Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1245 Businessman Logic

"Everyone, please go away slowly. We won't send you off. We have to follow the orders of the county magistrate to post official documents."

Two officers sent a group of dizzy grain merchants outside the county government office and separated from them. One was carrying a paste bucket, and the other was holding a stack of official documents stamped with the magistrate's seal.

"You're busy, you're busy... don't worry about us."

When the grain merchants walked out of the county government office, they felt dizzy, as if they had drunk two kilograms.

The two officers first posted an official document outside the county government office wall, and then went to other places to post it.

"Starting from today, every stone of grain in Jingnan County will be 2,500 yuan..."

A group of grain merchants stood in front of the newly posted official document, looking at the black and white words on it and the bright red seal of the magistrate. Until this moment, they could no longer believe it, and they were finally sure that it was true.

"The county...the county official really defined the price of grain in Jingnan as one stone of grain and two thousand five hundred cents!"

A grain merchant couldn't control his inner ecstasy. He stretched out his hand to touch each word, sniffed greedily, took a strong sniff of the ink fragrance, and then jumped up with joy!

"Look at your bearlike appearance..."

The other grain merchants sneered, but they were not much better, grinning like a flower.

"Other places are vigorously suppressing food prices and severely punishing grain dealers like us. Once they are found to be driving up food prices, they will be jailed, ransacked homes, sent rations and sent to the army, or beheaded on the spot, and use thunderous means to control food prices. Why don't our county officials not only not Is this the opposite of suppressing grain prices?" A grain merchant said to everyone in confusion after being overjoyed.

"What, you want the county magistrate to chop off our heads?!" Several grain merchants immediately gave him a blank look.

"No, I just can't figure it out..." The grain merchant shrank his neck angrily and said with a smile.

"Actually, I'm confused now and can't figure it out..." Shopkeeper Lu scratched his head.

Immediately, several grain merchants expressed their agreement, but they really couldn't understand.

"Ahem, this is not the place to talk. Can you please go to my house for a casual meal?" Shopkeeper Yang of Jingnan's largest grain merchant, Yang Ji Grain Co., coughed, attracting everyone's attention, and then touched the The gray beard said to everyone meaningfully.

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask my ears." All the grain merchants clasped their fists and said, no one responded.

Suddenly, a group of grain merchants surrounded Shopkeeper Yang, laughing all the way to Shopkeeper Yang's house.

Soon, several banquet tables were set up in Shopkeeper Yang's house, and a group of grain merchants were seated separately.

In Shopkeeper Yang's house, all the grain merchants had nothing to worry about.

"Shopkeeper Yang, just now you said that the county government is not the place to talk, so there is no scruples in your house. When other places are strictly controlling food prices, why did our county official issue an official document rigidly defining the price of food in Jingnan at two thousand per stone? Five hundred coins?! The county magistrate is so happy for us, but we are really confused and are afraid of ruining this good situation. Your boss is well-informed and is a famous Zhuge in our county. You, boss Have you guessed something? Please help us clear up my doubts." At the wine table, a grain merchant stood up and asked for advice.

"Yes, Shopkeeper Yang. The county official has set the price of grain at 2,500 yuan per stone in an official document. Naturally, we are very happy. However, we are really confused and are afraid of ruining this good situation."

Many grain merchants followed suit.

"When something goes wrong, there must be a reason." Shopkeeper Yang stroked his beard and said with squinted eyes.

"Please give me some advice from Shopkeeper Yang." All the grain merchants said with fists in their hands.

"You guys are serious, giving me advice is out of the question. This is just my conjecture. I'll just talk about it for now. Please listen to me and don't talk to outsiders." Shopkeeper Yang waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry, Shopkeeper Yang, we are not the ones who talk nonsense. It comes out of your mouth and into our ears. Apart from us here, no third person will know about it."

All the grain merchants expressed their stance.

"Do you still remember the official position of the county magistrate?" Shopkeeper Yang narrowed his eyes and asked meaningfully.

