Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1239 The beast is so cute

It has been eight days since the flood occurred. People in the south of the Yangtze River are in dire straits, and mourning is everywhere. If the only people who are happy are probably the grain merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, the price of grain has soared since the flood. As of today, in just eight days, the price of one stone of rice has increased. Soared to 1330 Wen.

Although they lost more than half of their stored grain in the flood, they not only made back their capital in just a few days, but also made a lot of money. The income in these eight days has caught up with the income in the past six months.

In Jingnan County, the sun rose three poles in the morning. Shopkeeper Tai of Fengtai Grain Store folded his hands and wore a brand new robe. He walked slowly from his residence to the grain store, picking his teeth with a toothpick as he walked.

While most of the south of the Yangtze River is suffering from hunger and cold, he is living a very comfortable life these days. He eats every day as if it were the Chinese New Year. There is nothing he can do about it. He has made so much these days that he can easily slip it through his fingers. I ordered it and ate the whole meal at will, but accidentally exceeded the limit. Chicken, duck, fish, delicacies, etc., everything I ate was like celebrating the New Year. As long as you have money, you can eat whatever you want, no matter when. Today's roast duck tastes good, but it's a bit chewy. I'll tell Lao Zhang later that my cooking skills need to be improved...

Everyone calls it a scourge, but I, Lao Tai, think it’s quite cute, and even want to do it a few more times... This is not a flood, this is clearly a source of wealth. When the floods first came, I was so frightened that I was really blind and blind...

"Hey, isn't this Shopkeeper Tai?"

Shopkeeper Tai was walking when he heard a greeting from behind. He stopped and turned around to see the person greeting him with fists in his hands. The person who came had a round head and a big face, with a very festive appearance, a shy big belly, a grin, and held his fists like a Maitreya Buddha.

He was very familiar with this man. He was the shopkeeper Lu of the Yongfeng Grain Store diagonally opposite his Fengtai Grain Store. We are colleagues who are enemies. They often engage in open and covert attacks, but they all look good on the surface.

In the past few days, his Fengtai Grain Store has made a lot of money, and the same goes for Yongfeng Grain Store.

The more money you make, the better your mood will be. Shopkeeper Tai returned the gift with a smile and a fist in his arms, and greeted him in a familiar manner, "Hahaha, shopkeeper Lu, good morning. Congratulations on getting rich."

"Hahahaha, we are happy together, we are happy together." Shopkeeper Lu winked, his little eyes almost lost their smile.

Hahaha, it’s not the same joy. Shopkeeper Tai couldn’t help but laugh too.

Business has been so good recently. As long as there is food, the people in the county rush to buy it like crazy. There is no competition between the two of them at all, and their relationship is many times better than usual.

"Haha, Lao Tai, no, you've been gaining weight."

Shopkeeper Lu looked at Shopkeeper Tai and felt that he was a little fatter, so he couldn't help but joked with a smile.

"Haha, Lao Lu, aren't I learning from you?"

Shopkeeper Tai patted Shopkeeper Lu's Maitreya belly with his hand and said with a smile.

"Haha, when it comes to learning, I have to learn from you. I heard that you have another concubine. Why did your tigress agree? Tell me quickly. Brother, I can learn both ways..." Shopkeeper Lu's He hooked Shopkeeper Tai's shoulders, squeezed his eyes, and said lewdly.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, the secret is very simple, and I guarantee you will benefit from it for the rest of your life..."

The two chatted with their arms around each other, and walked slowly towards the grain store. Even their names became Lao Lu and Lao Tai, and they burst into laughter from time to time along the way.

"The two of them are like brothers. Don't they usually fight very well?"

When the shopkeeper of the cloth shop on the street saw Shopkeeper Tai and Shopkeeper Lu walking over, arm in arm, as if they were wearing a pair of trousers, he couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief, as if It's like seeing a sow climbing a tree and the sun rising in the west.

"Oh, if cloth is like food and the supply exceeds demand no matter how high the price is, believe it or not, you and Shopkeeper Liu can wear a pair of trousers." The shopkeeper of the grocery store next to him first spat at the backs of Shopkeeper Tai and Shopkeeper Lu. , and then said to the cloth shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper Liu he mentioned was another cloth shop on the street, not far away. The so-called colleagues were enemies, and the shopkeepers of the two cloth shops had been fighting openly and secretly, not dealing with each other.

"Bah, who can wear a pair of pants with him!" The shopkeeper of the cloth shop couldn't help but spat when he thought of that scene. He understood what the shopkeeper of the grocery store meant. He looked at Shopkeeper Tai and Shopkeeper Lu with envy and jealousy. From behind, he complained with mixed emotions, "The price of food in this dog's day has risen too fast, and the two of them don't mind the money being hot!"

"Do you think the money is too hot to handle?" the shopkeeper asked.

The shopkeeper of the cloth shop remained silent. Who would think that money is hot to the touch? Take silver from the fire.

Shopkeeper Tai and Shopkeeper Lu walked arm-in-arm to the street where the grain stores were located. As expected, they saw that the two grain stores were crowded with people waiting to open the doors. They couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Haha, I need to pick up money again. Shopkeeper Tai, please."

"Shopkeeper Lu, please."

Shopkeepers Tai and Lu hugged their fists and went to their respective grain stores with smiles on their faces.

"The shopkeeper is here, the shopkeeper is here..."

Seeing the arrival of the two men, the eager people in front of the store shouted excitedly. The two of them were like two drops of water in a boiling pot of oil, boiling instantly.

"Shopkeeper Tai, it's me. Do you still remember that we drank together? Today I have to give me two more kilograms of rice. Yesterday I could only buy three kilograms, which was not enough to eat."

"Uncle Tai, I weigh five pounds. My mother said you hugged me before, and she asked me to buy rice. Uncle Tai, you have to sell me some more, or my mother will not let me in if you go back." "

"Xiao Tai, I am your third uncle. You are not going to do any limited sales today, right? Let me tell you, even if you give the limit to others, you can't give it to me, the third uncle."

The people waiting in front of Fengtai Grain Store were like sharks asking about the fishy smell. They crowded over excitedly, trying to get close to Shopkeeper Tai while fighting for the right to buy a few more kilograms of rice.

If we just look at it from the surface, Shopkeeper Tai and the others are definitely the most popular people in Jingnan. The popularity of Shopkeeper Tai and the others is, how should I put it, like a popular star who has just got off the plane at a modern airport and is welcomed by fans.

Of course, in fact, the people who gathered around to greet Shopkeeper Tai all scolded him for being evil in their hearts. The price of food was rising three times a day, and they didn't even have any shame.

"There is nothing I can do about the limited sales. The store has limited food. We are all from the countryside, and our families are short of food. If I sell to you but not to others, isn't this going to make people feel spineless? As for me, I sell in limited quantities. Try to let everyone buy some rations. It’s still the same today, only 600 catties were sold in the morning, and each person can still only buy three catties.”

Shopkeeper Tai came to the door amidst the crowds of people greeting him. He took out the key under everyone's fiery eyes and handed it over to the two workers who had been waiting at the door. They opened the door and he held his fists and said to everyone, The face's righteous words and high-sounding words.

As for the actual reason, not to mention that everyone didn’t believe it, shopkeeper Tai himself didn’t believe it either.

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