Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1263 What kind of feelings?

"Ahem, now that we have taken off our scarves to see people with their true faces, we can be considered old acquaintances. Could you please stop barking like a puppy? It will affect our feelings." Zhu Pingan coughed and smiled honestly. laugh.

"Bah! You are so shameless. Who is an acquaintance with you, a little dog official? It also affects the relationship. Who has feelings for you? Your shameless energy is even worse than before." The demon Ruonan spat. One mouthful.

"First time, second time acquaintance. This is the third time we have met. Why are we not acquaintances anymore? Besides, I have saved your life." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to approach.

"You really know how to put money on your face. Whether you saved someone's life or took advantage of someone else's danger, you know it in your heart."

The witch Ruonan rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan.

"Don't accuse good people unjustly. Am I the kind of villain who takes advantage of others' danger?" Zhu Ping'an cried out.

"What kind of good person do you think you are? Hehe, you are a corrupt official who doesn't care about the life and death of the people!"

The witch Ruonan rolled her eyes disdainfully and sneered at Zhu Pingan.

"When I was recuperating in my room, I called him my little benefactor. Now that I'm healed, I call him my little benefactor. Alas, nowadays, people's hearts are not as good as they used to be, and the world is deteriorating. What can be done?"

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke quietly.

The witch Ruonan felt like she was getting goosebumps. Knowing that Zhu Pingan had done this on purpose, she couldn't help but give Zhu Pingan a rollicking look and interrupted Zhu Pingan's words, "Young man, you are so yin and yang, you are so evil. Corrupt officials like you will be punished by everyone. Even so. My acquaintance, I also want to kill my relatives out of justice, otherwise leaving you alive will be a big cancer! I don’t know how many innocent people will be harmed by you, an inhumane corrupt official in the future. Besides, when I left, I had something to say. If You are lucky enough to get an official position, so don't do anything wrong, otherwise the knife in my hand will be disowned by your relatives, so you can take care of yourself. But I didn't expect that you really got an official position, and I didn't expect that you would actually get it. He has turned into a corrupt official who doesn't care about the life and death of the people! If you don't listen to my words, I can only kill my relatives and get rid of you, this dog official, for the people. After all, my knife is not recognized by my relatives."

"When I think about it, I had two opportunities to kill you. The first time I was careless, and the second time I was soft-hearted, I didn't kill you, a puppy official, in the bud, which resulted in the death of one hundred thousand people in Jingnan. Official's poisonous hand, I can't control my desire to kill you, cluck, cluck. Again and again, not again and again. The first time I was careless, the second time I was soft-hearted. I will definitely not make the same mistake this third time, I will definitely Cut off the human head from your neck to commemorate your short and sinful life."

The enchantress Ruonan giggled, her fox-like face smiling like a flower, but there was no warmth in her smile.

With a smile on his face, he wants to kill you in his heart.

What a feeling!

That's about it.

Hua'er, who had his ears propped up on the bed, was relieved when he heard this. It turns out that this bad woman and his uncle have this kind of relationship. This bad woman met his uncle twice, and each time she wanted to kill him. In this way, I I feel relieved, bah bah bah, why worry? This bad woman wants to kill my uncle!

Hearing that this bad woman named Ruonan didn't let up at all and insisted on taking the head from her uncle's neck, Baozi's little maid Hua'er became nervous, her pretty face turned pale, and her heart was in her throat tightly.

Zhu Ping'an was speechless and said with a serious face, "Let me say it again, I am not a corrupt official. I raised food prices all for the sake of the people of Jingnan. Now there are floods in the south of the Yangtze River and food shortages are serious, and the court is temporarily unable to provide relief."


The demon girl Ruonan curled her lips disdainfully and interrupted Zhu Pingan's words. She didn't listen to Zhu Pingan's explanation at all. She patted Zhu Pingan's face with a dagger and said with a giggle, "For the sake of our acquaintance, I will The girl is very kind and wants to let you live for a while longer. Don't say that I didn't take care of you. Tell me, how did you recognize me? Where did this girl show her flaws? "

Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his lips and made a disdainful sound on his lips, too lazy to speak.

