Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1255 Selling yourself as a slave

In the afternoon, Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, carried a vegetable basket and went to the evening market about a hundred meters away to buy vegetables as usual. This is what she does every day, picking out fresh ingredients at the evening market and buying enough for the day.

Although Hua'er opened a small vegetable plot in the backyard of the county government and raised a few chickens, the vegetables have not grown up yet, and the floods have affected the growth of the small vegetables. At present, the small vegetables are not self-sufficient, and the chickens are not. Not grown up yet.

Every time he goes out, there will be a guard not far away to follow and protect him. Hua'er is now used to it.

After about a stick of incense, Hua'er came back from the evening market with a satisfied vegetable basket. The vegetables in the basket were fresh and juicy. The guard who was following behind was carrying two large carp and a white-striped chicken. He kept a distance of about three meters from Hua'er and followed him not far or close.

"Dad, no, please, don't sell me to Yichun Tower to make fun of me. That Wang Yapo always sends the girls he buys to Yichun Tower, dad, please don't."

Just when Hua'er was about to reach the small gate of the backyard of the county government office, a girl wearing coarse clothes and messy hair staggered over from the side path in a panic, sobbing and crying as she ran, but she didn't run a few steps. His feet slipped and he fell to the ground with a cry of surprise.

Impartially, she fell down three to five meters away from the painting. The girl was crying with pear blossoms in the rain. She looked like a typical village girl. Her cheeks were slightly dark and stained with dust, showing a trace of blush caused by working in the fields. She is red, somewhat pretty, and the clothes on her body are not very clean, wrinkled, and there are traces of farm work.

The officer following Hua'er was very wary at first, and quickly approached Hua'er for protection. After seeing clearly that the person coming was a weak woman, he felt that there was no danger, so he took two steps back.

After the girl fell down, a man ran up the side path. The man was thin and about forty or fifty years old. His clothes were dirty and ragged, and his face was filled with bitterness and hatred, and he was weather-beaten.

"Tui'er, there is really nothing we can do about it. God won't give us a way to survive. We can't live our lives anymore. The family can't open the door. Mother Xen is sick again. If she doesn't give you money, the doctor won't even take it. Medicine, and brother Xie, I don’t love him the most, I’m willing to watch him starve to death.”

The middle-aged man stepped forward, grabbed the girl's hand, and sighed heavily while tugging her.

"Dad, if you want to sell me, you should sell me to an ordinary family. I just ask you not to sell me to Wang Yapo. She is Yapo from Yichun Tower. If I fall into her hands, I will be sold into Yichun Tower." .Dad, why don’t you know where Yichun Tower is? If I am sold into Yichun Tower, there will be no way to survive. I can only make people laugh. Anyone can bully me. Thousands of people can ride on me and sleep with thousands of people. , was tortured to death."

The girl couldn't help but shrink back, unable to get up from the ground, as if the ground could allow her to fuck safely. She grabbed the man's sleeves with both hands, raised a face full of tears, and begged bitterly, with a voice like The autumn wind blew through the bamboo forest sadly, and the tears on my face were like floods bursting from the embankment.

"Tui'er, dad doesn't want to sell you to Wang Yapo, but there's no other way. Other people think you've been married and widowed, so they're only willing to give you 5 taels of silver at most. Only Wang Yapo wants you to be tall enough. I'm willing to pay 10 taels to make ends meet. In our family, your mother's medical treatment costs more than 5 taels, and that's not to mention that my brother and our family have to live on. If we only sell 5 taels, what's the use? Sell ​​it to Wang Yapo."

The middle-aged man pulled the girl up forcefully, and said to the girl with a look of helplessness and determination.

"Father, if I don't ask you not to sell me, I just ask you to sell me to someone else. Just don't send me into a pit of fire."

The girl cried with tears and snot in her nose. She tightly grasped the middle-aged man's sleeves with both hands and begged bitterly.

"Tui'er, this is fate. There's nothing I can do about it. It's my father who's sorry for you. In the next life, he'll be your bully."

The middle-aged man was almost in tears, but he still shook his head cruelly and insisted on pulling the girl up.

This girl is so pitiful. Seeing this scene in front of her, Baozi's little maid Hua'er couldn't help but blush.

The guard who was following behind saw this scene and lowered his guard. Before the flood, he had seen many people selling their children and daughters. Poor people really couldn't survive when they encountered difficulties. It was not surprising that they sold their children and daughters. After the flood, the number of children and girls being sold was much more common than usual. The day before yesterday, old man Zhang from his village sold his five-year-old son, firstly to make some money, and secondly to find a way for his younger son to survive.

