Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1222 Are you trying to cheat?

"Uncle, the food really doesn't taste good when it's cold."

Hua'er held Zhu Pingan's arm and dragged him into the house, urging Zhu Pingan to have lunch.

When Zhu Ping'an was being dragged by Hua'er, his mind was still focused on the autumn rain outside. This continuous rain had been falling for five days and had no intention of stopping at all. Although the rain was not heavy, it could not endure for a long time. There is already stagnant water in the yard outside. In the next few days, it may become prone to waterlogging. If it lasts longer or if the rainfall is heavier, it is likely to cause floods.

In addition, Zhu Pingan is also worried about the fact that typhoons hit Jiangsu and Zhejiang every year, especially Zhejiang, which is the most frequent and the intensity of typhoons is relatively high. In my impression, among the strongest typhoons in the history of our country, the one that landed in Zhejiang seems to be Ranked among the top three. October is a typhoon-prone period.

Jingnan County is located near the sea. Zhu Ping'an had read the Jingnan County Chronicle before and found out that Jingnan has suffered a lot of typhoons.

The passage of typhoons is often accompanied by strong convective weather such as heavy rains or extremely heavy rains. One typhoon and another heavy rain are almost standard for typhoons passing through. If a typhoon does not bring a heavy rainstorm, it will be too embarrassed to go out.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens. It is already a continuous autumn rain. If a typhoon comes to join in the fun at this juncture, it will be a big trouble. The possibility of floods in Jingnan will greatly increase.

"We're in big trouble."

Thinking of this, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but murmur to himself.

ha? Big? Hua'er, who was holding Zhu Pingan's arm and dragging him, listened to Zhu Pingan's murmur and glanced down subconsciously. His baby's fat face instantly turned red as if it was bleeding, like a frightened stupid rabbit. Suddenly he let go of Zhu Pingan's arm, took a step back, crossed his arms across his chest, and looked at Zhu Pingan with a shy and angry look, his eyes were about to drip with water, and his voice was shy. Like a bone-gnawing, "Uncle, good or bad"

It seems that I need to warm the bed even more tonight, Hua'er thought to herself, lowering her head shyly.

I? Good or bad? !

What's wrong with me? ! I'm worried about flood hazards, okay? ! Is this also called bad? !

Zhu Ping'an was stunned for a moment, and after two seconds he saw the shy little appearance of Baozi's maid Hua'er before he realized what he was doing. You don’t have a brain, what are you thinking about? Am I as miserable as you think? !

In order to save time, Zhu Pingan was dragged to the dining table by Hua'er, and he wolfed down his lunch.

Hua'er on the side thought he had eaten a lot of the lunch he made, and his eyes were so happy that they turned into crescents.

"Hua'er, I'm going out on a trip to survey the water volume of the county's rivers. I may come back very late, so you don't have to wait for me to have dinner in the evening." After lunch, Zhu Pingan burped and said to Hua'er beside him.

"Uncle, it's raining outside. It's so dangerous to go to the river at this time. It would be nice to wait until the weather clears up." Hua'er said with a worried look on her face, and thoughtfully gave Zhu Ping'an a suggestion.

You stupid girl is really a talent.

Will we go again when the weather clears? ! The day lilies are cold.

Zhu Pingan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and flicked Hua'er's forehead. Hua'er covered her forehead and looked at Zhu Pingan aggrievedly.

"Uncle, you have to pay attention to safety. If the river slips, just watch it from a distance. If you really want to go, let Brother Dadao and the others go down."

Hua'er is a typical feudal girl, with a strong traditional idea of ​​​​the male being the outsider and the female being the inside. After a second, she forgot about being slapped on the forehead by Zhu Pingan. She took the raincoat and put it on Zhu Pingan, and turned around. The people in the circle helped Zhu Pingan arrange the coir raincoat properly, and also put his little feet on Zhu Pingan with a bamboo hat.

Liu DaDao and the others were sold cleanly.

"A sneeze."

Liu Dadao, who was on duty in the county government cell, suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose inexplicably.

"Haha, Brother Dao, I told you to wear more clothes when it gets cold. If you still don't believe me, drink some wine and warm yourself up." The Yamen servant next to him took the opportunity to pour a bowl of wine for Liu Dadao and smiled. said.

"Fart, we have strong bones. We can chase tigers and bears in a snow den on a snowy day." Liu Dadao patted his chest and said with a pinched neck.

They set up a table in the class room, with a few simple side dishes on it, including peanuts, cold bean sprouts, a steaming bowl of stewed tofu with cabbage, a large plate of water, and a jar of turbid wine.

Side dishes and wine, these are the benefits Zhu Ping'an gave to the county government prison cells. The wine is low-alcohol grain wine. Just one jar a day. You will never get drunk. If you drink too much, you will be punished. The cell is relatively cold, so drinking a little wine can effectively prevent occupational diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis. It didn't cost a lot of money, but it won the hearts of the people below.

Zhu Ping'an stretched out his arms and enjoyed Hua'er's help in dressing up in raincoat clothes.

Zhu Ping'an is not someone who opens his mouth with clothes on his hands, but he can't stand Hua'er's eyes. As long as she is around, if you don't ask her to serve you, it will be like bullying her. Zhu Ping'an has no choice but to learn to get used to Hua'er. of service.

Of course, these services are only basic. Zhu Ping'an insists on helping with dishes, washing feet, etc.

While enjoying Hua'er's service, Zhu Ping'an sniffed the faint fragrance coming from Hua'er. He couldn't help but twitch his lips. This damn feudal society was really an intoxicating era.

When Hua'er put his little feet on Zhu Pingan's hat, Zhu Pingan lowered his head and glanced at it accidentally.

No wonder this stupid girl misunderstood just now.

"Hua'er, I'm leaving. You don't have to wait for me for dinner."

After putting on his raincoat, Zhu Ping'an told Hua'er before leaving, lest this stupid girl wait for him to come back.

"Uncle, please come back early. It doesn't matter if it's a little later. You must be safe."

Hua'er waved her little hand at the door, looked at Zhu Pingan's back, and murmured in a low voice as if talking to herself.

After Zhu Pingan went out, he first went to the county government office to tell Zhang Tongsheng and Liu Fuzi that they were optimistic about the county government office. Then he went to the prison cell to call Liu Mu, and then called Liu Dadao, Liu Dachui and others from the cell and other places.

They are skilled, responsible, and accustomed to being by their side. Zhu Ping'an is used to taking them with him when he travels.

Liu Mu and others were all there. Zhu Pingan called them. They put on their raincoats and followed Zhu Pingan out without asking where they were going or what they were going to do. It wasn't until they left the county government office that Liu Mu and the others asked where they were going.

"It has been raining continuously for five days recently, and the amount of rainfall is quite heavy. I am a little worried. I will walk around the county first, and then go to the towns, rivers and reservoirs below to see if there is any waterlogging. Disaster hazard." Zhu Pingan said as he walked.

As expected of a young master, with a long-term vision and a sense of responsibility, Liu Mu and others immediately looked at Zhu Ping'an with admiration.

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