Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1238 The dog official is crazy

When the sun rose again, the victims in the flood refuge area had generally accepted a life of two meals a day, one wotou and one bowl of porridge. They ate, slept, and did not do much work in the flood refuge area. There is nothing to consume. With such a standard of food, you can basically eat until you are 80% full.

"Hey, it's another wotou and a bowl of porridge... This is enough for who. My pigs used to eat better than this." Of course, every time we prepare rice, someone will inevitably complain.

"Okay, stop complaining. It's good to have some food now. Yesterday I went to the county town with Tie Suo, Buffalo and others. My dear mother, you don't know what the increase in food prices will mean. Well, the price of rice sold in grain stores has risen to 1,260 yuan per stone. If you eat in a city restaurant, you will have to spend at least fifteen yuan for a bowl of porridge and a steamed bun. That’s it. You may not be able to buy it yet.”

After hearing his complaint, the villagers behind him patted him on the shoulder, shook their heads and persuaded with a wry smile.

"What? A poor bowl of rice porridge can be worth so much money?!" After hearing this, the complaining victims opened their mouths in surprise and quickly hugged their jobs tightly, for fear of being robbed by someone.

"What do you think? We wanted to go to the county town yesterday to secretly buy some food and add a meal, but when we saw the price, we were so scared that we came back with our tails between our legs. If you don't believe it, just ask Tie Suo and Buffalo."

The countryman behind said with a wry smile.

Behind them, Tie Suo, Buffalo and other villagers also nodded vigorously, with lingering fears on their faces. The ridiculously expensive prices in the county yesterday left them with psychological shadows now.

"My dear mother, this food is as expensive as meat. Why don't they grab it?" The complaining villagers opened their mouths.

"Robbing?! Let me tell you, at this price, people in the county are still rushing to buy it. I got there late and couldn't even buy it if I wanted to." Tie Suo and others behind said.

Well, when the complaining villagers heard this, they stopped complaining and ate steamed buns and porridge again, which felt extremely sweet.

"Hey, Brother Sanshui, have you noticed why there are so many new faces in this team today?!"

After Tie Suo finished his meal, he casually glanced around and found that the queue was much longer than usual. He took a closer look and found that there were many new faces in the queue. He couldn't help but push the countryman in front and said with a frown.

"You just discovered it. I discovered it yesterday. These are all people who are here to get food. It's just that there are more people here than yesterday. Look at them. They are cleanly dressed and the materials are not bad. They don't look like disaster victims. Yes, they are all city dwellers, and many of them come all the way from Taiping County to earn a living. I saw that the guy over there is not there. He is a pawnshop owner in Taiping County. He is famous for taking advantage. He must have heard that Food is provided here for free, and people come all the way to take advantage. There are so many people at once, and those at the back may not be able to get food." Brother Sanshui, a victim of the disaster, said in a low voice, and was very happy with the people who came to eat. It's contempt.

"Bah, these people are so shameless. They even rob the food of us victims. It's really despising."

The buffalo couldn't help but curse.

"Okay, one more thing is worse than one less thing. We've all got our food, don't worry about it, don't worry about it." Brother Sanshui advised.

"What shall we do, Brother Sanshui, this time we are in the front, but next time, if we are in the back next time, then we will have no food." Tie Suo and others shook their heads vigorously.

“If you don’t have food to eat, that’s not possible!”

The countryman who had complained before heard this and immediately became furious, holding a bowl and shouting loudly.

In addition to them, there were many people who discovered this scene and started quarreling with the people who were paying for the meal.

After the officer who maintained order found out, he came over to inquire. The victims pointed out that some people were cheating on them. However, the cheaters refused to admit it and insisted that they were also victims. Since there were many people cheating, there were more people in the flood refuge area. Check. The registration was not an easy task, and in the end it had to be left alone.

However, there were too many people eating. The cook made breakfast according to the number of victims in the morning, and reserved some food. However, when the breakfast was served later, the steamed buns and porridge were gone, and there was still a lot left behind. No one had breakfast yet.

Of course the victims who didn't get food stopped working. There was no other way, so the subordinate in charge of the flood refuge area had to ask the cook to make some more breakfast, so that all the victims waiting in line could get breakfast, and that was the end of it.

Finally, Liu Dianli and others calculated that the food consumed for this breakfast was thousands of buckets more than before the food standard was lowered. This is not a small amount.

Liu Dianli and others felt that the matter was serious and reported the matter to Zhu Pingan one after another.

"Let's eat..." After receiving the report, Zhu Ping'an thought for a few seconds and suddenly thought of an allusion in history. He couldn't help but smile and said to Liu Dianli and others, "It's not difficult to solve this. Let's do this. Wait until I arrive in the next half hour and then you can start dinner."

Not difficult to solve?

Liu Dianli and others couldn't help but widen their eyes. Our hair was almost scratched, and we didn't even think of a solution. The county magistrate suddenly thought of a solution. The county magistrate is worthy of being a county magistrate.

