Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1220 Autumn Harvest

The dividends of the anti-Japanese war have been paid out one after another.

Zhu Ping'an was promoted to the fifth rank of Sentinel Envoy Si Qianshi for his merit; Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang, Liu Dachui, Liu Daxe, and Liu Dagang were all awarded the lowest rank of military attache - Xiaoqi for their merit; The more than two thousand people in Jingnan who participated in the defense of the city also received generous silver rewards beyond their imagination.

Not long after Zhu Ping'an and the others returned to the county government office, they received an official document from the official department at full speed.

The officials were very efficient this time, and Zhang Xiancheng, Yao Zhushu, and Li Dianshi, who were "double-regulated", received their final punishment.

The Ministry of Official Affairs issued a document: Zhang County Prime Minister and Yao Chief Secretary reduced their posts to serve the people and will never use them; Li Dianshi was dismissed from the army and sent to Liaodong.

Of course, the corresponding punishment for the three of them is confiscation of their property.

"Big Sword, Big Hammer, and Big Gang, you will work in teams of two and lead teams to search the homes of Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao, and Li Dianshi respectively. In addition to leaving them with the necessary daily necessities, other properties, house deeds, , land deeds, etc. were all confiscated. Keep an eye on the people under your command, and during the process of confiscation, it is strictly forbidden to harass the female family members."

After Zhu Ping'an received the official document from the Ministry of Officials, he ordered Liu Dadao and Liu Mu to lead a team to confiscate the property of the three families.

When a tree falls, the monkeys scatter. If Zhang County Cheng and others are still in office, it will definitely be very difficult to confiscate their homes. However, at this time, they had been demoted from their posts to the people by the officials and had no power anymore. Liu Dadao and the others did not encounter any obstacles when they ransacked the house.

Zhang County Cheng's family is the richest. They have obtained a total of 280 taels of gold, 11,400 taels of silver, a full box of gold and silver jewelry, a cart of antiques, calligraphy and paintings, five street-facing shops, and more than 300 acres of fertile land. Not to mention a big house with three entrances and three exits. This net worth is so rich, he is worthy of being a local snake who has been entrenched and plundering Jingnan for decades!

Li Dianshi's net worth is about that of Zhang County Cheng. A total of 100 taels of gold, 6500 taels of silver, a box of gold and silver jewelry, and very few antiques, calligraphy and paintings were confiscated. It is estimated that Li Dianshi is a big boss and has no knowledge of antiques, calligraphy and paintings. I have a cold, but Li Dianshi has more land than Zhang Xiancheng, more than 600 acres.

Master Yao has the least wealth, but he also has one hundred taels of gold, three thousand taels of silver, one hundred acres of fertile land, and a collection of more than fifty calligraphy and paintings. Master Yao is very knowledgeable, and the calligraphy and paintings in his collection are all works by famous artists, and are of great value.

"They are all good people. They have solved my urgent need."

After Zhu Ping'an read the list of properties confiscated by Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

"Brother Mu, these house deeds, land deeds and their houses should be sold as soon as possible. Post a notice outside the county office and they can be sold at a discount of 80%, first come first served. Of course, if there is competition at the same time, the one with the highest price will get it. Yes." Zhu Ping'an explained to Liu Mu.

"Yes, young master." Liu Mu accepted the order with his fists clasped.

After the notice was posted, there were many people who were interested in buying fields, houses and land. They had just received the reward money and had plenty of money. During the farming era, they were very obsessed with their fields. After seeing the notices for selling fields and real estate, people came here after hearing the news. People who registered to buy fields, shops, and real estate almost trampled on the county government's threshold.

In less than a day, all the fields and shops of the three families were sold, and they received more than fifteen thousand taels of silver.

The big houses of the three of them, as well as famous calligraphy and paintings, antiques, treasures, etc. have not yet been sold for cash.

However, with tens of thousands of taels of silver in hand, Zhu Pingan was not in a hurry.

