Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1221 Continuous autumn rain brings hidden dangers

"It's so good that the rain knows the season. Our rice was just returned to the warehouse, and God started to rain."

After the rice harvest, it started to rain lightly, and the people who had returned to the warehouse couldn't help but feel lucky.

The most feared thing about the autumn harvest is rain. When it rains, the rice in the field will spoil in the field before it can be harvested, resulting in a reduction in production. If the rice dried in the rain is exposed to rain, it will easily become moldy and rot, which is even more unlucky.

So people are thankful that it rains after the autumn harvest.

"Although this year's rice production is lower than in previous years, our county magistrate applied to the court for a tax reduction or exemption for us. The villages that were harmed by the Japanese pirates were exempted from taxes, and the villages that were not harmed by the Japanese pirates also had their taxes reduced by 30%. This year we, the common people, can finally have a good year."

"Yes, God is good, and so is the county magistrate. We finally have a good year. It's a pity that the county magistrate will be promoted and leave soon. I don't know if the next county magistrate will be as good as our county magistrate."

"Don't think about it, we will probably never meet a good magistrate like our magistrate again in this life. If nothing else, just allow prisoners to go home for autumn harvest. Which magistrate has such responsibility and courage?! As long as he takes office?! The county magistrate is 30% better than our county magistrate, and I can wake up from my dream with a smile."

The busy farming season is over and it’s raining again. With no other work to do, people sit at home chatting and sighing.

The prisoners who Zhu Ping'an had specially allowed to go home to participate in the autumn harvest all returned to the prison as promised after the autumn harvest, and no one was missing. The county magistrate loves the people like a son, and frees all the prisoners for autumn harvest; all the prisoners know how to repay their kindness and return to prison as promised. This story became an annual legend and an anecdote, which quickly spread from Jingnan to the outside world.

Zhu Ping'an is no longer the unknown person he was before. As the news spread, he became famous among the people.

It rained lightly, and although it wasn't heavy, it rained continuously for two days and two nights, with no intention of stopping.

People welcomed the continuous drizzle. Autumn has been harvested and the warehouse has returned. If you like, you can do it. You can just take the opportunity to hang out with the cat at home for a few days and have a good rest.

People were staying at home, conflicts and disputes were greatly reduced, and almost no one came to the county government to dispute lawsuits. In addition, it rained and it was impossible to go out. The planned repairs to the city walls and the construction of beacon towers could only be postponed. The county government The yamen felt much freer for a while.

"The choice of soldiers is still important, but it varies from time to time, so it is difficult to choose one. If the power of attracting people is in the early days of ignorance, just like the use of military force in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the selection method will be the same. Only now will the world be peaceful, and the people will forget it. War, confusion of carriages and writings, sudden changes."

Zhu Ping'an rarely had a lot of leisure time, so he began to search his memory, and wrote and restored the "New Book of Chronicles" and "Records of Military Training" that he had read in modern times. While writing and restoring, he pondered and researched, and understood the essence of them.

"New Book of Ji Xiao" and "Records of Military Training" are summaries of the military experience of the famous anti-Japanese general Qi Jiguang, which could not be more applicable to today's Ming Dynasty. This is the advantage that Zhu Pingan has hundreds of years of experience ahead of him. Now that Qi Jiguang is still serving as the commander of the Dengzhou Guard, it will take decades to summarize these two military classics, and Zhu Pingan can already learn these in advance. The nourishment of two military classics.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an devoted himself to military classics such as "New Book of Ji Xiao" and "Records of Military Training" during this period was because the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River were like the Sword of Damocles hanging over his head, and they would be there in the near future. It broke out in an all-round way and became more and more intense; secondly, because Zhu Ping'an was appointed as the prosecutor and inspector, Si Qianshi. Compared with the previous dynasty, the Ming Dynasty canceled the regiment training envoys and replaced them with the inspection envoys and military preparations. . When Zhu Ping'an received the promotion document, he heard from the official who submitted the document that there were four sub-inspection roads in Zhejiang including Hangyan Road, Ningshao Road, Jiahu Road, and Jinqu Road. Because he Jingnan's achievements in the anti-Japanese war were outstanding, and the superiors intended to let him take charge of the regiment training and grain collection affairs of a certain branch of the patrol as a prosecutor and inspector.

