Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1257 Look, this is sophistry

"Giggle, you little dog official is really a cunning and cunning person. You are as cunning as a loach. You almost got away with it."

In the darkness, a girl covered with a black veil giggled. She covered Zhu Pingan's mouth with one hand, and held a dagger close to the artery in Zhu Pingan's neck with the other hand. She had perfect control, and she could cut the artery with just a few centimeters more.

Zhu Ping'an half-raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. He cooperated very well and was kidnapped into the inner room by the masked woman.

"Giggle, that's very interesting. I'll let go of my hand. Don't yell, little dog. My aunt is timid and her hands will shake easily when she's scared. If her hands tremble and scratch your neck, don't blame me, little dog. Oh aunt."

The masked woman giggled and said to Zhu Pingan, and while speaking, she deliberately put the dagger close to Zhu Pingan's neck.

After threatening him, the masked woman slowly released her hand covering Zhu Pingan's mouth.

"cool, cool"

After Zhu Ping'an opened his mouth, he blurted out "Cold" and even pulled his neck back, as if he had been caught in the cold.

"Pfft." The masked woman couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. A pair of fox eyes stared at Zhu Ping'an with interest and studied it, "I thought the first thing you, a little dog officer, would say is "heroine" "Excuse me, I didn't expect you to be called Liang, you are really unique as a puppy officer."

"Ahem, it's really cold. Can you hold the knife farther away?"

Zhu Ping'an coughed, stretched out two fingers and gently pushed the dagger outward.

"I still want to play tricks. Let me hold the dagger farther away so that you can escape?!" The masked woman sneered. The dagger did not retreat but advanced, using its sharp edge to teach Zhu Ping'an how to behave.

"Haha, how could it be? The heroine is overly concerned. I am a weak scholar with no power, how can I be the heroine's opponent? Playing tricks in front of the heroine is just asking for trouble. Why bother to go into debt? As the saying goes, I know the current affairs. He is a hero, and since he fell into the hands of the heroine, I will be aware of myself as a prisoner."

Zhu Pingan slightly twitched the corners of his mouth and said softly, shaking his half-raised hands slightly to show that he was very conscious.

"Grrrr, no ivory comes out of a dog's mouth, and you can't believe a word that comes out of your little dog's mouth."

The masked woman chuckled, slapped Zhu Pingan's face several times with the dagger, and sneered at Zhu Pingan.

Nima! Don't hit people in the face!

Zhu Ping'an was hit three times on the cheek with a dagger by the masked woman. He was slandering Ma Maipai in his heart, but he forced a smile on his face.

Dog officer, dog officer, you keep calling me a dog officer. It seems you have a deep prejudice against me. Are you here to seek revenge? !

Zhu Ping'an smiled on her face, her brain was running rapidly. If she was here to seek revenge, then who was she seeking revenge for? !

Zhu Ping'an's first suspect was Li Dianshi, Zhang Xiancheng and Chief Yao who were dealt with by him last month. Li Dianshi was sent to Liaodong and exiled to Liaodong. Zhangxian Cheng and Yao were demoted from their posts to civilians and would never be used again. The other three families had their property confiscated. In terms of hatred, the three of them naturally hate me the most in Jingnan. Could it be that this masked woman was sent by Zhang Xian Cheng and others to seek revenge on me? !

However, it also feels a bit strange. If this masked woman was sent by Zhang Xiancheng and others to seek revenge, how could she talk nonsense to herself at this time? She should have gone in with a white knife and gone out with a red knife.

Since the killer is not killed immediately, there is still a chance, don't rush, take your time.

The top priority now is painting.

Zhu Ping'an asked with concern, "Xia Xia, where is the girl in this room? She has a little baby fat on her face. Is she okay? I am a dog officer, she is innocent, this girl has never even killed a chicken. , please also ask the heroine to be noble and let her go."

"Sure enough, you can't believe a word that comes out of your little doggy mouth. You said she hasn't even killed a chicken? Then tell me, where did the chicken soup in the pot come from? Did it fall from the sky?"