"Oh, not bad, not bad, your consciousness has become higher. It seems that you, a little puppy official and a big corrupt official, have realized your mistakes and are eager to change your mind and reincarnate. Well, I will help you, and I will give it to you. Return to the West."

The demon girl Ruonan giggled and was about to rub the dagger on Zhu Pingan's throat. She looked like she was joking, but her hand was not joking at all. The cold dagger pressed on Zhu Pingan's throat bit by bit, gradually applying force.

Baozi's little maid Hua'er was like a fish that fell on the shore, twisting her body crazily and whining in her throat. She should be shouting for help, but because her mouth was covered with a towel, she could only hear the whine. .

Liu Dadao and the others learned their "lesson" and stayed away from the main house for fear of disturbing Zhu Ping'an's "good deeds". Even those who were on guard duty outside consciously stayed away from the main house.

Therefore, Hua'er whimpered with all his strength, even though he was shouting to the ears of the deaf, it had no effect at all. Instead, he made himself blush and neck thick, and almost rolled his eyes without holding in his breath.

"Stop, I'm telling you. I'm not asking you to spare my life, but I'm asking you to give me a chance to explain the increase in food prices, okay?"

Zhu Ping'an said wisely.

"Oh, I'm not begging for your life, but I'm asking for a chance to explain. For the sake of our acquaintance, since you begged me so sincerely, I will graciously agree."

The enchantress Ruonan blinked her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth. She was very satisfied with Zhu Pingan's understanding and nodded in agreement.

"First point, the cuckoo chirping outside exposed it. Cuckoos are active in spring, and now it is late autumn and winter. Where can there be cuckoos? Later, you responded with magpie chirping, which also confirmed that this was your companion's inquiry. The code of the situation. The magpie announces the good news. It means you reply to your companions. You are done or everything is under control." Zhu Pingan stretched out a finger and slowly said to the demon Ruonan.

"The puppy officer is very good at seeing everything. But so what? What does it have to do with you recognizing me?"

The masked woman sarcastically said to Zhu Pingan, and then raised a question, thinking that this had nothing to do with recognizing her.

"Use the cuckoo question to summon your companions. I once encountered it. Isn't this how your companions summoned you during the imperial examination?!" Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth and told the scene.

When the demon girl Ruonan heard this, her expression changed, "So you saw it at that time?! Then why did you pretend not to know."

"People have to learn to act stupid. Sometimes knowing too much may not be a good thing." Zhu Pingan said calmly.

"Hmph! You wished I would leave early at that time, right?! You still have the nerve to talk about your feelings for me now?!"

The demon Ruonan sneered.

"Secondly, when I mistakenly thought you were a Japanese pirate, you spoke in anger and revealed your true voice. Although you quickly covered it up, I have a good memory and my voice sounded familiar."

Zhu Pingan stretched out his second finger and said lightly.

"As expected of a dog official, do you still have a pair of dog ears?" The witch Ruonan rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan.

"The third thing is to laugh. Smile, giggle, sneer, ridicule, sneer, sneer, laugh, laugh. People who laugh at every turn like you are rare. At least I have only met one like you in my life. "

Zhu Pingan then stretched out his third finger, slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, and revealed a smile.

This witch loves to laugh so much that in my memory, I even complained about her saying, "She loves to laugh so much, so I might as well just show off her laughter."

"Humph, if you observe this girl so carefully, do you have any random thoughts about me?!"

The demon girl Ruonan glanced at Zhu Ping'an and let out an angry sound.

"It's unfair! This is just my habit. Besides, you really like to laugh so much that you don't need to observe carefully."

Zhu Pingan shrugged.

The witch Ruonan glared hard at Zhu Pingan.

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