Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1253 Sure enough, there is no good scholar


Hu Laosan had just relaxed when he was hit hard on the head by someone. He glared and was about to get angry. When he looked up and found that the person who hit him was the young master, he was instantly frightened and hurriedly laughed to apologize.

"Hu Laosan, are you itchy?! How did you choose the fat sheep?! Have you forgotten the rules?!"

The corners of the young master's mouth curled up coldly, he looked at Hu Laosan with a smile on his face, and said quietly.

"Young master, I'm really unjust. I know all the rules in our village by heart, so how can I dare to violate them? I chose him as a fat sheep in accordance with the rules." Hu Laosan couldn't help but said with aggrieved face after hearing this.

"Why do you follow the rules!? Jingnan Xiaozhi County has a good reputation. If you don't say anything else, just how many people have been saved in this flood refuge area, you choose him as a fat sheep?! Are you blind or your head was kicked by a donkey? !”

The young master looked at Hu Laosan with cold eyes. After hiding his smile, his cold eyes made people feel stressed.

"Shaodongjia, what you are talking about is all old history. Listen, how many people in the flood refuge area are scolding him now, and the locals are the ones scolding him the most." Hu Laosan shook his head and explained with a bitter look on his face. .

"Hmph, fighting for rice's kindness, raising rice's hatred, eating two meals a day for nothing, a meal of steamed rice porridge, what else is there to be dissatisfied with? Holding the bowl to eat, putting down the bowl to scold the mother, they are really a bunch of white-eyed wolves who repay kindness with enmity."

The young master spat disdainfully, looking down on all the victims in the flood refuge area who repaid kindness with revenge.

"Shaodong, do you know Xiao Zhixian?! Why do you always speak for him?" Hu Laosan asked weakly.

"Fart! How can I, a noble aunt, know the magistrate of Lao Shizi County? Hu Laosan, if you talk nonsense again, be careful that my aunt will cut out your tongue!" The young master gave Hu Laosan a cold look and threatened.

"Yes, yes, you are talking nonsense. How could the Shaodong family know that Xiaozhi County? Shaodong family, people in the flood refuge area have been scolding Xiaozhi County these two days. In the past, they always protected the locals in Xiaozhi County. They scolded Even more powerful." Hu Laosan immediately shrank his neck and defended himself.

"Are you talking about the rumor that Xiaozhi County has set the price of grain in Jingnan at 2,500 yuan per stone? It's false at first sight. Even the evil grain dealers outside can only raise the price to more than 1,300 yuan per stone. Wen, how could Xiaozhi County take the initiative to raise food prices so high?! I don’t know why so many people believe it.”

The young master rolled her eyes disdainfully. She didn't believe it after hearing the news two days ago.

"It's true, Shaodong's family. This is all true. When I visited the county town, I saw two passers-by looking at a notice and scolding Zhu Pingan. I begged them to read the notice to me. The content roughly said that since From the date the notice is posted, the grain supply in Jingnan will be 2,500 yuan per stone. This notice is posted all over the city and cannot be false. If you don’t believe it, the Shaodong family can go to the county seat to confirm it. If I lie, the Shaodong family will take my dog’s head. !”

Hu Laosan swore and said.

"You mean the notices have even been posted?!" The young master's face changed immediately after hearing this. He stared at Hu Laosan with a pair of cold eyes and asked word for word, with a cold air exuding all over his body.

"Of course, they were posted all over the city. I asked more than one person to read the notices to me. They all said the same thing!"

Hu Laosan nodded vigorously. Because he was not lying, he was not lying at all when he looked at the young host's family.

"One of the two passers-by has a relative who is a grain merchant. His relative told him that all the grain merchants in the county gave thank-you gifts to the small magistrate. Depending on the size of the grain merchant, the small one gave a gift of 800 taels of silver. The small one gave a gift of 1,500 taels of silver, and the big one gave a gift of 2,500 taels of silver. The small magistrate refused all comers and accepted them all. In the past two days, there were many grain merchants outside who seemed to smell the fishy smell. Like wolves, they swarmed into Jingnan County. Every time a foreign grain merchant came, Xiaozhi County sent people to collect gifts. It is said that in the past few days, Xiaozhi County received nearly 100,000 taels of silver just from receiving gifts. Now you Do you know why Xiaozhi County raised the price of food so high?! Just to collect dirty money!"