In the second half of the afternoon, it was time for lunch again, and a long queue formed early in the northern suburbs flood shelter area. Just like in the morning, many of the people in the queue were foodies, and they were pretty far in the queue.

Zhu Ping'an rushed to the northern suburbs flood refuge area before the meal started and took a look at the queue situation. Indeed, as Liu Dianli and others said, there were obviously more people in the queue than registered disaster victims.

"Look, the county magistrate is here." As soon as Zhu Pingan arrived, everyone looked at Zhu Pingan.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Ping'an came to the kitchen area, squatted down, grabbed two handfuls of grass ashes from the ground of the stove, and in front of everyone, threw a handful of grass ashes into the steaming porridge pot in front of him, and another He sprinkled the ash into the steamed bun basket and clapped his hands.


All the people waiting in line for food were petrified! Everyone was stunned and messy in the wind.

"Damn it, am I right? The dog officer sprinkled ashes on the porridge and on the head of the bun?!"

"Is this something humans do?!"

"This dog official is so crazy and heartless! The day before yesterday, you lowered our living standards. The food was reduced to one wotou and one bowl of porridge. We couldn't even eat enough. Now you are still spreading ashes in it! It is simply inhumane. !”

A second later, the shocked people came to their senses, and the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs suddenly burst into flames.

"Bah, can this person still eat it?"

When a person in the team saw this, he spat, cursed and walked away.

"How can we eat this! Let's go, let's go..."

"Bah, it's really nothing! Who cares? Let's go!"

People queuing up for dinner left one after another, cursing and cursing. Thousands of people left at one time.

They are not really victims of the disaster or refugees. Their families are doing fine. They just come to the flood refuge area to take advantage of the situation and eat and drink. Now that they see grass ashes in their porridge and on their buns, they can still survive.

The people who are still in the team are real victims and refugees. They really can't survive it. Not to mention there is a handful of grass ash in the porridge. Even if there is a lot of grass ash, they have to eat it in order to survive.

These real disaster victims and refugees, although they also cursed, they all queued up honestly to wait for food.

"County... County Lord, why... is this? Scholars cannot be killed and humiliated. Although they are victims of the disaster, they..."

Not only were the victims and refugees present, but Liu Dianli and others were also present. When they saw Zhu Pingan's operation, they were all petrified like everyone else. It took them a long time to react and said in stunned silence.

"Look, the foodie is not gone..." Zhu Pingan pointed and said softly.

"Ah? Ah..."

The subordinates were just looking around and were shocked. They didn't notice anyone leaving. When they looked in the direction Zhu Pingan pointed, they saw that at least a thousand people had left. These people who left did not look like refugees either in their clothes or in their appearance. It suddenly dawned on me that the county magistrate did this to deal with the people who were trying to make ends meet.

"Ahem, but the county magistrate, doing this is a bit..." Liu Dianli and others coughed and were speechless for a long time. At noon, the county magistrate said that it was not difficult to solve, and it was really not difficult to solve. It could be solved by just sprinkling a handful of ashes, but sprinkling ashes into the porridge pot was too... too much.

"Fellow fellows, I shamelessly join the queue..." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands to everyone and said apologetically, then took the ladle from the cook in front of everyone and filled a bowl from the pot. Porridge, he reached for a steamed bun stained with dust and started eating in front of everyone.

"Young Master..." Liu Dadao stepped forward, trying to stop him.

"It's okay, it's okay. Grass ash can also strengthen the bones and joints."

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand, swallowed a steamed bun into his stomach in two mouthfuls, and drank up a bowl of porridge as if he had drank all the wine. He turned the porridge bowl over and showed it to the victims who were waiting in line.

"The county magistrate also eats the ashes on the porridge. And the steamed buns are also stained with ashes."

"The county magistrate can drink it, so we can be more valuable than the county magistrate. What are we talking about? If the county magistrate can drink it, we can drink it; if the magistrate magistrate can eat it, we can also eat it."

"You are stupid, don't you understand? The county magistrate did this to drive away those people who are just trying to make ends meet. The magistrate has really good intentions."

"Hey, it's true, all those strangers who were trying to get food are gone. Their families haven't run out of food, they think it's dirty."

The crowd started buzzing, surprised that Zhu Pingan drank the porridge sprinkled with grass ashes. They reacted belatedly and realized that Zhu Pingan had good intentions. Suddenly the anger on people's faces disappeared, and they stopped cursing. They were honest. We queued up for lunch.

"Let's go to the next flood refuge area." Zhu Ping'an took Liu Dadao and others and turned around to the next flood refuge area.

Liu Dianli and others looked at Zhu Pingan's back and fell to the ground in admiration. The county magistrate was worthy of being a county magistrate. He sprinkled a handful of ashes and solved the problem of missing a meal. After drinking a bowl of porridge, he eliminated the hidden dangers of public resentment in the flood avoidance area.

"We also want a bowl of this porridge." Liu Dianli and others looked at each other and said in unison.

The county has good intentions and has sacrificed so much for the floods, and we cannot stay out of it.

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