Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1252 Fat Sheep Zhu Pingan

The time had just arrived at Yin hour, it was dark outside, the moon was shining brightly above our heads, and the sky was filled with stars that made our eyes blink.

Everything is silent, everything in heaven and earth is sleeping.


The door to the main room of Jingnan County Yamen's House opened, and Zhu Ping'an walked out of the house with a cloth bag slung across his body.

"Uncle, these are the pancakes baked yesterday. We haven't had time to heat them up today. Uncle, please wait for me for a while, and I'll heat them up."

Baozi's little maid Hua'er chased up from behind, holding a pack of pancakes wrapped in oil paper in her hand, and said to Zhu Ping'an with her mouth bulging.

"No, it'll be better if it's cold like this." Zhu Pingan waved his hand, reached out to take the pancake from Hua'er, and put it into the cloth bag. In his bag, there were also folded rice papers, charcoal pencils and other items, separated from the pancakes by lotus leaves.

"Uncle, everyone else returns home covered with stars and moon, but it's good for you. Not only do you return home covered with stars and moon, but you also go out wearing stars and moon. Even if your body is made of iron, you can't bear it. You don't know how to care about yourself. When the ladies come, what if they find that you have lost so much weight? If you do too much, you will skin your slave girl."

Baozi's little maid Hua'er bulged her mouth and walked behind Zhu Pingan. She used her feet to adjust Zhu Pingan's clothes. Through the clothes, she felt that her uncle had lost so much weight. The clothes that were originally just fine were now a little loose, and she burst into tears. I couldn't help but shed tears. My uncle has been working too hard these days.

"It's better to be thinner. Don't you think I have become much more handsome after losing weight? When Shu'er comes back, she will find that I have become so much more handsome. It's too late to reward you. How can I peel off your skin?" Zhu Pingan pretended. Lian smiled.

"Uncle, we're talking about business." Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, was so teased that she burst into tears and laughed, unable to hold back her anger.

"Relief for work will be implemented soon. I have to go down there to check the areas where construction can be done, and finalize the project sites for rebuilding cottages, building water conservancy facilities, building anti-Japanese outposts, and reclaiming wasteland. Jingnan is not a small place. If If I don't go out early, I won't be able to finish the whole day today, and the post-disaster reconstruction time will not be delayed. After I finish this busy period, I will have a good rest and sleep until I wake up naturally every day."

Zhu Pingan explained to Hua'er with a smile.

"Hua'er doesn't believe it. Hua'er has never seen my uncle sleep for a whole day." Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, puffed her mouth and didn't believe Zhu Ping'an's words about sleeping until she woke up naturally after finishing her work.

Soon, the doors of the wing rooms on both sides of the courtyard were opened, and Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others also got up.

"Go back and rest." Zhu Ping'an waved to Hua'er and took Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others out.

"Uncle, the rooster hasn't crowed yet."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, leaned against the door frame, looked at Zhu Pingan's back, and murmured in a low voice with red eyes.

Climbing mountains and ridges, trekking through mountains and rivers.

By the time the morning light burst from the eastern sky, Zhu Ping'an and his party had walked for dozens of kilometers continuously.

Because Jingnan rushed to repair a lot of flood control facilities before the flood. Although these water conservancy facilities blocked the flood outside Jingnan, their role is now also reflected. The floods in Jingnan receded faster than in Taiping County and other places. .

Zhu Pingan visited several villages and towns and found that the floodwaters had receded by 70% or 80%, and he felt much better.

Everywhere Zhu Ping'an goes, he carefully surveys the topography and landforms. From time to time, he uses carbon rods to write and draw on rice paper, delineates the address of the work-for-relief project, and makes preliminary plans. When he goes back in the evening, he will draw detailed maps and formulate detailed plans. , complete the charter, finalize the details, and implement the work-for-relief program tomorrow.

While Zhu Ping'an was non-stop surveying outside, a group of bandits who had turned refugees gathered together in the northern suburbs flood refuge area without leaving a trace, but it was inconspicuous because people like them gathered in the flood refuge area. There are many people sunbathing together.

"Old boss, young boss, brothers, I've been out and about in the past few days, but I haven't found any suitable fat sheep. However, as the old saying goes, you can't find anything with iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get anything."

Bandit Hu Laosan looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he whispered to everyone.

"Grrrr, that's 'you can't find anything after wearing iron shoes, it takes no effort to get there'. You, a bandit, have to learn some sour scholarly writing. Just don't show off if you don't know how to do it. Isn't it embarrassing?" The young master chuckled and turned the page. An eye roll.

Although his face was smeared with pot ash and he was wearing men's clothes, the young master's smile still made people's eyes brighten.

Although all the bandits knew that their young boss was a murderous female yaksha, they still couldn't help but take a second look.

Suddenly, a gleaming butterfly appeared in the young master's palm, and everyone couldn't help but cross their legs and retract their eyes.

"Ahem, Ruonan, girls, don't laugh all the time. Also, put the fish dagger away so no one can see it."

The old boss first glared at the bandits like a lion, then coughed and lectured the girl.

"There's something wrong with laughing. Okay, okay, I understand. I'll just put it away, dad." The young boss rolled his eyes and saw his old boss blowing his beard. He immediately squinted his eyes and smiled ingratiatingly at his old boss. He put away the dagger obediently, then stretched out his foot to lift Hu Lao San, glared at him, and said angrily, "Hu Lao San, what were you going to say just now? Go on, why did you become mute? "

"Yes, I mean I've been visiting places in the county these past few days, but I haven't found a suitable fat sheep. The rules set by the old club and the young club are to find fat sheep, but also those fat sheep that are not good people. This is not good Look for it. Just when I was dejected, I suddenly heard two passers-by swearing. My eyes suddenly lit up and I found a super big fat sheep, the kind of bad and boundless fat sheep! Let me tell you, we For doing this, not to mention that we will be popular and drink spicy food for the rest of our lives, even if we please the mother-in-law and give birth to seven or eight cubs, the baby will be popular and drink spicy food for the rest of his life."

Hu Laosan was kicked by his young master, he chuckled and continued talking, his eyes gleaming when he mentioned the fat sheep.

"How can a fat sheep be so fat? Are we here relatives of the emperor?!" The bandit next to him didn't believe what Hu Laosan said.

"You dare to rob a relative of the emperor?! Don't even think about it if you have the word 'emperor' in it. How many heads do you have that the emperor can chop off?!"

When the old boss heard this, he glared at them angrily, and the few bandits who spoke chuckled and shrank their necks.

"Not a relative of the emperor, this fat sheep," Hu Laosan said, lowering his voice, "he is just the child of the county magistrate."

"What?! Magistrate?!" The bandits around him couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Hu Laosan looked around cautiously and relaxed when he saw that no one was paying attention.

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