Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1262 Is it you? !

Do you think I'm stupid? !

Faced with the masked woman's gritted teeth, Zhu Ping'an naturally replied intelligently, "A heroine is naturally both wise and courageous."

"Since you know that my aunt and I are both wise and brave, how dare you say that there is a misunderstanding?!" The masked woman stared at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes.

"I have not denied raising food prices, but I have raised food prices for the sake of the people of Jingnan. Now most of the south of the Yangtze River is flooded, there is a serious shortage of food, and the imperial court is temporarily unable to rescue."

Zhu Pingan explained.


The white light flashed away. With lightning speed, the masked woman held the dagger in her back hand and stabbed Zhu Pingan with a sound. The dagger was close to Zhu Pingan's face and inserted into the pillar behind her.

the least bit!

The dagger was only a hair's breadth away from Zhu Pingan's face, and Zhu Pingan could even feel the coolness emanating from the dagger.

When Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, saw this scene, she rolled her eyes in fright and almost fainted from fright. If it weren't for the fact that his eyes were blurred and he tried to take one last look at his uncle, Hua'er would have fainted when he saw that the dagger was not stuck in his head.

Zhu Ping'an was very calm. Apart from blinking his eyelids slightly, his expression remained unchanged.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an was calm was because he was sure that the masked woman would not kill him at this time. During the period when he was held hostage by the masked woman, through talking and observing her words, Zhu Ping'an generally understood the masked woman's character. She is a relatively confident, or rather conceited person, and she is very curious. Even if she wants to kill herself, she will listen to her "quibbles" and then expose her "quibbles" one by one. She would kill herself only after she exposed her "ugly" face.

Murder! This is the way she pursues.

Therefore, even if she thinks she is quibbling, as long as her quibble is not over and as long as she has not exposed her quibble, she is safe.

"Giggle. You evil-hearted dog official, you have no shame at all when you say this. You colluded with the grain merchants, took a bribe of 100,000 taels from the grain merchants, and drove up the price of grains by more than six times! You even brazenly said it was for the good of the people?! How did you develop such shameless energy?!" The masked woman sneered, gritting her teeth and looking at Zhu Pingan, her words full of sarcasm.

"I am really doing it for the people." Zhu Pingan said seriously.

"Bah! In order to control food prices, Taizhou Prefecture and several nearby counties either cut off the heads of profiteers or arrested profiteers and put them in jail. They are doing it for the people! You are colluding with officials and businessmen, causing harm to the country and the people!"

The masked woman couldn't help but spit, and sneered at Zhu Pingan, her contempt could not be higher.

cuckoo cuckoo

Zhu Ping'an was about to open his mouth to educate the masked woman when he suddenly heard a cuckoo chirping outside.

Why is there a cuckoo singing at night? !

Zhu Ping'an was startled for a moment, then suddenly trembled all over, cuckoo? ! It’s late autumn now! ? Why is there a cuckoo? !

I seem to have encountered it somewhere? !

In an instant, the scene during the government examination came to Zhu Pingan's heart and he was shocked. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but look up at the masked woman.

The masked woman heard the cuckoo chirping outside, and took Zhu Ping'an to the window. She gently pushed the window open to reveal a small gap, put her fingers to her lips, and uttered a few "Zha Zha Zha" magpie sounds. Birdsong.

The cuckoo call outside quieted down after hearing the call of the magpie.

"Why are there birds chirping?" Liu Mu noticed the chirping of magpies coming from the main house and felt a little strange.

"The birds are chirping, just don't disturb the young master's good deeds." Liu Dadao and the others said disapprovingly.

"Yes." Liu Mu couldn't help but nodded, thinking of the embarrassing incident that had just happened, and he was convinced.

Inside the house, after the masked woman heard the cuckoo call from her companion inquiring about his safety, she went to the window to reply to the magpie call that meant safety. She did not pay attention to Zhu Pingan's expression. After she finished replying to her companion, she Noticing Zhu Pingan's shocked and disbelieving expression and eyes, he immediately rolled his eyes at Zhu Pingan and sneered, "Isn't it just imitating a bird's call? What's all the fuss about?!"

"Is it you?!" Zhu Pingan looked at the masked woman with burning eyes.

"Giggle, giggle, you little puppy officer is quite scheming. You want to defraud my identity?!" The masked woman chuckled disdainfully.

"Long time no see." Zhu Pingan looked at the masked woman with burning eyes and said calmly.

"Who haven't seen you for a long time?" The masked woman said disdainfully.

"Long time no see. Ruonan." Zhu Pingan looked at the masked woman with burning eyes, and called out her name.

Long time no see Ruonan

Hearing the word "Ruonan", the masked woman's eyes widened in shock, and the disdainful smile on her face suddenly froze. Although she couldn't see her mouth, a big O-shaped sign was still visible on the scarf.

"How did you recognize me! My voice has changed," the masked woman said faintly.

"I wasn't sure just now, but I'm sure now." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth, and a smile emerged.

"You lied to me?!" The masked woman gritted her teeth angrily, but giggled again in the next second, "You are more treacherous than before."

After saying that, the masked woman took off her hijab. Sure enough, she had bright eyes, white teeth, a handsome face, and a vixen-like oval face, which was extremely recognizable. If she wasn't a witch, then who was she?

Hua'er, the bunny maid who was tied up on the bed, was stunned. How did my uncle know this bad woman? !

Since they all knew each other, why did this bad woman kill her uncle and take his head? !

Could it be that? !

Hua'er couldn't help but widen her eyes. Having been a gossip since she was a child, she immediately thought of the legendary story of Chen Shimei and Qin Xianglian, and made up for Zhu Ping'an and the masked woman: "The uncle was in trouble but gave up, the masked woman "Love breeds hatred, and travels thousands of miles to seek revenge for the betrayed Han uncle" is an ups and downs and soul-stirring masterpiece of ethical love.

But soon, Hua'er himself denied this masterpiece. The uncle, the young lady, and her had grown up together. The uncle and the young lady were childhood sweethearts, a match made in heaven. How could such a bad woman exist?

This bad woman said herself that she wanted to kill her uncle because he raised the price of food.

However, she already knew her uncle, so why did she want to kill him? She had no mercy at all. This bad woman was really bad!

"Giggle, my voice has changed, and I'm wearing a scarf. How did you recognize me?!" The demon girl Ruonan asked Zhu Ping'an with a smile, but her hand didn't relax at all. The dagger kept holding He clung to Zhu Pingan's neck and had no intention of letting Zhu Pingan go.

"If I say, when I said goodbye to you, I couldn't help but miss you day and night. Your figure, voice, and smile were all deeply engraved in my mind and could not be forgotten for a long time, so even if your voice changed , I can recognize you even with a face covering, do you believe it?!" Zhu Ping'an looked at the demon Ruo Nan without blinking his eyes, and said affectionately, which is as good as the Supreme Treasure in Journey to the West.

The demon girl Ruonan was in a trance for a moment, then she chuckled and patted Zhu Ping'an's face with the dagger in her hand, "Giggle, you are a bad guy. Your ability to tell lies with your eyes open is even better than before. Then why are you saying this?" Didn’t you recognize me at first? It’s really the words of a scholar, you’re a liar!”

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