Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1258 Silly and Cute Paintings

The masked woman's anger was still there, and her pair of fox eyes almost made two holes in Zhu Pingan's face. After glaring at Zhu Pingan for three seconds, she suddenly giggled, "Keke is indeed a treacherous and cunning little official." , The sophistry of his sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, and sharp teeth really opened my aunt's eyes."

Listening to the masked woman speaking like a puppy, criticizing every word, Zhu Pingjue's Confucius' controversial saying "Only women and villains are difficult to raise" fit this masked woman very well.

"Please also ask the heroine to fulfill her promise." Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth and held his hands with a calm expression, ignoring the masked woman's questioning.

"Hmph, don't worry, I'm not like someone who breaks his word and is full of bad intentions." The masked woman said sarcastically.

Don't listen, don't listen, the bastard chants sutras. Zhu Pingan twitched his lips and took the initiative to ignore the masked woman's verbal criticism.

"Here, your little lover is right here."

After scorning Zhu Pingan, the masked woman raised her chin towards the bed, then held Zhu Pingan with a dagger and walked to the bed.

The light in the back room was dim and he was held hostage by a masked woman. Zhu Pingan never noticed the situation on the bed. After being held hostage by the masked woman behind the bed, Zhu Ping'an discovered that Hua'er was indeed lying on the bed.

To be precise, he was tied to the bed.

Hua'er's hands and feet were tied to the bedpost, a towel was stuffed in her mouth, and her eyes were wide open.

Uh, this binding position feels a bit shameful.

Seeing Hua'er's tied posture, Zhu Ping'an even wondered if the masked woman had gone to the island country to learn rope skills!

After seeing Zhu Pingan, Hua'er's big eyes instantly rolled out two bean-sized tears, and then one after another, the tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes like broken pearls.

Seeing that Hua'er was fine, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then tugged at the corner of his mouth speechlessly. This stupid girl, her mouth was stuffed, so she couldn't speak, but it didn't stop you from humming. .

Don't say you were tapped? ! This is the real world, not a novel. There is no such unreasonable existence as acupuncture points.

"Are you okay?" Zhu Ping'an asked Hua'er with concern.

Hua'er shook her head vigorously and said that she was fine, but she had more tears and the pillow was wet.

"Giggle. Puppy officer, you are as cunning as a loach, but your little lover is really stupid and adorable."

The masked woman couldn't help but giggle when she saw that Hua'er looked like an aggrieved little stupid dog that had found its owner.

"What did you do to the painting?" Zhu Pingan asked with a frown.

"My aunt is not an inhuman dog official like you." The masked woman sneered and rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan. While holding Zhu Pingan hostage with a dagger, she reached out to take off the towel from Hua'er's mouth and said to Hua'er, "I Take off the towel and you can speak, but don't shout, otherwise the puppy officer will die."

"Uncle. Wuwuwu." After Hua'er could speak, she curled her mouth and started to cry.

"It's okay, don't cry. What did she do to you just now? Why was there no sound at all?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Uncle, wuwuwu. She stuffed a towel into me and didn't let me speak. She threatened me not to make a sound, otherwise, she would be frightened. Wuwuwu. She would stab you to death with a flying knife."

Hua'er choked in a low voice, her nose twitching as she cried, and her tears flowed out as if they were free.

faint! Do you believe this? ! Zhu Ping'an was speechless at Hua'er.

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIt's true, uncle, she just waved her hand, and in a swish, a flying knife flew out. With a click, a poor spider was nailed to the pillar by her."

Hua'er's hands were tied and she couldn't make any gestures, but her head still worked hard to replace her hands with the movements of the masked woman throwing the knife, and she also worked hard to dub the words in her mouth. The silly Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

This stupid girl is really

Zhu Ping'an finally understood why Hua'er didn't dare to make any sound. It turned out that this stupid girl was worried about herself. After the masked woman showed Hua'er the unique skill of flying knives and nailing spiders, Hua'er threatened the masked woman. She was convinced that she could even nail a spider, let alone a target as big as her uncle. In order to prevent her uncle from being stabbed to death by a flying knife from the masked woman, Hua'er tried her best to keep quiet.

"Okay, don't cry anymore, you did a good job." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and consoled him.

"Uuuuuu, uncle, it's all my fault. I went out to buy groceries today and met her on the way back. At that time, her father wanted to sell her to Yichun Tower so that her mother could see a doctor and buy food for their family. She cried. They were so pitiful that I felt distressed watching them, so I gave them ten taels of silver. She was very brave and had to sell herself as a slave to me, otherwise she would not get any money. I had no choice but to accept it. Everything was fine in the beginning, she and I When I came back, I was quite diligent. I cleaned the yard and helped me make chicken soup, but it was a mess. But just after dinner was done, she turned against me, tied me up, called my uncle a dog official, and said she wanted to settle the score with my uncle." Hua'er looked remorseful and cried aggrievedly.

So that's it. Zhu Pingan nodded. Just now he was thinking about how the masked woman got in, but now he understood.

Of course, Zhu Pingan also knew that even if there was no painting, the masked woman could still sneak in.

At night, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao were there, and the county government backyard was safe; but during the day, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others followed him out, and there was only Huaer left in the county government backyard. There is only one guard watching outside the small door, so there is a blind spot. The patrol officer only patrols every half an hour, so there is a gap in between. Without the painting, the masked woman would have the opportunity to climb over the wall and hide in the backyard, and she could also attack him unexpectedly. However, there was no guarantee that accidents would happen, so the masked woman chose to act as a show and sneak in by "selling herself into slavery".

This is a lesson. A gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. In the future, security in the backyard of the county government office must be strengthened during the day.

The former magistrates in Jingnan who died several times are a lesson from the past. In addition, Zhang Xiancheng, Yao Zhubu, and Li Dianshi cannot guarantee that they will not retaliate and even have other people whom they have offended intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhu Pingan put this item on the agenda in his heart.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Cui'er, why do you want to repay kindness with enmity?!" Hua'er finished blaming herself, turned around and asked the masked woman in tears.

"I'm not Tweety!" The masked woman giggled coquettishly.

ha? ! Hua'er was stunned for a moment.

"She is all lying to you. Everything about selling herself into slavery is all fake." Zhu Ping'an said to Hua'er, dumbfounded.

"Ah" Hua'er was not really stupid. After Zhu Pingan reminded him, he was startled for a moment and then reacted belatedly, and then glared at the masked woman.

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