Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1225 Warmth

The wind swept through the rivers and lakes, the rain darkened the village, and the sound of the four mountains was like the rolling waves of the sea.

Zhu Pingan had already squeezed time to return down the mountain from Fengyong Reservoir in time, but it was raining and dark, and it got dark faster than usual. When Zhu Pingan and his party returned to about halfway up the mountain, it was already dark. When we were still one-fifth of the way to the foot of the mountain, it was completely dark.

Because it was raining, I couldn't hold a torch for lighting, so I had to walk in the dark. It was dark and rainy at night, making the mountain road difficult to travel. Fortunately, the guide was experienced and often took this road when going into the mountains to cut firewood, so he could find the road even with his eyes closed. In this extreme weather, the guide still accurately found the way back and led Zhu Ping'an and his party down the mountain.

The rain in the mountains seems to be heavier than outside, and the wind in the mountains is more violent than outside. A night wind blows through the mountains and forests, passing by the Jiuqu Valley, making a whining sound, like the rolling waves of the waves.

The journey was uneventful and we returned to the foot of the mountain smoothly. Zhu Pingan took out one or two silver coins as a lucky break and thanked the guide for showing the way.

"Master Magistrate, you went into the mountains in the rain to survey the reservoir all for the sake of our people. If I ask for money again, then I will no longer be a human being. If my father finds out, he can break my legs." The guide waved his hands repeatedly.

"Why, is it too little?" Zhu Pingan smiled and said deliberately.

"No way, this tael of silver is enough for me to cut firewood for three months." The guide explained hurriedly with a red face.

"Then take it. Thanks to you today, otherwise we wouldn't be able to go up the mountain or see the reservoir. Even if we go up, we won't be able to come down." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and put the silver into the guide's hand without any explanation.

The guide wanted to refuse, but Liu Mu patted him on the shoulder, leaned into his ear and whispered, "Fellow, the county respects the people as sons, how can they use the people's power in vain? It's dark now, and we still want to smear the people back." . If the county magistrate asks you to take it, just take it. If you keep pushing it around, it will get darker and it will not be safe to walk at night."

Seeing Zhu Ping'an's persistence and hearing what Liu Mu said, the guide finally accepted the money.

After bidding farewell to the guide, Zhu Ping'an and his party hurried back to the county government in the dark. After traveling more than twenty miles, it was not until Haishi that Zhu Ping'an and his party arrived at Jingnan County. Chaimen hears the barking of dogs, and returns home on a stormy night. I don’t know how many loyal watchdogs were alarmed along the way.

When they arrived at the backyard of the county government office, Liu Dadao went to the side room to rest, while Zhu Pingan went to the main room.

After cleaning up the local gangsters in Jingnan such as Zhang Xian Cheng, Yao Zhubu, Li Dianshi, Liu Dadao and others also rested in the backyard in order to better protect Zhu Ping'an and prevent Zhang Xian Cheng and others from retaliating. The six people were divided into three shifts and were on alert at all times. At the same time, yamen servants were arranged to inspect the front and back yards of the county yamen every night to guard against assassinations and other secretive means against Zhu Ping'an. This is also a lesson learned from the murder of the previous magistrate.

At Haishi, the night is dark and people have fallen asleep. The main room in the backyard of the county government office was still lit with lights.

When Zhu Ping'an walked into the main room, what he saw was Baozi's little maid leaning her head on the table and dozing off.

When Zhu Ping'an came in, there was a gust of wind, which woke up Baozi's little maid Hua'er who was dozing off.

"Uncle, uncle is back."

When Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, saw Zhu Ping'an coming in, she instantly became energetic. The heart she was holding was finally put back into her stomach, like a spring. She stood up with a swish and walked over to help Zhu Ping. Safely remove the coir raincoat and bamboo hat.

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, helped Zhu Pingan take off his raincoat and bamboo hat. She saw that Zhu Pingan was all wet, like a drowned rat. The clothes on his body were scratched one after another, and the flesh inside was also scratched several times. The scars were as if they had been robbed, as embarrassing as they were.

My uncle went outside to check the water conditions. How did it end up like this? It must have been a lot of hardship.