As long as it is not a crime of rape or rape, such as forced buying and selling, or raping of women, the government will not care about it.

When the time comes, they hand over money and someone else, and sign a deed of sale. From then on, their fate is controlled by the master's family, and they have no freedom.

"Tui'er, my father and mother treat you very well. They say that a married girl throws away the water. But your husband died on the day you got married, and your in-laws called you a swindler, but it was your father and mother who took you back. Just keep it up. Now that we have suffered a natural disaster and your mother is sick again, our family really can't survive. There is really no other way. Now your mother's life is hanging by a thread, just waiting for money to get medicine. Cui'er, dad is really helpless. There's a solution. Daddy has never begged you since I was a child. Today, daddy will beg you this time. Please Cui'er."

As the middle-aged man spoke, he knelt down, tears streaming down his face filled with bitterness and hatred.

"Dad. Dad, please get up. My daughter agreed. My daughter agreed. Wuwuwu."

Seeing the middle-aged man kneeling down and crying, the girl's defense seemed to be broken, and she knelt down and cried loudly.

"Tui'er, dad is sorry for you. If you want to complain, just hate me. It has nothing to do with your mother or brother."

"Dad, I don't blame you. If you do, blame the world. This is my fate."

For a moment, the father and daughter were in front of Hua'er, hugging each other and crying. It was really sad to listen to it and shed tears when hearing it.

"Which one, don't be sad about which one?"

Hua'er had already shed tears. She wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and with red eyes, she walked forward and called softly.

The father and daughter raised their heads with tears in their eyes, looking at Hua'er with blank eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to listen to your privacy. Well, you'd better not sell your daughter. How can you send your own daughter into a pit of fire? I have ten taels of silver. You can use it for emergencies. Go home and live a good life. "

Hua'er said with red eyes, took out a ten-liang banknote from his sleeve and handed it to the two of them.


The father and daughter were more surprised than surprised.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor. Thank you so much, my benefactor. Madam is really kind-hearted. We kowtow to you."

The girl reacted first and pulled the middle-aged man to kneel down and kowtow. The middle-aged man also reacted and kowtowed.

"Get up quickly and take it home. Your mother is still waiting to see a doctor and get medicine. There is no time to delay."

Hua'er stretched out his hand to pull the girl and handed the banknote to the girl.

"My benefactor, although I don't know how to read, I still know my integrity. I'm not a beggar, so how can I take my benefactor's money in vain?"

The girl cried and shook her head, determined not to accept it.

"Yes, we are poor and ambitious, so we can use our benefactor's money in vain." The middle-aged man also shook his head firmly.

"You guys go home quickly, your mother is still waiting to see a doctor and get medicine." Hua'er was so anxious that she almost cried.

"Dad, I'll give you this money. You can take it home to see your mother. You can also buy some food to go home. My brother won't be able to bear the hunger. So I sold myself to my benefactor. I will work as a cow or a horse for my benefactor all my life. To repay my kindness to my benefactor. Dad, this is the last time I call you daddy. From now on, I am a slave of my benefactor’s family. I am at my mercy. I have nothing to do with you anymore. From now on, I will still have each other. Peace of mind."

The girl bit her lip and made up her mind. She took the bank note from Hua'er and gave it to the middle-aged man. She said to him with a decisive look on her face.

"Ah? No, really no need." Hua'er waved her hands repeatedly.

"Then I don't want this bank note anymore. Dad, you'd better sell me to Mrs. Wang Ya. If you ride with a thousand people, just ride with a thousand people. This is my life."

Hearing this, the girl shook her head vigorously, cried and took the banknote back from the middle-aged man's hand, stuffed it back into Hua'er's hand, and cried to the middle-aged man with a look of resignation and grief.

"Ah?! I'll buy it, I'll buy it." Hua'er couldn't help but said anxiously when he heard that the girl was going to sell Yichun Building.

So Hua'er went out to the evening market to buy vegetables, chickens and fish, and on the way back he bought a girl who was sold into slavery.

"Dad, please go. From now on, I have nothing to do with you. From now on, whether you are alive or dead, you will have your destiny."

The girl stood at the door of the county government's backyard and covered her face with her sleeves. After saying goodbye to the middle-aged man, she turned decisively and walked into the backyard.

Under the sleeves, the corners of his lips curved up, and he lowered his head. No one could see a pair of fox eyes, which were particularly lively.

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