Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1224 Surveying water conditions

This restaurant is not far from the county government office. The last time his daughter-in-law was accused of being unfilial to her mother-in-law, Liu Dadao bought two bowls of longevity noodles from his house. After leaving the restaurant, Zhu Pingan led Liu Dadao and others to inspect the drainage ditches and water accumulation in the city in the rain.

Jingnan is an old county town with a history of hundreds of years since its founding. Although the project is not a rubbish project, the drainage ditches are also facing aging problems. The blue bricks and bluestone slabs used to lay the ditches are aging and severely damaged. The situation of the ditches being blocked by soil, vegetation and domestic garbage is not easy to be optimistic. Now only It just barely maintains the drainage function.

The current rainfall is still within the tolerance of the drainage ditches, and there is not much water accumulation in the county. Only some low-lying road sections have water accumulation. If rainfall increases, the ditches will no longer be able to carry out drainage tasks.

This is a hidden danger.

Zhu Ping'an kept this in mind, and then took Liu Mu and others to the east gate to check the drainage outlets out of the county.

The terrain of Jingnan County is generally higher in the west and lower in the east, so the drainage outlets of the county are concentrated at the east gate of the county. The drainage outlet is made of natural giant bluestones. It is in the shape of an inverted trapezoid and is divided into three layers. Each layer has 6 square water holes. Each water hole is about 50 centimeters long and 40 centimeters wide. The accumulated water in Jingnan County is collected from the west, drained out of the city through the east city gate, and poured into the Sanli River outside the city.

The drain outlet is also an antique. Fortunately, the giant bluestone is sturdy. Although it has gone through the baptism of time, it is still strong.

However, six of the eighteen drainage outlets are blocked by silt, vegetation, and garbage, and the drainage is not smooth enough.

"Sir, I'm coming, I'm coming."

Seeing that Zhu Pingan was about to wade into the water to clear the blockage, Liu Dao, Liu Dachui and others quickly rolled up their trouser legs and rushed into the water first. The water depth was just up to their knees. They waded to the drainage outlet and used wooden sticks to remove the blockage. Poke it out.

After clearing it, the drain outlet leaked like water.

After checking out Jingnan County, Zhu Ping'an and his party walked along the drainage ditch outside the city towards Sanli River.

Due to continuous rain, the water volume of Sanli River is much richer than usual.

Zhu Ping'an stood on the river embankment, looked around for a moment, and couldn't help but frowned. There were many questions.

First, the phenomenon of river beach occupation is serious. The fields on both sides of the river occupied the river beach and built fields around the river. The fields were like invaders, occupying the river beach and destroying the river beach to make it look ugly for better planting.

The second is the hidden danger of dams. In order to facilitate the diversion of water to irrigate the land, many holes were dug in the dam of Sanli River. Zhu Ping'an made a rough count and found that there were seventeen or eighteen holes in the length of about a mile.

At present, the water volume of Sanli River is not large, so these openings seem to have no impact. However, if the water reaches the river beach, these openings will become ant nests that burst the embankment, and floods will drive straight in, swallowing up villages and county towns.

In addition, Zhu Ping'an also found that the embankment had traces of being excavated to take out soil. A good embankment had pits dug into it. Although the embankment was not dug through, the stability and solidity of the embankment were seriously damaged.

An ant nest can break a dike thousands of miles away. How can a dike full of holes withstand an unpredictable flood?

Losing big things because of small things, ruining public affairs because of private interests.


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's go to Fengyong Reservoir." Zhu Pingan led Liu Mu and others from Sanli River to Fengyong Reservoir.

Fengyong Reservoir is the lifeline of Jingnan. It not only provides Jingnan with abundant drinking water, but also nurtures thousands of hectares of surrounding paddy fields and irrigates tens of thousands of acres of farmland. Jingnan’s agriculture is inseparable from Fengyong Reservoir.

Fengyong Reservoir is located deep in the mountains, and the road is difficult and muddy. Zhu Pingan and others had to break trees into crutches and move forward with difficulty. Halfway through the journey, a stream spread, covering the stone bridge, and the road could not be seen clearly. There were many similar scenes going forward. For the sake of safety, Zhu Pingan had no choice but to retreat, turned back, and found a man in the village at the foot of the mountain. Experienced and young guides will lead you to Toyong Reservoir.

The guide often goes to the mountains to cut firewood and is familiar with every plant and tree in the mountains. Although the stream spread to cover the stone bridge, the guide still accurately determined the location of the stone bridge and led Zhu Ping'an and his party to wade along the stone bridge.

A little further on, we encountered danger again, as a landslide blocked the road. Fortunately, a guide led us through a hidden path to bypass it. Although the road was slippery and difficult to navigate, we passed safely without any danger.

When they arrived at the Fengyong Reservoir, Zhu Ping'an and his party seemed to be fished out of muddy water. They were almost soaked to the skin. Their clothes were torn several times by vegetation and were covered with grass clippings and mud.

After arriving at the destination, Zhu Pingan gave the pancakes and pickles to Liu Dadao and the guide. While eating the pancakes with the pickles, he inspected the Fengyong Reservoir. Fortunately, it was wrapped in oil paper. Although the pancakes were soaked by rain and river water, the soil and other stolen goods were isolated from the oil paper, so they could still be eaten.

With continuous rainfall, the water level of the reservoir has risen rapidly, which is clearly visible through the scale marked on the stone pillars. At present, the water level of the reservoir is approaching the warning water line. Of course, if the rainfall continues like this, the reservoir will be fine in the next half month, but the rainfall will increase sharply. Now you can take advantage of the fact that the rainfall is within a controllable range, open the gate and release water at the right time, lower the water level, enhance the water storage potential of the reservoir, and be prepared to deal with extreme rainfall weather.

There are also some hidden dangers in the reservoir dam slope protection. The slope protection stone retaining wall has cracks and damage. Fortunately, the situation is not serious.

Zhu Pingan was eating pancakes while looking along the reservoir embankment. He finished one pancake quickly.

Then, he rolled another pancake and watched it while eating.

Liu Dadao found that the guide was looking at Zhu Pingan with curiosity. To be precise, he was watching Zhu Pingan eating cakes.

"Fellow, what's wrong?"

Liu Dadao couldn't help but ask, "Didn't the young master also share the pie with you? Why do you keep staring at the young master?"

"I'm just curious, isn't the county magistrate supposed to eat big fish, meat, and delicacies? How come the county magistrate doesn't eat the delicacies and goes into the mountains to check the reservoir in the rain? What he eats is pancakes soaked in water and shredded pickles. Ah. Didn’t my job as the county magistrate go to waste?"

The guide rubbed his hands and asked in confusion. He had been holding back these words for a long time, and when he heard Liu Dadao's question, he couldn't help but say them out.

It was hard for him to swallow the cake, but the county magistrate ate it in large gulps, and it tasted quite delicious.

How can you not be curious? !

"Haha, what about a meal of delicacies? You, my fellow man, have listened to many stories, right? Since the young master arrived in Jingnan, he has never eaten a meal of delicacies. It is not much better than what you usually eat. If you don't eat delicacies, will your position as an official be in vain? But pull them down, fellow man, you are talking about corrupt officials, our young master is not an official just to enjoy happiness."

Liu Dadao couldn't help but shake his head.

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