My uncle is the number one scholar, even though he was demoted out of Beijing, he is also the magistrate of the county. The day before yesterday, he was promoted to the fifth rank of official, one level higher than before he was demoted. He is a rich and precious person. It was when he was a child in Xiahe Village. , I have never seen my uncle suffer such a crime.

In an instant, Baozi's little maid Hua'er's tears couldn't stop falling, like a broken string of beads.

"Hua'er, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Is someone bullying you? Tell me and I'll make the decision for you."

Zhu Pingan asked with concern when he saw Hua'er crying.

Since being demoted to Jingnan, thanks to Hua'er taking care of his life, he has been able to devote himself wholeheartedly to his work. Hua'er is very attentive, which can be seen from the improvement of her cooking skills; Hua'er is also very hard-working, she wakes up early and goes to bed late, and Hua'er wakes up earlier than herself and goes to bed even later.

Although Hua'er is a few years older than him, Zhu Pingan usually regards Hua'er, a stupid girl, as his younger sister. He rarely sees Hua'er, a stupid girl, cry. Today, when Hua'er cried, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"Uncle, does it hurt? I'm going to ask Liu Dadao and the others. How did they protect my uncle? They turned a deaf ear to what the young lady told them when she came. I'm going to ask them."

Hua'er wiped her tears with her chubby little hands, and gently touched Zhu Ping'an's scratched wounds with her hands. She cried and twitched. As she spoke, her baby's fat little face became bulging with anger, and she turned around to go. Go outside.

Good guy, he looks like he's going to find Liu Dadao and the others to investigate.

Hua'er usually calls Liu Dadao and his brother Dadao, but now he doesn't even call them brother, just calls them by their first names.

Only then did Zhu Ping'an realize that Hua'er was crying because he felt sorry for himself. He couldn't help but shook his head in amusement, grabbed Hua'er's hand and asked Hua'er to accuse him, and said to Hua'er in a dumbfounded voice, "Calm down, stupid girl. These are just scratches." , I was scratched by branches and bushes when I entered the mountain. It was not as scratched as your lady did at night. They were much more embarrassed than I was. They were clearing the way in front, and there was no room for scratches on their bodies."

ah? Haven't you scratched yourself a lot at night?

"Miss, why are you tickling you at night?" Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, looked at Zhu Pingan with a confused look on her face.

Did you focus on the wrong thing? !

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, "In short, Dadao and the others are very responsible. The scratches on my body are nothing."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, checked it carefully again and found that it was indeed the same as Zhu Pingan said, just some minor scratches, but the clothes were scratched, and there were grass clippings and mud, which looked scary.

After confirming that her uncle was fine and that he had returned safely, Hua'er finally burst into tears and smiled, as if offering a treasure, and said to Zhu Pingan: "Uncle, I stewed a pot of chicken soup and kept it simmering over low heat. My uncle drank first. A bowl of chicken soup to fill your stomach, and then take a hot bath to relieve your fatigue."

After saying that, Hua'er ran to the kitchen, filled a bowl of steaming chicken soup, and brought it to Zhu Ping'an.

It was hard to resist the hospitality. After Zhu Pingan took a bite, he thought it tasted okay. After feeling tired, I take a sip of chicken soup and all the fatigue goes away. It’s wonderful.

"How much is left in the pot?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"There are still a lot of them. Just drink it without worry, uncle. It's enough." Seeing that my uncle liked it, Hua'er's proud little face almost turned to the sky.

"Very good, then give it to Da Dao and the others to try. They have been tired for a day." Zhu Pingan said.

Send it to them

Hua'er looked reluctant.

"Forget it, let me go. I guess they are also changing clothes." Zhu Pingan continued.

After saying that, Zhu Ping'an went to the kitchen, filled a basin of chicken soup, and brought it to Liu Dadao and the others.

"Uncle, you gave it all to them, why don't you keep one more bowl?" Hua'er felt extremely distressed.

Soon, Hua'er heard a burst of laughter and thanks coming from the side room. She couldn't help but flatten her mouth and muttered, "I'm taking advantage of you."

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