Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1230 Jiangnan Zeguo, especially Jiangsu and Zhejiang

Zhu Pingan learned a few days later that a strong typhoon passed along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, bringing heavy storms and rains for several days. Fortunately, the typhoon bypassed China and headed towards the island country in the northeastern sea, and did not land in China. This is a blessing among misfortunes. However, even so, due to the impact of this typhoon, heavy rains continued for several days in the Jiangnan region, eventually causing the Jiangnan water town of Chengzeguo. According to preliminary statistics, a total of more than 130 counties suffered serious floods, with Jiangsu and Zhejiang being the hardest hit. .

Jingnan was not spared! Although Zhu Pingan mobilized the people to take precautions in advance and repaired and repaired flood control projects, human beings were still too insignificant in the face of this major flood. Especially after the floods came from Taiping County and other directions, several floods merged together, and Jingnan was ravaged by the floods.

However, the efforts of Zhu Ping'an and the people of Jingnan were not in vain. When Taiping County and other places were already ravaged by floods, Jingnan County's flood control project persisted for more than a day before it was declared lost, which gave Jingnan some hope. day response time.

Zhu Ping'an used this day to move the people in the county to higher-lying flood avoidance areas. Although Jingnan inevitably suffered from floods, no one in the county died in the floods. Only a few elderly people and children fell a few times during the transfer, but their health was not serious.

"Oh my God, my house, my house fell down."

"Dad, if our house collapsed, wouldn't the rice we just harvested be soaked in water?"

A victim in the flood refuge area watched helplessly as his mud house in the distance was soaked and collapsed in the flood. The couple hugged each other and cried out of breath. Although the house was just a mud house, it was almost everything to them. It was their biggest support in the world to protect themselves from wind and rain. The house not only contained food and finances that they had not had time to get there, but also their hope.

Now that the house has collapsed, it's as if their lives have also collapsed, and they can't help but feel the sadness flowing back into the river.

There are many sad families like them in the flood shelter area. Most of the villages at this time were made of mud houses. When the flood came, except for a few brick houses and the lucky mud houses, most of them were damaged. They came to the flood refuge area urgently to take refuge. Basically, they brought gold and silver soft goods, bedding, and cattle, sheep and other livestock with them. As for the food and other heavy objects at home, they had no time to move out.

Now when the flood comes, the family that has not had time to move out will be soaked by the flood and basically destroyed.

Their homes and belongings were destroyed. For a time, people in the flood refuge area couldn't help but burst into tears and burst into tears.

"Okay, everyone, don't cry. If the house falls down, it can be rebuilt. If the grain is soaked, it can be planted again. If the property is destroyed, you can make more money. Aren't we all good? This is already a blessing among misfortunes. Now that we have green hills, we don’t have to worry about running out of firewood. When the flood recedes, we can build a new home."

The gray-haired man was lively and transparent. When he saw everyone crying, he couldn't help but clapped his hands to cheer them up.

"Li Zheng, you always say it's easy, but it's not that easy to build a home again. This is the only thing we can bring out. The rest have been destroyed by the flood, so what can we use to build a home again."

"That's right, Li Zheng. The debt our family incurred when building the house has not yet been paid off. Now that the house is destroyed, how can we build a new home?"

Li Zheng's words inspired some people, but most people were still immersed in sadness and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Do you still have some potential? Our ancestors fled here and started from scratch. At least you are still carrying gold and silver. Besides, you are all young and strong, so what is there to be afraid of? There are three gangs of one brother, and we all help each other to chop down trees, lay bricks, and build houses. Besides, I believe our county magistrate will also help us."

Li was blowing his beard and staring.

"County Lord?! Don't mention County Lord, Mr. Li Zheng. When County Lord mobilized us to repair the dykes, saying it was for flood control, we all went there. You have always seen this. But in the end, the dykes were also repaired. The flood came anyway, and we still suffered the disaster we deserved. All our work was in vain, and we still suffered the consequences."

"That's right, when the county magistrate gave the order, my men and children rushed to build the embankment, but they couldn't stop it. As a result, the flood still came, and my house was destroyed by the flood."

Some victims whose homes were destroyed could not accept the facts and blamed Zhu Pingan.

"Asshole! What are you all talking about! Let me tell you! The reason why you are standing here alive is all thanks to the county honor. How can you have the face to arrange the county honor? If it weren't for the county honor mobilization The guys repaired the embankment and blocked the flood for a day. How would we have had the chance to escape here? If it hadn't been for the county magistrate, we would have been swept away by the flood to feed the bastards when the flood came."

When Li Zheng heard these remarks, his forehead was so angry that he pointed at their noses and cursed them back.

"Everyone of you picks up the bowl to eat, and puts the bowl down to curse! This stinky problem needs to be cured! Old Zhangtou, Old Zhangtou, come here, come here, tell them about your village. You all know how happy you are. ”

While Li Zheng was teaching people in the village who criticized Zhu Pingan, he waved to an old farmer and invited him to come over.

Lao Zhangtou fled from Taiping County. This flood refuge area is not too far from Taiping County. Some victims of the disaster in Taiping County fled here after hearing that Jingnan County had set up a flood refuge area. Lao Zhangtou is one of them. So far, many victims from Taiping County have been fleeing here one after another after hearing the news. Almost every hour or so, about ten people flee from Taiping County. This flood refuge area has successively accepted more than 100 refugees from Taiping County.

"Li Zheng, what do you want me to say?" Lao Zhangtou was holding a little baby that had just been weaned, looking at a loss.

"Just tell the truth." Li Zheng said.

"Ahem, that's what I said. Young and old men in Jingnan County, I am Zhang Dashan, and everyone calls me Lao Zhangtou. I am from Xiangyukou Village in Taiping County, which is about twenty miles ahead. Our village suffered a flood the night before yesterday. The whole village was still sleeping. The flood broke down the river embankment in front of the village and poured into the village. It was so miserable that everyone didn’t even have time to cry for their parents. All of them were They were swept away by the flood. Fortunately, I was outside and pooped my little grandson, so I managed to escape with my little grandson. My whole family is gone," Lao Zhangtou said, unable to hold back his tears. Live flow down.

"Grandpa doesn't cry, grandpa doesn't cry"

The little baby was still young and didn't know why Grandpa cried. He raised his fleshy little hand to wipe Grandpa's tears.

"Don't cry anymore, Old Zhang. You still have grandchildren. The blood of your Old Zhang family is still there, and the hope is still there."

Li Zheng patted Lao Zhangtou on the shoulder.

"Well, well, as long as my grandson is still here, my old Zhang family will never be a heir." Old Zhang nodded vigorously.

"Did you hear that?! If our county magistrate hadn't led us to repair the embankment and blocked the flood for more than a day, giving us precious time to move away, our village would not have escaped being swept away by the flood in the middle of the night!"

Li Zheng took the opportunity to teach the villagers a lesson.

After listening to Lao Zhangtou's personal statement, the villagers lowered their heads one by one, and they all figured it out in their hearts. Indeed, although repairing the dike failed to stop the flood, it gave them a chance to escape. Xiangyukou Village didn’t even have time to respond because no one was in charge of flood control in advance.

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