Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1215 Innocent and Cute

After autumn, the capital becomes cooler day by day, and people on the streets wear thicker clothes day by day.

In the early morning, the sun was rising, giving off a slight chill.

Li Shu, wearing a bright red cloak, followed by Qin'er and other girls, went to the courtyard of the old lady of Linhuai Marquis Mansion to say hello.

"Giggle, I'm not the protective animal that Brother Zhu said. Look how nervous you all are." Shu held up the hem of her skirt and crossed the sandalwood threshold. She couldn't help but giggle when she saw Qin'er and the other girls hurriedly and carefully guarding her.

"Miss, you are pregnant with twins, so of course you have to be extra careful. Also, my uncle told us several times before he left, asking us to take good care of the young lady. We are also listening to my uncle's words."

Qin'er replied with a smile.

"These two little naughty guys gave me a lot of trouble last night. They are just like Brother Zhu when he was a child. He is a foodie. You have to give them a supper in the middle of the night, otherwise they will not let you go." Li Shu said as he said. , while reaching out and touching his belly gently, his face was as gentle as water.

"Doctor Zhang said that a good appetite is a good thing, and the young master is strong." Qin'er said with a smile.

"Humph, Uncle Zhang is also suffering from old eyesight, and he was not diagnosed with twins until yesterday. If he had been diagnosed before Brother Zhu went to Jingnan, Brother Zhu would have been much happier." When Li Shu thought of the joy of being pregnant with twins, I couldn't share it with Zhu Pingan right away, so I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Dr. Zhang.

"That's right, yesterday Dr. Zhang was stroking his beard and boasting that no one else could diagnose twins at this time except him." Qin'er nodded and whispered to the lady about Dr. Zhang's fault.

As he spoke, he entered the courtyard of the old lady Linhuai Marquis.

"Blessings to Miss Fifth." When the girls in the old lady's yard saw Li Shu and his entourage walking into the yard, they all greeted Li Shu.

Zicuckoo, the eldest girl in the old lady's house, heard the sound and came out early, opened the curtain, and invited Li Shu in.

The old lady's house was very lively. The old lady was sitting in the middle, holding the naughty boy Rui Geer in her arms. The eldest aunt was sitting on the side, holding the little loli Niuniu. The third, fourth, sixth and other young ladies were surrounded by the old lady and The eldest aunt is surrounded by dresses of various colors, including pink, bright yellow, eggplant color, and so on.

"Gee, Fifth Sister is such a rare visitor. My younger sister thought that Fifth Sister wouldn't come to pay respects to our ancestors today."

The fifth lady disliked Li Shu the most. When she saw Li Shu coming to pay respects to her ancestors, she couldn't help laughing and taunting her, mocking Li Shu for being unfilial. She hadn't come to pay tribute to her ancestors for a long time.

"Sister has long wanted to come to pay respects to our ancestors, but Dr. Zhang insists on letting me stay in bed to rest. No, yesterday Dr. Zhang checked my pulse and said that my body is strong and I can walk around a little. Sister, today I came to pay my respects to our ancestors." Li Shu spat in her heart and replied with a smile on her face.

"Gee, my sister has long wanted to come and pay her respects to our ancestors. Today is the finale."

Miss Six held the embroidered handkerchief with her slender hands, covered her mouth with a giggle, and said to Li Shu reluctantly.

"It's these two little troublemakers who made me retch twice when I was getting ready to go out this morning. I had to change my clothes before going out." Li Shu touched her belly, which was not yet showing her pregnancy, and said brightly and charmingly. road.

Two little trick-or-treat bags

Isn't it just that the twins were damaged? What are you so proud of?

Miss Six couldn't help but grit her teeth, the handkerchief in her hand was almost crushed, and she had a look of envy on her face. Huh, God is really blind. Stinky Lao Wu is sarcastic and vicious. How could she be so lucky to be pregnant with twins?

"Quickly, bring a chair for Shu'er. Apart from our ancestors, Shu'er is the most valuable among us."

The eldest aunt smiled gently and directed the girl to move the chair.

"My ancestors are safe." Li Shu first stepped forward to greet the old lady, and then thanked her aunt with a smile.

Not long after Li Shu sat down and chatted with everyone for a few words, Miss Six couldn't stand the anger just now. Like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten, she came to the scene again and said in a tone of pity for Li Shu, "Oh! , it’s such a pity for fifth sister.”

"What's the pity for fifth sister?" Third Miss asked curiously.

"Don't you know, Third Sister? I also heard from Mrs. Wei Guogong. The palace has already spoken. The ladies are going to hold a Fangfei banquet in the palace. Please invite ladies who are in the fifth rank or above in Beijing to come to the palace to attend the banquet." The sixth lady looked regretful. He said, "The fifth sister was originally the fifth-rank Yiren imperial concubine, and she was invited to the palace to attend Fang Fei's banquet. Unfortunately, the fifth brother-in-law was demoted to the county magistrate, and the fifth elder sister was also demoted from the fifth-rank Yiren imperial concubine to the seventh-rank Anren. You said it’s a pity that Fifth Sister can’t attend the imperial banquet.”

Miss Six said it was a pity, but the pity expression on her face looked like happiness, and she couldn't hold back the curve of her mouth.

"Really?! Oh, giggle, that's right. The sixth sister's future mother-in-law has a cousin in the palace. She has the best information. What Mrs. Wei Guogong said, it must be true. Last time the queen asked for orders. How many years have passed since the madam came to the palace to attend the banquet. This year, the empress will finally invite the fifth-grade or above lady to the palace to attend the Fangfei banquet. This opportunity is too rare. In this way, it is indeed a pity for the fifth sister. "

The third lady chuckled, first made fun of the sixth lady, and then nodded and said to Li Shu.

"I hate it, future mother-in-law, what did the third sister say?" The sixth lady said coquettishly, but her red face shone like honey, and her coquettish words were sweet and sweet.

"Giggle, the sixth sister is shy." The third lady giggled, "I heard that Mr. Xu got a good score in the examination of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and he is very valued by the chief officer of the Ministry of Household Affairs. When Mr. Xu is promoted, his husband is honored and his wife is honored, sooner or later the sixth sister will I can also get a fifth-grade Yiren imperial wife, and then I can enter the palace to attend the ladies’ banquet.”

"I hate it. The more the third sister talks, the more nonsense she gets. They are talking about business. I feel sorry for the fifth sister."

Miss Six said she hated it, but in her heart she liked it so much that she was almost bubbling with pride.


Listening to Miss Six and the others talking angrily about Brother Zhu being demoted and his wife being demoted, Li Shu said it was a lie if she was not angry, but she still wanted to keep a smile on her face, "I'm pregnant, so it's better not to go to the palace." , lest these two little troublemakers be dishonest and make me retching again and offend the noble lady."

"Where's the big belly? Fifth sister is only three months old and she's not pregnant yet." Sixth sister blinked her eyes, innocent and cute.

Li Shu kept a smile on her face, and she wanted to send this "cute" sister to the execution ground.

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