The Ministry of Personnel also sent word that the county seat, chief registrar, and historian of Jingnan County Government would be appointed along with the new county magistrate.

During this period, the Jingnan County Yaxian Cheng, Zhu Bo, and Dian Shi Hui remained vacant until the new county magistrate took office. The only person in the Jingnan County government leadership is Zhu Ping'an, the "Xing" county magistrate.

In fact, for Zhu Pingan, it makes no difference whether there is a county magistrate, a governor, or a dianshi. When Zhang Xiancheng and others were still in office, they did not cooperate with the work. They did not do anything serious and only hindered the administrative efficiency. Now without them, Zhu Pingan felt that the county government was running more smoothly.

When Li Dianshi was exiled from the army and left Jingnan County with his feet shackled, the autumn harvest also began.

In the early morning, the red sun rises, and the heavy rice bends to greet the rising sun, announcing its maturity.

Zhu Ping'an led a group of people from the Jingnan County Government to the rice fields in suburban villages about ten miles outside the county. Surrounded by elders and squires from eight villages ten miles away, the autumn harvest ceremony began.

The so-called Autumn Harvest Sacrifice is to offer sacrifices to the Earth Mother and the early farmers, praying for a smooth harvest and abundant grains, and to seek a good omen for the upcoming autumn harvest. The ancients who "emphasis on agriculture, mulberry, and plowing the fields" attached great importance to this, from the emperor to the common people. You can feel it from the songs sung by children wearing crotchless pants playing in the fields, "On February 2, the dragon raises its head, and the emperor plows the land. The minister drives the cattle, the queen of the palace comes to deliver the food, the minister throws away the seeds, the spring plows the summer and leads the world, the grain is abundant and the peace is peaceful in the autumn."

As the magistrate of Jingnan County, Zhu Ping'an had the responsibility to encourage farmers to cultivate mulberry trees, so he could only follow the local customs.

Today's autumn harvest festival is a small sacrifice to pray for a smooth harvest. After the autumn harvest is completed, there will be a main sacrifice for Sheji on the auspicious day of the month of Mengdong, which is the so-called "Spring Prayer for Autumn Retribution" and "Autumn Retribution" sacrifice.

"The auspicious time has come."

Liu Laotou, the official of the county government ceremony room, said that a few young people set off firecrackers on a small fire, and Zhu Pingan led everyone to start the autumn festival.

"The sky is above and the earth is below. Zhu Pingan, the magistrate of Jingnan, brought his elders to pay homage. Farming in China has a long history. The heaven and earth look up to the saint Shennong. Father, heaven and mother, grow grains and nourish all things. Today, I hope to pray for a smooth autumn harvest. Good harvest." Zhu Ping'an was at the head of the list and recited the sacrificial words.

After the ceremony, Zhu Ping'an led a group of officials from the county government to roll up their sleeves and trousers, went to the rice field, and harvested a bunch of rice. In the cheers of the people, the curtain of Jingnan's autumn harvest has begun.

"Thank you so much to the magistrate for letting me come home from prison to help my mother cut rice. My mother is older and has inconvenient legs and feet. If it had not been for the magistrate's kindness, my eight acres of rice fields would have rotted in the ground this year. , Many thanks to the county magistrate. I will definitely return to the prison on time after the autumn harvest."

When Zhu Pingan was inspecting the autumn harvest, a man who was harvesting rice ran to the field and knelt down to thank Zhu Pingan. His mother, who had difficulty with her legs and feet, also used crutches to kneel down and thank Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an had quick eyesight and quick hands. He helped the aunt up as soon as she made a move and encouraged them.

Such scenes happened many times when Zhu Pingan inspected the autumn harvest in villages around the country. Zhu Ping'an was also kind and encouraging.

There is food at home and there is no panic in the heart.

Seeing the autumn harvest going smoothly and the sincere smiles on the people's faces, Zhu Pingan, who had not had a good rest for several days, suddenly felt refreshed.

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