Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1244 Jingnan people are stupid and have too much money, come quickly

All the grain merchants in the county government office chattered endlessly, but Zhu Pingan was very patient and did not interrupt any of the grain merchants' complaints. He listened carefully and nodded occasionally, all the while hearing that all the grain merchants themselves were complaining. Until you can no longer complain or complain.

The room suddenly became quiet, so quiet that the grain merchants could only hear their own heartbeats.

What they fear most is the sudden silence in the air... The sudden silence in the class room made all the grain merchants feel inexplicably panicked.

Have we overreacted? Some grain merchants began to reflect uneasily.

However, it’s not our fault. What the county magistrate just said about defining grain prices in Jingnan was too shocking and had such a great impact on us that we couldn’t control ourselves for a moment.

Fortunately, the silence only lasted for a second before it was broken. A gentle voice broke the silence of the class room and saved the grain merchants from their anxiety.

"What you just said is that it is difficult to purchase food, the distance is long, the freight is high, and there are many risks... These are the difficulties you actually encountered, and they are all true. I can understand it. Well, when defining food prices, these factors We all have to take it into consideration, do you have anything else to say?”

After there were no grain merchants to complain, Zhu Ping'an asked everyone warmly without saying anything.


There is something very wrong with the county magistrate.

Now not only shopkeeper Yang discovered it, but all the grain merchants also discovered it belatedly.

We are so uncooperative. The county magistrate should be angry. Why are we so patient and gentle? ! There is an idiom that says extreme happiness brings about sorrow, and the moral principle is reasonable. Isn’t the county official too angry with us? !

"Go back to the county magistrate, no more. We have just explained all the difficulties, and I ask the county magistrate to have mercy and think twice."

The grain merchants looked at each other and spoke one after another.

"Everyone, I understand your difficulties, but defining food prices is related to the people's livelihood and overall stability of Jingnan County. Food prices are uncertain day by day, and Jingnan is not determined day by day. Food prices still have to be determined." Zhu Ping'an Hearing this, he nodded, glanced at the grain merchants present, and said firmly.

Yeah! This should be the reaction a county official should have! This is the attitude that the government should have! After hearing Zhu Ping'an's insistence on defining grain prices, a group of grain merchants felt that it was normal.

"Taken together various factors, one stone of grain..." Zhu Pingan paused here, squinted his eyes and thought for a few seconds, then opened his eyes, looked at the grain merchants with burning eyes, and then continued, "One stone of grain pricing..." Two thousand yuan, what do you think?"

"County Lord... We are working really hard. One stone of food costs two thousand cash... Huh?! What?! Two thousand cash?!" The little shopkeeper who was winked by Shopkeeper Yang reflexively stood up to express his objection. He was only halfway through his words. , belatedly realized that the county official’s price was two thousand cash for one stone of food, and he suddenly screamed “Ah”, his eyes were so shocked that they almost popped out, and his mouth was opened wide enough to stuff it in. It was as big as a fist, and he swallowed twice before saying the next words.

However, no one laughed at him at this moment! Because all the grain merchants present, including shopkeeper Yang Zhen of Yang Ji Grain Store, were all shocked! His facial expressions are no better than his!

"What?! Two thousand coins?!"

All the grain merchants were stunned and exclaimed! Couldn't believe their ears!

One stone of grain costs 2,000 Wen!

My dear mother! Did I hear wrongly? ! The current market price outside is only 1,340 Wen per stone of grain. The county official actually priced one stone of grain at 2,000 Wen? !

Could it be that the county official sitting above is a grain merchant pretending to be a grain merchant? ! All the grain merchants opened their eyes wide and looked up in disbelief at Zhu Ping'an, who was sitting at the head of the table. At this moment, not only did they not believe their ears, they also didn't believe their eyes.

"Well, it's a bit low, isn't it? Yes, the food procurement journey is long and risky, and the cost is getting higher day by day... Then let's price one stone of food at two thousand five hundred cents!"

Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes and paused, then spoke.

What? ! ! One stone of grain is priced at 2,500 Wen? ! ! Two thousand five hundred articles! ! !


After hearing this, a grain merchant fell down from his chair in shock! When he fell to the ground, he muttered to himself, This is not true, I must have heard wrong, I must have heard wrong...

There was also a grain merchant who suspected that he was dreaming, so he quietly reached out and pinched his thigh. The pain made him grin, and he finally believed that this was not a dream, but that it was real.

surprise! Great joy! ecstasy!

One stone of food costs two thousand five hundred coins! Compared with the current market price, it has doubled!


The uniform sound of swallowing saliva could be heard from the grain merchants in the county office room, and it was difficult to control themselves.

The county...could the county minister deliberately tell the truth? ! To entertain us, right? !

This surprise came so suddenly and violently that many grain merchants could not believe it was true.

"In Jingnan, one stone of grain is priced at 2,500 yuan. Do you have any opinions?"

Zhu Ping'an asked warmly again under the disbelieving gazes of the grain merchants.

"No! No objection!"

A group of grain merchants spoke one after another, shaking their heads like electric fans. They were joking, one stone of grain costs two thousand five hundred yuan, how could we have any objections? I'm afraid you might have objections!

"County... Your Majesty, is it true that one stone of grain should be priced at 2,500 Wen? Your Majesty, you are entertaining us, aren't you?!"

The little shopkeeper who was winked by Shopkeeper Yang was pushed out again, and on behalf of a group of grain merchants, he carefully asked about what they were most worried about.

Immediately, all the grain merchants looked at Zhu Pingan. No one could be more serious than at this moment. Their eyes did not blink, they concentrated and concentrated on not missing any of Zhu Pingan's expressions and movements. They were worried that this would happen. It is an empty joy.

At this moment, I'm afraid Zhu Ping'an would sneer and add, hum, that's a beautiful idea, just go ahead and dream!

"Defining the price of grain is related to the county's people's livelihood and overall stability. It is no joke! If you have no opinion, or the opinion is not enough to be adopted, I will draft a text and seal it and announce it to the whole county! From the time this notice is posted, : The price of food in Jingnan County is 2,500 yuan per stone!"

Zhu Pingan glanced at him and said seriously.

"No objection, of course I have no objection!" The little shopkeeper shook his head repeatedly, overflowing with ecstasy, which made his heart beat wildly. He tried hard to control his expression, but he still couldn't help but grin.



It's true!

All the grain merchants were overjoyed. They all looked as if they had drunk two kilograms. Their faces were flushed with excitement, and their faces were blooming like flowers. They rubbed their hands vigorously in excitement!

At this moment, they all wanted to run up, hold the county minister's face, and take a bite.

Excitement and joy impacted every cell in their bodies, and they were so excited that they almost went crazy. If they hadn't worried that this was a county government, they would have danced with excitement.

"I have only one request. No one or any grain store is allowed to sell grain in a limited quantity! How much grain is sold, how much grain is sold! I will send people to check from time to time. If anyone dares to sell grain in a limited quantity, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Zhu Pingan stretched out a finger, glanced at everyone with stern eyes, and said with a serious face.

"We will strictly abide by the county magistrate's decree! We will never sell food in limited quantities! If there is any violation, the county magistrate will be punished at his will!"

All the grain merchants responded without hesitation.

Just kidding, the prices have been fixed and cannot go up any more. One stone of grain costs 2,500 Wen. It’s like robbing money. How can we stop selling grain in limited quantities? On the contrary, not only will we not sell grain in limited quantities, we will also sell all the grain. All available forces were mobilized to purchase food from all over the country.

By the way, my fourth uncle is a local grain merchant in Bashu. I have to send him a message and ask him to transport the grain to Jingnan for sale! Also, I have to say something to my sworn brother, if we have money, we can make it together...

Jingnan people are stupid and have too much money! Come quickly!

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