Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1223 Feelings

The soaring clouds are like smoke, and the dense rain is like loose threads.

Because of the continuous rain, there were few pedestrians on the main roads in the county. Many shops on both sides of the street were closed. Even the shops that were open were deserted. There were few pedestrians and the business was naturally deserted, as if they had been forgotten. At this time, the vast majority of people have their wives and children sitting on the hot bed, sleeping at home.

Suddenly, a group of seven people appeared on the street, which made the shopkeepers and clerks in business excited.

There had been no one on the street for more than half an hour, and now seven people suddenly appeared. How could they not be excited?

"My guest, my guest, please welcome me inside."

The waiter, who had been doing nothing for a long time, stood excitedly at the door of the restaurant and started shouting enthusiastically.

It doesn't matter whether pedestrians come to the store or not. What matters is that you don't want to take the blame, so that the shopkeeper can't put the blame for poor business on himself.

It has been raining for five days in a row. All the young and old men are staying at home and no one goes out. Naturally, the business in the store is not good. This is because God doesn't reward me with food, so what does it have to do with me? The shopkeeper also wants to take advantage of me. I just sat there for a while, and the shopkeeper gave me several looks.

Therefore, when he saw pedestrians on the street from a distance, a group of seven people, the store clerk hurriedly came out to show off.

What excited the store clerk was that when he shouted, the seven pedestrians actually rushed to their store.

"Please come in, sir. It's raining outside. Come into the store to take shelter from the rain and have a rest." The store clerk greeted excitedly.

After walking in, the store clerk saw clearly that the leader was a young man, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat. He smiled and nodded to himself. He shook off the rainwater from the raincoat and bamboo hat at the door before entering the store.

The young man walked into the shop, took off his bamboo hat, smiled slightly, and said to the waiter, "Brother, are there any pancakes in the shop? If so, bring us thirty pancakes and wrap them in waterproof oil paper. Oh. , By the way, if there are any lumps of pickles, give me half a catty, cut them into shreds, and wrap them all in oil paper."

Daming's pancakes are full of ingredients. Thirty pancakes are enough for seven people and two meals. Half a pound of shredded pickled vegetables is enough to accompany the pancake.

"Yes, yes, yes. Sir, please take a seat. Pancakes and shredded pickles will be delivered shortly." The shop assistant responded repeatedly.

When the waiter went to the back kitchen to prepare pancakes and shredded pickled vegetables, he felt that it was strange for this group of customers to order thirty pancakes and pickled vegetables, as if they were traveling far away.

It's raining outside now. Do you want to go on a long trip? !

The store clerk couldn't help but shook his head.

Because there was little business in the restaurant, the kitchen cook was very quick at making pancakes. The pancakes and shredded pickles were already ready while the group of seven waited for tea. Following the boy's instructions, he wrapped it in oil paper.

"One piece of pancakes is three cents, half a catty of shredded pickles is ten cents, and the sincerity is one hundred cents. Because the customer asked for a lot of pancakes, our store gave the guest two extra pancakes." The store clerk handed over the pancakes and shredded pickles. Gave it to the boy.

"Thank you." The young man smiled and cupped his hands, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve and handed it to the shop assistant.

"Thank you, sir. Come back after your meal."

After completing a business, the store clerk smiled like a flower. Now he no longer had to worry about being looked down upon by the shopkeeper.

With this in mind, the shop assistant glanced at the shopkeeper quietly, and was shocked to find that the shopkeeper was looking directly at him. His eyes were as excited as if he had finally seen something to eat after being hungry for three days, and his eyeballs were about to bulge. Out.

Isn't it just a penny? How could you be so blinded by money? This money-grubbing Zhou Papi!

The shop assistant was instantly speechless at the shopkeeper.

The next second, he saw the shopkeeper, who had not moved for a long time, running out from the counter at a speed that was incompatible with his fat body, and running straight towards him, with a look of excitement on his face.

Isn't it? ! The shopkeeper is also serious, can I still be greedy for this money? !

The store clerk was even more speechless.

The next second, the store clerk was shocked to find that the shopkeeper ran past him, without even looking at himself or the broken silver in his hand. He ran all the way and stopped in front of the young guest officer.

"County Lord, are you the County Lord?" the shopkeeper asked excitedly. When the young man first entered the door, he glanced at it without paying much attention. When the store clerk was collecting cash, he habitually stared at the store clerk's personal information. Zang, it doesn’t matter at this glance. He was shocked to find out how the young guest officer looked like the county magistrate. The more he looked at him, the more he looked like him.

I looked at the six people behind me again and recognized one of them at a glance. Wasn't that head catcher Liu Dadao? It was immediately confirmed that the young man was the county magistrate. The county magistrate came to my store to buy pancakes. How could the shopkeeper not be excited?

What? County honor? !

The shop clerk couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise, and turned to look at the young customer who had already walked to the door.

After being recognized, Zhu Ping'an did not deny it, but smiled and bowed his hand to the restaurant manager.

"You're such a money-grubbing fool, you even accept money from the county magistrate."

The shopkeeper turned around and scolded the clerk, snatched the broken silver with one hand and wanted to return it to Zhu Ping'an.

The shopkeeper who is so greedy for money that he wants to take away the grains of rice carried by passing ants doesn't even accept cash? ! Is this still the same Zhou Papi? !

The shop assistant opened his mouth in surprise, as if he didn't recognize the shopkeeper.

"Haha, is it okay for the shopkeeper to bribe in public?" Zhu Pingan refused and joked with a smile.

"Your Majesty, you saved all the people of Jingnan from the Japanese pirates, and you also prayed for our people and reduced the taxes. This is a little bit of my gratitude."

The shopkeeper explained.

"I'm just performing my duties." Zhu Pingan shook his head and insisted.

The shopkeeper tried several times, but failed in the end. He had no choice but to collect the money.

"My lord, it's still raining outside. Are you going on a long trip?" the shopkeeper asked curiously.

"It has been raining continuously in the past few days, and the rainfall is quite heavy. Our son is worried about the hidden dangers of water logging, so he took us to investigate rivers and reservoirs in the towns and villages below to check for hidden dangers." Liu Dadao replied for Zhu Ping'an.

When Zhu Ping'an and his entourage disappeared in the wind and rain, the shopkeeper stood at the door and sighed with emotion to the store clerk, "Did you see, this is our county magistrate. It's great that you can come to the store without being blown by the wind or wet by the rain. You still have Momo chirp. Look at our county magistrate, what a rich man he is. He just brought pancakes and pickles and went out in the rain to explore rivers and reservoirs and check for hidden dangers. What a hell he suffered."

The store clerk has been scolded by the shopkeeper too many times. This is the first time he has been scolded without any complaints in his heart.

Yes, it was raining heavily outside, and the county magistrate took pancakes and pickles with him and went to the wilderness to check the water conditions in the rain. Who could I complain about?

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