The masked woman rolled her eyes and chuckled, full of irony.

"The chickens are all killed by others." Zhu Pingan explained.

"Is there any difference?! You didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of you. You are such a hypocrite, like a puppy!"

The masked woman looked sideways, her fox eyes full of contempt.

"Nvxia, these two are not comparable. Regardless of whether you buy Hua'er or not, the chickens in the market have been slaughtered; but Boren is different. Boren died of Director Wang's resentment, and Wang Dunru He took charge of Stone City, sent troops to plunder, and asked Wang Dao how Bo Ren was doing. Wang Dao didn't answer, so Wang Dun knew better and killed Boren."

Zhu Pingan shook his head and said lightly.

"You are sophistry!" The masked woman glared at Zhu Pingan.

"No, what I said is the truth, not sophistry." Zhu Pingan continued to shake his head and said lightly.

"Hmph! A scholar's mouth is a liar!" The masked woman sneered, an AOE language hurting her.

"Nvxia, you are biased against me. Sophistry is not like this." Zhu Pingan looked helpless.

"Then what do you mean by sophistry?" The masked woman seemed to be very interested, staring at Zhu Pingan with interest with a pair of fox eyes.

"It's okay to say it, but before I say it, can I ask the heroine if Hua'er is okay?" Zhu Pingan said.

"Then it depends on whether your sophistry satisfies me. If it does, it's okay to let you, the little dog official, meet your little lover. But if it doesn't satisfy me, haha. You know."

The masked woman giggled, her fox eyes narrowed, and she stared at Zhu Pingan with a half-smile.

What little lover? !

I understand your sister!

Zhu Ping'an cursed in his heart, but the smile on his face became much more natural. If he is satisfied, then there is nothing wrong with letting you, the little dog official, meet your little lover. At least he got a certain affirmation from the masked woman's words. The message is, Hua'er is fine, otherwise, how could she let herself see Hua'er.

So I feel relieved.

"If you want to be sophistical, give me an example, and the heroine will understand." Zhu Pingan said with a slight smile.

"Lift it!" The masked woman blinked with fox eyes and giggled, "You're not going to stop lifting it, are you?"

Your sister!

Zhu Ping'an rolled his eyes. He was a slave to others, but he was a piece of fish. He could only let the masked woman take advantage of him verbally.

"Two friends came to my county office as guests. One friend is very clean and the other is very dirty. I asked them both to take a bath. May I ask the heroine, who of the two will take a bath?" Zhu Pingan looked at the masked woman asked.

"Of course you are dirty and have to take a shower?" the masked woman said without thinking.

"Wrong, it was the clean friend who went to take a bath." Zhu Pingan said, "Because the clean friend developed the habit of taking a bath, and the dirty friend got used to being dirty, and he thought there was nothing to wash. So, Heroine, may I ask Who went to take a shower?"

"Clean?" The masked woman raised her eyebrows.

"No." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Wrong?!" The masked woman was angry and glared.

"No." Zhu Pingan nodded, "The dirty friend went to take a shower. Because the dirty friend was very dirty, he needed to take a shower; while the clean friend was clean, so he didn't need to take a shower. So, may I ask the heroine , who went to take a bath?"

"Dirty." The masked woman gritted her teeth.

"Wrong again, of course they both went to take a shower." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a hint of sarcasm, "The clean friend has the habit of taking a shower, while the dirty friend needs to take a shower, so they both went to take a shower. Okay. How about that? Let me ask the heroine again, which one of them went to take a shower?"

"Both of you are going to take a shower." The masked woman was feeling cold all over.

"Wrong again. Neither of them went to take a bath. The dirty friend has no habit of taking a bath, while the clean friend does not need to take a bath."

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth, but before he could finish his words, he saw a cold light flash in front of his eyes, and a bunch of hair on his temples fell off, while the masked woman opposite was so cold that it almost froze Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Pingan shrugged, his face calm, and said lightly, "Look, this is sophistry."

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