The incompetence of one general will exhaust the whole army. Now that he knows that after he takes office as the Provost and Inspector Si Qian, he will probably be divided into regiment training affairs, he must quickly enrich his military knowledge and improve his military command and other qualities. The great affairs of the country are the sacrifices and the military, and there is no small matter in the military, which must be done with ten thousand thoughts.

In fact, Zhu Pingan is looking forward to the separate group training.

Zhu Ping'an had previously sworn to eliminate all Japanese pirates in the Ming Dynasty and lead an army to whip the Japanese chiefs of the island country. Now that he has the opportunity to get involved in the military and fulfill his oath, Zhu Pingan must be fully prepared and firmly seize this opportunity.

When a Japanese plague comes, all life will be in ruins!

I can't bear it!

The long night is accompanied by the sound of rain. Zhu Ping'an continued to study until about three o'clock, then he turned off the lights and went to the bedroom to rest.

The light rain had been falling for five days. It was during lunch that Zhu Ping'an heard Hua'er mutter and suddenly realized that the continuous autumn rain had been falling for five days, and it basically didn't stop in the middle. Pass.

Zhu Ping'an suddenly thought of something, couldn't help but put down his chopsticks, walked quickly outside the door, and checked the rainfall in the yard.

"Uncle, uncle, this shrimp cake won't taste good if it's cold, and the shark's fin soup will taste better if you drink it while it's hot."

"Yeah, I almost forgot, uncle, it's still raining outside, so you need to hold an umbrella. You'll get wet from the rain and you'll get cold easily. If you feel unwell, and the lady knows about it, she will definitely scold the maid for not taking good care of you. My uncle’s.”

When Hua'er, the little maid of steamed buns, saw Zhu Pingan put down her chopsticks and went out without taking two bites, she couldn't help but say something with her little mouth. She hurriedly covered the dishes with bowls and plates to reduce the heat dissipation. Halfway through, she suddenly remembered that it was raining outside. My uncle just now It seemed that he had gone out without an umbrella. He suddenly jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and hurriedly opened the umbrella and went out to chase after him.

As soon as I went out, I saw my uncle in the yard, looking up at the sky and then looking down at the water in the yard, like a goose. Baozi's little maid Hua'er's cheeks suddenly became more bulging. It’s raining lightly, not chicken drumsticks. The food I cooked is delicious. The water in the yard is so beautiful. The paintings I made are so beautiful. I packed them up before I went out. , put on makeup, eyebrows, and lipstick. My uncle didn’t even take a good look at me.

The lady also asked me to warm my uncle's bed and feed him. But the bed was so warm that my uncle didn't even come.

The little maid Hua'er of Baozi thought about it more and more, but it didn't affect how fast her legs were running. She stood on tiptoe and raised the red oil-paper umbrella high to Zhu Pingan's head. She almost stretched the entire umbrella to Zhu Pingan's head. I got on and was soaked in the rain outside.

"The situation is not right." Zhu Ping'an frowned, as if saying to Hua'er, or talking to himself.

"Of course it's not right. My maid warms the bed every day, but my uncle doesn't come." Baozi's little maid Hua'er said it casually out of reflex. As soon as she said it, she realized something was wrong, and her little face was so embarrassed that she didn't want to do it. .

Oops, I'm so embarrassed, why did I say everything that was in my heart? But the lady just confessed.

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, was so embarrassed that her ears turned red.

"What, I mean the rain is wrong"

Zhu Ping'an casually flicked Hua'er's forehead, took the umbrella from Hua'er, straightened it up, and covered both of them under the umbrella.

This simple silly girl is too deeply poisoned by feudal ideas.

"Uncle, it hurts"

Hua'er covered her head and saw her uncle holding the umbrella above her head. Her eyes became blurred and her voice sounded like a cat.

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