Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1261 Misunderstanding

There are people in Beijing who are good at ventriloquism.

Seeing that the masked woman easily deceived Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, Zhu Pingan was surprised, but he was only surprised by the process. Zhu Pingan was not surprised at all by the result. Even though Liu Mu and Liu Dadao had just discovered it, as long as Since they were in the hands of the masked woman, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others had no choice but to use the enemy as a weapon. In the era of cold weapons, there was no such strategy as sniper headshots.

"Xia Fei, since we have no enmity or grievances, why should we fight each other?! Please do not be impulsive, Xia Xia. Although I am not talented, I am an official of the imperial court. To assassinate an official of the imperial court is not a small crime. Although Xia Xia is extremely skilled. , may be able to escape for a while, but under the imperial court's arrest of documents, there is no way for the heroine to escape."

After the masked woman released her hand covering Zhu Pingan's mouth, Zhu Pingan calmly persuaded her.

"We have no grudges, but there are people who have grudges against you."

The masked woman used a dagger to lift Zhu Pingan's chin and stared at Zhu Pingan with interest.


Why did he feel like he was being teased? Zhu Pingan was forced to lift his chin along with the masked woman's dagger.

"I wonder who I have offended?" Zhu Pingan asked calmly.

"Who did you offend? Giggling." Hearing this, the masked woman couldn't help but giggle. However, the laughter was very cold, and the more she laughed, the colder it became. In the end, the laughter made people couldn't help but give goosebumps.

"You are an executioner with blood-stained hands. You are really an executioner who forgets things. Oh, yes, you are a little bitch official with your hands covered in blood. You kill people like hemorrhoids and do all kinds of bad things. It's normal that you can't tell the difference. "The masked woman sneered and patted Zhu Pingan's face with a dagger, her words full of sarcasm.

Hands covered in blood? Killing people like hemp? Do all the bad things? !

Are you sure you're talking about me? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He couldn't help coughing and said to the masked woman, "Ahem, did the heroine find the wrong person?"

"Pfft." The masked woman chuckled upon hearing this. She looked at Zhu Pingan like an idiot and sneered, "Wrong person?! Haha, Zhu Pingan, even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you."

have to!

They called out their names, and there was absolutely no reason to admit their mistakes. However, his hands were stained with blood, he was killing people like hemp, and doing all kinds of bad things. These words couldn't fit with him. Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but frown and think.

The next second, an idea flashed in his mind. Zhu Pingan seemed to have thought of something. He was shocked and looked up at the masked woman.

"Puppy Officer, have you remembered?!" the masked woman sneered.

"Are you going to avenge the Japanese pirates?" Zhu Ping'an asked with a frown, "I am a beautiful lady, but you are a thief! The Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan, killed my people, broke into villages and entered homes, killed people and set fires, dug graves and graves, and committed all kinds of evil. As the magistrate of Jingnan County, I am responsible for guarding the territory and protecting the people. The Japanese pirates deserved their death."

His hands were stained with blood and he was killing people like hemp. Zhu Ping'an could only think of the fact that the Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan some time ago. He led the people to defend Jingnan and killed nearly a thousand Japanese pirates. He had to deal with it.

This masked woman is a member of the Japanese pirates, and is she here to avenge herself for those Japanese pirates who deserved to die? !


I didn’t expect it to be a female Japanese pirate!

Zhu Pingan could only think so, looking at the masked woman with eyes full of disgust and contempt.

Originally, Zhu Ping'an just wanted to escape from the masked woman, but this time it was no longer as simple as just trying to escape. He also wanted to plot the death of this female Japanese pirate! The Japanese pirate is a thief who harms nature and justice, harms the country and the people, and everyone has to punish her. If we don’t get rid of her today, I don’t know how many innocent people will be killed by her in the future.

"Fart! Puppy Officer, please stop spitting like that! The Japanese pirates are worthy of their death. I will kill one of them when I encounter them, and I will kill a pair of them when I encounter two. If you confuse grandma with the Japanese pirates again, I will castrate you first and then kill you!"

The masked woman exploded on the spot as soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking. Zhu Pingan's words seemed to have caused her the greatest humiliation in her life. Her eyebrows stood up, her face was so angry that she wanted to eat Zhu Pingan alive.


wrong? ! This guy is not a female Japanese pirate!

Seeing the reaction of the masked woman, Zhu Pingan realized that he had thought wrong before. This masked woman was not a Japanese pirate!

Well, this guy got the wrong person, right? !

Except for Japanese pirates, when did I, Zhu Ping'an, kill so many people? ? Ahem, which one overflows or something like that can’t be counted! If this counts, then almost all men in the world are murderous!


Did her voice seem to have changed when she was angry just now? ! Why does it feel like I have heard it somewhere?

Zhu Pingan looked at the masked woman suspiciously.

"What are you looking at, puppy officer!" the masked woman pressed the dagger against Zhu Ping'an's neck again, and said coldly.


Illusion, it should have been an illusion just now. Listening to the masked woman's voice now, I feel nothing at all.


If it is someone you know, why would you come to pick up your own head? ! You wouldn't be such a failure if you were a human being.

Zhu Ping'an smiled mockingly.

"Woman, I really can't think of that. Please tell me frankly. Who did I offend? Is there any misunderstanding? Apart from Japanese pirates, have I, Zhu Pingan, ever killed anyone?!"

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands helplessly, please tell me the masked woman's words, don't go around in circles, I'm tired.

"Hmph! Don't admit it if you dare to do it! You, a little dog official, are really good at shirking responsibility!" The masked woman sneered.

are you crazy? ! You can’t understand people’s words, can you? ? Speak up! Is it so troublesome to tell the truth? !

Stop wasting each other's time, okay? !

Zhu Ping'an was really speechless to the masked woman, and helplessly held up his hands again, "Xia Xia, please tell me frankly?!"

"Why are you so anxious?! Are you rushing to reincarnate?!" The masked woman snorted impatiently and stared at Zhu Pingan fiercely, "I'm here for the hundreds of thousands of people in Jingnan, you black-hearted The dog official colluded with the grain merchants and took a bribe of 100,000 taels from the grain merchants, and actually raised the price of grain by more than five times! He did not care about the life and death of the people! Now that the people have experienced natural disasters like floods, and you, the dog official, have caused man-made disasters, how can they survive? ! Auntie, I am going to eliminate harm for the people today and kill you, a corrupt official, a dog official and a black-hearted official!"


Zhu Pingan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, which made me nervous for a long time. I didn't expect that this is why you came!

Zhu Pingan immediately relaxed.

"You, a bitch like you, still have the nerve to smile!"

The masked woman was irritated by Zhu Pingan's smile, and her whole body was filled with chills. She gritted her teeth and grabbed Zhu Pingan's collar, and pushed Zhu Pingan, no, against the wall! Staring at Zhu Ping'an hard, he raised the dagger in his hand, as if if you don't give me an explanation, I will stab you to death with a dagger.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding." Zhu Pingan waved his hand and said with a wry smile.

"Misunderstanding?!" The masked woman laughed angrily and said through gritted teeth, "Notices are plastered all over Jingnan, and food prices have increased to two thousand yuan per stone. You, a dog official, actually said there was a misunderstanding?!"

"Misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding." Zhu Pingan nodded vigorously.

"Bah! The physical evidence and evidence are all there! Are you still saying there was a misunderstanding?! Do you think I'm stupid?!" the masked woman gritted her teeth.

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