Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1256 Hijacked

The sky has become completely dark, and you can't see your fingers. The moon has risen above the willow branches, and the stars have filled the night sky. The birds have long returned to their nests, and most of the lights in the houses have been extinguished. The ancients who did not have many entertainment activities have fallen asleep. Zhu On the way back, Ping An and his party even heard the sounds of several families making people.

Having watched so many modern short films, Zhu Ping'an had long been immune to this, but Liu Mu and the others were no longer able to do so, and their faces turned red.

"Ahem, it's so loud, so I'm not ashamed to panic." Liu Dadao coughed and said with a red face in embarrassment.

"Haha, this is a voice that sows hope, indicating that the people are confident in weathering this flood."

Zhu Ping'an didn't blush or pant. He was as steady as a dog. He even looked at the essence through the phenomenon and made a comment.

Rain or shine! Stable as a mountain!

Young Master is worthy of being a Young Master.

We only heard embarrassment, but Young Master heard hope. Liu Mu and the others couldn't help but admire Zhu Ping'an even more.

In the dark night, Zhu Ping'an and his party returned to the county government office wearing stars and moonlight, tired and muddy.

When Fang walked into the county government house, the fragrant smell of chicken soup hit his face, and the pores all over his body opened after taking a whiff.

"It's so fragrant. This chicken soup is really fragrant. Miss Hua'er's skills have improved again. I'm so lucky, sir." Liu Dadao walked into the back house, sniffed his nose vigorously like a dog a few times, and praised it heartily.

"Well, don't tell me, it's true. The chicken soup Hua'er stewed today is much more fragrant than the past few days. I'm lucky, and you are lucky too. I'll share half the pot with you later." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir. But we don't need the chicken soup. When we came back, we just ate the cakes and our bellies were full."

Liu Mu and others thanked him repeatedly and declined.

"Why are you being polite to me? There is a big pot of chicken soup. Hua'er and I can't finish it even if we have two more stomachs."

Zhu Pingan smiled.

"Haha, you're welcome then. Thank you very much, sir." Liu Dadao and the others rubbed the backs of their heads and laughed.

"Alas, we came here to repay our kindness to the Young Master, but we didn't expect that we would enjoy the blessings with the Young Master, and the debt would become more and more owed. Our ancestors, counting for eighteen generations, have been poor farmers for generations. Thanks to the Young Master, we are now This generation even made Xiaoqi an official because of his merit, but it has given our old Liu family glory."

Liu Dadao and others said with emotion.

"Haha, if you really think about it, I owe it to you. You saved my life in the capital, and you helped me defend the city when the Japanese invaders attacked it. Without you, I'm afraid I would have been in dire straits; You got the title of Little Flag Officer through a bloody battle with the Japanese pirates. Because you helped me kill the Japanese and made meritorious deeds, I have been promoted to many levels, not to mention how much you have helped me in daily life."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and shook his head, patted Liu Dadao and the others on their shoulders, and said gratefully.

"Young master, you not only saved our lives, but also avenged our parents, children, and fellow villagers. Let alone this life, even in the next life, and the next life after that, we will never be able to repay your kindness to you."

Liu Dadao and the others said excitedly.

"Haha, come on, if we keep doing the calculation, I'm afraid we won't be able to figure it out even in the morning. Today, everyone got up early in the dark and has been busy all day. Go back and change clothes and rest. I will bring you chicken soup later. Come."

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand and interrupted them with a smile. He didn't expect Hua'er's chicken soup to attract so many people.

"Thank you, Master." Liu Dadao and the others thanked them again, "Master, please go to bed early."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and waved his hand, and walked to the main room. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao went back to the side rooms on both sides.

"Hua'er, the chicken soup today is pretty good," Zhu Ping'an praised as he pushed the door open and walked into the main room.

"Hey, Hua'er?"

Zhu Ping'an was a little surprised when he walked into the main house but didn't see Hua'er. Usually when he walked into the house, Hua'er would have been waiting at the door, rushing up to help him get things and bring warm water for him to wash his hands and change clothes.

"Ahem, uncle, I'm in the back room."

Soon, Hua'er's voice came from the back room. Her voice was a little hoarse and different from her usual tone.

The oil lamp in the outside room is very bright, while the oil lamp in the inner room is dim. The difference in light between the two is relatively large.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't see clearly from the outside.

"Hua'er, what's wrong with your throat?" Zhu Pingan asked in surprise as he walked into the back room.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't be more familiar with Hua'er's voice, especially after spending time with him day and night in Jingnan. He couldn't be more familiar with it. Something felt wrong when he heard Hua'er's voice, but he didn't think much about it.

"I may have caught a cold in the wind when I went out to buy groceries, and I have a fever and a stuffy nose." Hua'er explained in a hoarse voice in the back room.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan, who had already stepped into the inner room with one foot, suddenly stopped.

"Ah, it's not good if you catch a cold due to the wind. There is a cooling fan in the study. I'll get it for you."

Zhu Ping'an said with great concern, and did not allow Hua'er to refuse, so he quickly stepped back.

However, Zhu Pingan's legs only took half a step back when his mouth was covered by a slender hand, and then a cold dagger appeared on his neck, followed by a giggle, "Giggle, giggle, Cunning guy, he still wants to run away!”

Sure enough!

After Zhu Ping'an was kidnapped, there was no surprise at all. He had already noticed something was wrong just now, so he stopped. In fact, Zhu Pingan felt something was wrong when he didn't see Hua'er as soon as he entered the door. In the past, Hua'er was waiting for him at the door regardless of rain or shine, but he didn't take it seriously. When he heard Hua'er's hoarse voice again, Zhu Pingan felt that something was wrong. He also felt that something was wrong, but he still didn't think much about it. It wasn't until Hua'er explained that the wind caused a cold, fever, and a stuffy nose that Zhu Ping'an realized that something was wrong, something was very wrong. Although Hua'er's voice is hoarse, it's not the hoarseness of a stuffy nose, but a deliberate hoarseness. Moreover, with Hua'er's character, not to mention a little fever and stuffy nose, even if he was seriously ill, Hua'er would drag his body over to serve him. How could he stay in the back room like now, waiting for him to come over? .

As soon as he was alert, Zhu Ping'an discovered one thing that was wrong one after another. One thing was just okay, but so many were unjustifiable. How could there be so many coincidences in the world? This painting is not that painting.

Someone is pretending to be a painting!

Thinking of this, Zhu Pingan knew that the situation was not good.

However, although Zhu Ping'an had noticed something was wrong, he remained calm on his face. He immediately thought of an escape plan in his mind, using the excuse of going to the study to get medicine to escape. As long as he took three steps back, there would be a safe buffer distance. , I shouted again, and Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others would come to escort me, but I didn't expect my opponent to be so alert, as if I had expected that I would see through and escape.

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