Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1259 What I want is you

"Don't you blush if you lie like this?" Baozi's little maid Hua'er puffed her cheeks and glared at the masked woman, like an angry hamster, and uttered a question from the soul.

"Giggle. I lied based on my ability, why should I blush?" The masked woman chuckled, and winked at Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, with a proud look on her face, not ashamed but proud.

Suddenly, zero enemies were killed and a thousand self-inflicted wounds. Baozi's little maid's chest heaved violently with anger.

You deliberately came to my place, not just to tease my maid, right? !

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth, cupped his hands slightly, and asked tentatively, "I wonder what the heroine has to do when she comes to my humble residence?"

"Puppy Officer, you are really dishonest. This is not a humble house. This is a golden house. It is a golden house where you hide your beauty."

The masked woman gently scratched Zhu Pingan's neck with a dagger, and said sarcastically with a sneer on her face.

Seeing the masked woman holding a dagger and making signs on her uncle's neck, the little maid Hua'er on the bed was so nervous that her toes clenched.

However, Zhu Ping'an's expression remained unchanged, his eyelids did not blink, and his breathing was not affected in the slightest. He continued to cup his hands and said: "If the heroine is seeking wealth, any property in the house can be taken by the heroine as long as she likes it." .”

"Giggle, are you saying that as long as I like it, I can take it?" The masked woman looked at Zhu Pingan with a pair of fox eyes, blinked, and said coquettishly.

"Of course." Zhu Pingan nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

If it's for money, that's fine. Money is an external possession, and besides, I don’t have much money on my body or at home. When the reward was given out before, he had already used all his wealth to cash in the reward. At present, he only has less than ten taels of silver left on him. Hua'er may have more, but at most it is only more than a hundred taels of silver. It's more than a hundred taels of silver, take it as you go.

"Keke, what I want is"

The masked woman giggled, stretched out a finger and circled around the room, then stopped on Zhu Pingan's face.


Baozi's little maid Hua'er was immediately shocked. This woman wants her uncle? ! Why is she so shameless!

"The heroine was joking."

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly.

"I'm not joking, what I want is you." The masked woman blinked her eyes and slowly moved her face closer to Zhu Ping'an as she spoke. Her tone was not only charming but also had a strong accent, making the atmosphere extremely ambiguous.


Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, couldn't help but spit. This bad woman tried her best to sneak into the house, and she actually wanted to kill her uncle. She was so shameless. How could there be such a shameless woman in the world.

I'm really ashamed of my lady. When I came here, she specifically told me to look at my uncle's backyard and make sure not to let those girls with evil intentions and unscrupulous intentions set foot in the backyard. But I didn't expect that I was so blind that I actually lured the wolf into the house. Woo hoo hoo. I failed in my responsibility as a young lady. I'm such a fool.

At this moment, Hua'er's intestines turned green with regret.

I believe you are evil!

Zhu Ping'an didn't believe what the masked woman said. He tilted his head back and tried hard to distance himself from the masked woman.

"What I want is you."

The masked woman made a long note coquettishly, her face getting closer to Zhu Pingan little by little, and Zhu Pingan tilted his head back bit by bit, and finally, his head tilted back to the limit, and he could no longer hide away.

The distance was so close that Zhu Pingan could even feel the airflow caused by the masked woman blinking her eyelashes.

The words are spoken slightly, and the breath is like orchid.

The unique fragrance of the masked woman broke through the veil with her breath and fell on Zhu Pingan's face. Zhu Pingan was unable to avoid it.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't avoid it. Just when the masked woman's face was about to come into contact, the masked woman stopped her movements. A pair of playful blinking eyes widened instantly, staring at Zhu Ping'an like a poisonous snake. , a sharp cold light shot out from her eyes, sharper than the dagger in her hand, and the long and charming voice in Tan's mouth instantly became cold and cold, "What I want is your head!" "

What? !

I don't want my uncle, but my uncle's head? !

The little maid Baozi was suddenly frightened and almost fainted. Just when she was about to reflexively scream for help, the masked woman had quick eyes and quick hands. She flicked the towel with great precision. It was stuffed back into Hua'er's mouth, and Hua'er's scream was stuffed back.

Compared to Hua'er, Zhu Pingan was much calmer. In the first scene when he witnessed the masked woman suddenly turning black from being a little hot in Tokyo, Zhu Pingan only twitched his eyebrows slightly, but his expression did not change at all. In Zhu Ping'an's expectation, the masked virgin sneaked into the house deliberately and covertly, tied up Hua'er, suddenly attacked and held her hostage. It couldn't be just to throw herself into her arms, right? ! Zhu Pingan is very self-aware of his looks and strength, but he doesn't think he is so attractive.

You want me to have a head on my head.

It seems like this masked woman is here to seek revenge on me? ! I just don’t know who sent her? !

Zhu Ping'an thought in his heart.

"Giggle. You little puppy official has great concentration, and you didn't even blink. You know, my aunt and I have practiced this expression many times in front of the bronze mirror, but you didn't react at all. Damn it. "

The masked woman giggled suddenly, and stared at Zhu Pingan with raised willow eyebrows, half sarcasm and half abusive.

This guy is crazy!

Zhu Pingan did not hesitate to classify the masked woman as a neuropathy.

"Xia Xia, do I have any grudge against you?!" Zhu Pingan cupped his hands, looked at the masked woman, and asked lightly.

"No hatred." The masked woman blinked.

"So, let me ask you, Heroine, do I have any grievances with you?" Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and continued to ask the masked woman.

"There is no injustice." The masked woman blinked again with an innocent look.

Really crazy! Since you have no grudge against me, why do you come to assassinate me? ! This is not what neurosis is.

However, people are as good as swordsmen and others are like fish. Although Zhu Ping'an was complaining in his heart, he still managed a smile on his face, "Since the heroine and I have no grievances in the past and have no enmity recently, why do you still want to take my head?! It's not a crime. The heroine's jade hands were dirty. The heroine must be tired after holding the dagger for so long, so why not put it down for a rest. Just then, the heroine and Hua'er stewed a pot of such fragrant chicken soup, mixed some cold dishes, and warmed up the pot. Old wine, chicken soup and side dishes, a few drinks, turning war into friendship, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

"Isn't it beautiful?" the masked woman repeated angrily, with a pair of fox eyes full of sarcasm, "I let you go, and I still drink with you?! Giggle. You are ugly, but you think you are pretty. ah."

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