"The official position of the county magistrate? Isn't the county magistrate the magistrate of our Jingnan county... No, no, I almost forgot, the county magistrate is already the magistrate of Jingnan County, Zhejiang Province."

After all the grain merchants blurted out, they remembered that Zhu Ping'an had been promoted for his anti-Japanese efforts.

"Si Qianshi, the envoy of Zhejiang's Tiexing and Inspector, and the county magistrate of Jingnan... Everyone, do you understand?! Our county magistrate is actually the fifth-rank Zhejiang's Inspector-General of Punishment, Si Qianshi, just because Jingnan cannot be ignorant of the county for a day. This is just the seventh-grade Jingnan magistrate for the time being. As soon as the new magistrate takes office, our county magistrate can take up the post of Zhejiang Prosecution and Inspector General. Our small pond in Jingnan is just a temporary resting place for him. It’s just land.”

Shopkeeper Yang stroked his beard and said to everyone meaningfully.

There are no businessmen who are not eight Linglong. When shopkeeper Yang said this, all the grain merchants understood.

"The County Lord is already on the blue sky. Even if the flood in my small pond in Jingnan is raging, it will not have any impact on the County Lord. Besides, before the flood occurred, the County Lord had already mobilized the entire county to prevent floods. It is also because the County Lord has With this foresight, no one in Jingnan was killed in this flood. With this great contribution, the county has been in an invincible position in this flood."

Shopkeeper Yang said slowly.

When all the grain merchants heard this, they all nodded. Yes, the county magistrate had been promoted a long time ago. Precautions were taken before the flood, so that no one in Jingnan was harmed. This was already a great achievement. Therefore, the county magistrate dared to define the price of food in Jingnan as two thousand five hundred yuan per stone.

"Mr. Yang, what you are saying is that it is just the county minister who is like this and it is not helpful for disaster relief. What good is it for him?"

A grain merchant asked doubtfully.

"Benefits?! Haha, the benefits should be on us." Yang Laoguan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The grain merchant was puzzled.

There was no need for Mr. Yang to answer. The grain merchant next to him rushed to answer and sneered, "You are stupid. Mr. Yang has made it so clear, and you still don't understand?! The county official set the price of grain at two thousand five thousand per stone. Bai Wen, if you give us this huge benefit, shouldn't we express it to the county magistrate?! Don't you understand the principle of reciprocating favors and reciprocating favors?!"

"What? You are saying that the County Lord... is impossible. The County Lord has a reputation as Qingtian, and he is not like this."

The grain merchant suddenly understood, but then shook his head, expressing doubts about this conclusion.

"If you know people well, you can't be ignorant of the heart. Shopkeeper Zhang, how do you know that the county magistrate is not like this?! Besides, Shopkeeper Zhang, you are still a well-known good person in your town. In fact, you don't have any idea in your mind. Do you need it? Shall we dismantle it for you piece by piece?"

There was a person next to him who knew shopkeeper Zhang's true identity. Hearing this, he couldn't help but sneered and said to him.

Suddenly, Shopkeeper Zhang's face turned red and he stopped talking.

"Before the county magistrate was promoted, he naturally cherished his feathers and whitewashed his reputation. Now that the county magistrate has been promoted to the post of Zhejiang Sentencing and Inspector Si Qianshi, why are you still trying to disguise yourself in a small place like Jingnan?! If you want to pretend, you have to go to Zhejiang. I remind you that when you are appointed as the Inspector General, you have to work hard to pretend! Besides, if you want to have a prosperous official career these days, you have to do everything up and down, all of which cost money. Our county magistrate is already a fifth-grade official at a young age. At first glance, he is no longer a fish in the pond. He will definitely not be satisfied with the punishment of the fifth rank, and he definitely wants to move up to the capital and be transferred to the capital, all of which cost money!"

"That is, all the bustle in the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit, and the county magistrate is no exception!"

"Get promoted and get rich, get promoted and get rich. If the county official has been promoted, he will naturally get rich."

All the grain merchants nodded in agreement.

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