the village. As long as I can remember, I have never had enough to eat. I have worked very hard. Ever since I was sensible, I have cut wood and fetched water. I have also stolen chickens and dogs in the nearby villages from time to time, and went to the town to cheat and kidnap. I was beaten on the head. Even though he was bleeding, he still kept working hard, but he became poorer and poorer as time went by. Until he was twenty, his family's situation had not improved at all, and he was still the poorest in the village. People of the same age as me have long since married and started a business, with three children, and the older ones are already drinking. But I am still a bachelor. I knelt down and knelt down and finally begged the matchmaker to secure a match. It was only the next day that I was found out. The other party in the situation came to the door on the spot and even called off the engagement in shame and humiliation, and he became the laughing stock of the village.

Not willing to give in!


It is better to bully a white-bearded man than to bully a young man who is poor. One day, the dragon will wear the phoenix. I don’t believe that my pants will wear holes in my life!

I, Chen Hong, was born between heaven and earth, and my life should not be like this! That can’t be the case! I want to climb up, I want to get ahead! I want to become a master! I will make those who laugh at me, humiliate me, and look down on me pay the price with blood! I will take revenge on them, take revenge on them severely!

I want to rise up! I want to change my destiny!

After the engagement was annulled, I stayed at home for three whole days without eating, drinking or sleeping, thinking hard about the road to success! The road to the imperial examination is not possible because I am illiterate; the road to business is not possible because I have no capital; the road to the army is not possible because I have no martial arts skills and no connections. Furthermore, the northern barbarians are ferocious and the Japanese pirates are cruel. , my thin body can only become cannon fodder!

Three hundred and sixty lines, is there no way for Chen Hong to rise? !

My marriage has been called off, so what's the use of my second child! Might as well... Hey, yes, I can be castrated and enter the palace!

There is no such thing as a perfect path, and I finally thought of such a path to rise, a path to great success!

That’s it! I want to become a powerful eunuch like the Three Treasures Eunuch, and I want everyone in the world to look up at me!

However, it is not easy to be castrated and enter the palace. Upon inquiry, the court has already stipulated that anyone who voluntarily castrates to become a eunuch must obtain the approval of the official uniform in advance. The condition for approval by the government is that if a family has more than four children and is willing to castrate one of them into the palace, they must register with the government in advance as a candidate. Anyone who castrates privately will be severely punished once discovered!

Fortunately, this law is not strictly enforced, and the government mostly turns a blind eye to self-castration.

However, castration is not simple, it is a professional craft. After asking around, I found that only the "Yidao King" in Fucheng in Lingnan has the best skills and the highest success rate and survival rate. However, the fee is also expensive, costing at least ten taels of silver. Other cheaper craftsmen also charge at least seven taels of silver. However, let alone seven taels of silver, I don’t even have one tael of silver!

No money! No money can stop me from entering the palace! If I don’t have money to castrate, then I will castrate myself.

It was a dusk. I brought a knife and entered the back mountain resolutely. That dusk was bloody, that dusk was severe pain, that dusk lasted for three days, and I only woke up on the third night!

I am very excited, I succeeded!

I begged all the way to the capital! Unexpectedly, it would be even harder to enter the palace. With no connections or connections, he could not enter the palace at all. He had been begging and wandering in the capital for two years, and finally he was recommended to the palace by an old eunuch who poured night fragrance.

After entering the palace, I realized how naive my original idea was. There were too many eunuchs in the palace, like crucian carp crossing a river. The competition among the eunuchs was so fierce that it was as difficult as climbing to heaven to become a powerful eunuch!

After entering the palace, I have been cleaning chamber pots and toilet bowls for ten years. For ten years, I have been with chamber pots and toilet bowls all day long!

Not only was he looked down upon by officials in the outer court, he was also ostracized and despised among the eunuchs! A man in his twenties who castrated himself and entered the palace was embarrassed, his wounds were so rough that they couldn’t be seen on the stage, he who poured chamber pots was full of stench, and he was a poor, illiterate and lowly dog. He was looked down upon and looked down upon in the palace. The humiliation was countless. I don’t know how many nights I cried silently in the dark, gritting my teeth and holding on until dawn.

Don't give up any opportunity!

Finally, ten years later, he became the chamber pot supervisor. Five years later, he entered the Royal Horse Prison and became the middle-level supervisor of the Royal Horse Prison.

Three years ago, I got an opportunity to enter the inner study hall to learn literacy. He did not hesitate to be ridiculed, so he gave up his position as a middle-level eunuch in the Royal Horse Prison, entered school at the age of over forty, and was sandwiched among a group of teenage eunuchs to learn literacy.

What a bunch of short-sighted idiots!

If you want to be a powerful traitor, you must be in charge of the Supervisor of Ceremonies. If you want to be the Supervisor of Ceremonies, you must enter the clerk's room. If you want to enter the clerk's room, you must enter the inner study hall! Entering the Nei Shutang is not only about literacy, but also about a background! A bloodline! The bloodline of a powerful traitor. With this background and bloodline, the journey of being a powerful traitor will get twice the result with half the effort.

Things went as smoothly as I thought. I successfully entered the clerk's room from the inner study hall, the Hanlin Academy of the inner court, the cradle of the ceremonial supervisor and eunuchs. Step by step, he calculated and got closer and closer to the Supervisor of Ceremonies. In his third year in the clerk's office, he met Feng Bao. This was a potential threat that had to be eliminated. It happened that he got news in advance that there was a good person. Opportunity can not only get rid of Feng Bao, but also use it as a stepping stone to enter the Chief Ceremony Supervisor. Therefore, as an elder, he approached him and plotted against him. When he was about to succeed, he never expected that Zhu Pingan would step in and give Feng Bao a good plan, which not only allowed Feng Bao to escape certain death. , and allowed Feng Bao to successfully gain a foothold in the harem. Not to mention being in the limelight, he also gained the favor and reliance of countless concubines, and even caught the eye of the emperor! A very useful impression!

Hateful, angry, annoying!

Although I also had opportunities later, when I was sorting out old discarded documents and files, I accidentally found the martial arts secret book of the Three Treasures Eunuch - Sunflower Book. I was proud to practice good kung fu, and risked my life to save the Holy Emperor from a burning cattery. The dragon and tiger general, the tabby fat cat, finally succeeded in being promoted to the eunuch of the royal horse supervisor!

However, every time I think about this, I can't help but gnash my teeth in hatred towards Zhu Ping'an!

Although the eunuch with the palm seal of the Royal Horse Supervisor is also very majestic, how can he compare with the eunuch with the palm seal of the Si Li Supervisor. Even the eunuchs and eunuchs in charge of the ceremonial department can take charge of the factory guards. This is a blow to the power of hundreds of civil and military officials in the world. Stamping their feet will make the entire Ming Dynasty tremble. This is the real power supervisor. One person is less than ten thousand people. .

Zhu Ping'an disrupted the Za family's plan. If he followed the Za family's plan to get rid of Feng Bao and join the Si Li Supervisor, he could also serve as the senior eunuch of the Si Li Supervisor. After three to five years, he would become the Si Li Supervisor and eunuch Bingbi. It is not difficult. In a few years, it will be a matter of course to become the eunuch of the Chief of Ceremonies.

This is the real power supervisor!

I have become the eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor, and it will be difficult to want to be the eunuch of the Supervisor of Ceremonies!

It’s all Zhu Pingan’s fault! It disrupted the Zajia family's opportunities and added an almost insurmountable stumbling block to the Zajia family's road to power and supervision!

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