Hu Laosan said eloquently, and when he talked about the last 100,000 taels of silver, his mouth was watering.

"One hundred thousand taels?! So much?! My dear mother, when so much money is piled up, it won't look like a mountain!"

"One hundred thousand taels, not to mention raising cubs, just raising cubs, they are all popular and drink spicy food."

Hearing this, all the bandits were drooling, and they were as jealous as wolves who had discovered their prey.

While all the bandits were salivating, the young master stood up with a murderous look and walked out without saying a word.

"Ruonan, where are you going?!" his old club asked.

"I'm going to take a look at the notice to see if it's true." Shaodongjia said without looking back.

"Young Master's house, I know the way, I will take you there." Hu Laosan volunteered.

"Hurry up and leave!" The young master glared at him.

"Let's go, let's go. Brothers, wait for us to come back. We can kill the sheep to celebrate the New Year." Hu Laosan nodded and hurriedly trotted to keep up. He patted his chest and said to the bandits as he ran.

The internal management of the flood refuge area is strict, but access is not restricted. Of course, no disaster victim will be willing to leave.

Hu Laosan led Shaodong's family out of the flood refuge area and walked all the way to Jingnan County. It didn't take long before they entered Jingnan County.

"Shaodong's house, there is a high-speed rail over there." As soon as they entered Jingnan County, Hu Laosan pointed to the place not far ahead and said.

Sure enough, when I walked over, I saw a notice. The notice was in a mess, and it was all spurned by the angry people.

"Young master, let me find someone to read to us."

Hu Laosan said enthusiastically, but stopped mid-sentence. He remembered with embarrassment that his young master's family was literate.

The young master ignored the embarrassed Hu Laosan and walked to the notice on his own, looking at it expressionlessly.

The moment he read the notice, the Shaodong family felt a chill all over their bodies. The more they looked at it, the colder it became. Finally, they felt as if they had just stepped out of Jiuyou, and the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

"What's going on? It's so cold." Hu Laosan suddenly felt a chill and couldn't help but fold his arms.

"Damn it! Sure enough, there is no good scholar!" The young master cursed through gritted teeth.

"It seems to be getting colder."

Hu Laosan's arms hugged him tighter.

"Look, another foreign grain merchant has opened."

At this moment, a burst of noise came. Following the sound, Shaodongjia and Hu Laosan saw a grain store not far away opened, and firecrackers were set off. The shopkeeper held his fists and saluted around, like a lucky cat. , very festive.

The young master and Hu Laosan were watching the excitement. Only half a tea time later, they saw two guards coming over.

"Shopkeeper, congratulations on getting rich. The county magistrate asked us to ask the shopkeeper. Now that Jingnan is suffering from severe floods, the victims are displaced and desperate for food. Is the shopkeeper willing to donate money to the victims of Jingnan?!"

The two officers held fists in their hands to congratulate him, then they took out a piece of rice paper familiarly and asked the shopkeeper if he was willing to donate.

"I am willing, I am willing, of course I am willing. I also ask two gentlemen to take care of the county."

The new shopkeeper knew nothing about this. He had already told him about it when his brothers told him about the business opportunity. So when he heard the officer's question, he responded with a smile and took out a stack of morning breakfast from his sleeve. He handed the prepared banknote to the clerk and signed his name on the rice paper called Donation Agreement.

The two guards carefully put away the rice paper, held their fists in their hands and congratulated a few more words, then turned and left.

The two of them are extremely skilled in business! It seems that they have done this kind of thing not once or twice.

"What a bullshit donation, and it all goes into the pocket of the dog official! The dog official who kills a thousand swords cleverly creates a name and blatantly asks for bribes!"

Passers-by nearby cursed.

Damn it!

The young master sees all this clearly! The whole body was so cold that Hu Laosan beside him was almost frozen.

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