Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1229 The flood has arrived, it’s too late to regret

Just like Murphy's law, the more you fear something, the more likely it will happen. The more worried people in Jiangnan were about the continued heavy rain, the more the torrential rain continued, with no signs of stopping after one day and two nights.

The pond is full, the river is full, and the stream is swollen, as if it will overflow at the slightest disagreement.

The next day, after Zhu Pingan inspected the area, he felt deeply that the flood disaster was imminent.

"Zhang Dianli, I appoint you as the chief of the Qinghe River, responsible for the management of the Qinghe River and flood control and flood control; Liu Dianli, I appoint you as the chief of the Xiaochuan River, responsible for the Xiaochuan River and flood control; Han Dianli, I appoint you you for"

Zhu Ping'an summoned all subordinate officials in the county government, learned from the successful experience of my country's modern river chief system, and appointed all subordinate officials in the county government as river chiefs of the main rivers, streams, and lakes in Jingnan's jurisdiction, responsible for organizing the corresponding rivers, streams , pond management and protection, the current main task is flood control.

Of course, Zhu Pingan himself also claimed a river, the Sanli River outside the city. This river has the most important task of flood control.

After appointing the river chief, Zhu Ping'an planned a number of high-lying, open flood shelters based on his inspections over the past few days, built rain shelters, and prepared enough food, drinking water, cooking stoves, bedding and other supplies to order people along the river and along the river. High-risk villages such as those along streams and lakes should be moved to flood avoidance areas in advance to avoid flood risks.

"The villagers of Xiaozhao Village are paying attention. In view of the continuous rainfall, the Fengxi River has surged and is in danger of bursting its banks. The county has ordered Xiaozhao Village to move to the Gaolipo flood avoidance area as soon as possible."

In the wind and rain, a government servant wearing a raincoat, carrying a yellow bag on his back, and a small red flag on his back rode a yellow gelding horse to Xiaozhao Village. He held a gong in his hand and beat it while loudly giving orders.

This is the standard "Shui Bao" costume in ancient times. Anyone who sees this costume knows it is Shui Bao.

"What, I'm not on duty, right?! Are we going to have to leave our homes on this rainy day?!"

"No, Brother Chai, are you sure you didn't send the wrong message? Why did the county magistrate suddenly ask us to move?!"

After the villagers heard this, they instinctively resisted. They were unwilling to move to any flood control area on a heavy rainy day.

Firstly, it is pouring rain outside, and it will be a disaster if you move; secondly, Chinese people have a natural tendency to settle down and relocate, and they resist the thought of leaving their home and moving, even if it is temporary; thirdly, they The dam of Fengxi River at the east end of the village has been repaired, so why should it be moved?

"Fathers and fellow villagers of Xiaozhao Village, how many of my brains dare to falsely convey the order of the county magistrate? This is absolutely true. Folks, quickly pack up the gold and silver, bring food, and move quickly. Folks "People, this is not alarmist. I just came from the Fengxi River embankment, and the water in Fengxi River has risen to the top of the embankment." The officer sat on horseback and said loudly to the villagers in Xiaozhao Village.

"What? Really or not?!" People did not expect that the water in Fengxi River would rise so fast.

"Li Zheng, who is Li Zheng from Xiaozhao Village?" the police officer shouted.

"That's the little old man." Li Zheng, an old man in his sixties, walked out of the crowd in Xiaozhao Village.

"The Gaolipo Flood Refuge Area is in Gaolipo. Do you know the location? It doesn't matter if you don't know. There are signs along the way and red ropes are tied to the trees. You always lead your fellow villagers to follow the red rope at the entrance of the village. It takes about five days. There is the Gaolipo Flood Refuge Area, and the county magistrate has set aside a resettlement site for Xiaozhao Village in the flood refuge area. I will leave this place to you, and I will go to Wangzhuang to deliver the transfer order."

After the officer finished explaining the details of Xiaozhao Village, he hurriedly rode towards Wangzhuang to deliver the relocation order.

"Young and old men, you have all heard what Mr. Cha said just now. I just came down from Fengxi Embankment. What Mr. Chai said is true. The water in Fengxi is almost reaching the top of the embankment. It is only an elbow's height away. . If the county magistrate hadn't ordered us to repair the dike before, the dike would have been washed away by Fengxi long ago, and our Xiaozhao Village would have been soaked in the flood. The county magistrate bought us time to escape, and we can't let the county down. Thank you for your good intentions, all the young and old men should go back quickly to collect gold and silver, bring dry food, help the old and the young, and we will go to the Gaolipo flood refuge area."

Although Li Zheng was old, he was still in good spirits. He clapped his hands and said to the villagers, directing them to move.

"Li Zheng, do we have to move? Now that we're gone, what should we do with our house? What if there's a burglar?"

Some people are nervous about their home and don't want to move.

"You bastard, is human life more important, or the things in your home?! At this time, you still can't tell the priorities! Even if you don't care about your own life, you still have to think about your father, your mother, your wife and your children. Life?!" Li Zheng cursed angrily upon hearing this.

"Li Zheng, you go, I won't leave. If the flood really comes, I will climb to the roof."

Some villagers thought they were smart and said.

"You are still climbing on the roof, why don't you climb up to the sky? Your house is a mud house. When the flood comes, the house will be destroyed!"

When Li Zheng heard this, he scolded him even more harshly.

"Transfer them all to me, and no one can be left in Xiaozhao Village. Anyone who stays in Xiaozhao Village, I will open an ancestral hall and drive him out of Xiaozhao Village." Li Zheng did not give everyone a chance to discuss, and directly ordered .

After hearing Li Zheng's threat to be expelled from the village, the villagers did not dare to make any further claims and went back to pack their things honestly.

In this era, once you are expelled from the village, life will be difficult. If you have no land or house, you will become a refugee.

Under Li Zheng's strong force, the villagers of Xiaozhao Village supported the old and young, carried their baggage, and drove pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. to start the migration.

When various places in Jingnan began to mobilize and relocate, the neighboring Taiping County and Linhai County were already flooded, especially in Taiping County, the situation was even more serious. Within the jurisdiction of Taiping County, there are many rivers such as Xiangxi, Machuan River, Qingxi River, Yangxi River, Shuxi River, Zhuxi River, Lingyang River, etc., and the terrain is somewhat complex, which is prone to flooding. Last night, the Machuan River and Qingxi River in Taiping County had flooded. Several villages in the lower reaches of the two rivers were flattened by the flooding overnight.

During the day today, the situation in Taiping County was even worse. The overflowing river was like a crazy beast, roaring and flooding the area for more than ten miles. The town of Machuan, which is closest to the Machuan River, was flooded.

The new magistrate of Taiping County hurriedly organized flood control and disaster relief, but it was too late to save the day. Emergency reports of floods came one after another. Even Taiping County was flooded, and the rainwater in the Taiping County Yamen Courtyard did not reach the ankles.

Thinking back to that time, Taiping Magistrate Hui's intestines turned green. He went crazy and found the discarded letter from the trash can. Regardless of the stains on it, he stuffed it into his mouth.

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