Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1265 Someone shines

"You can escape the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty. Bring it."

The witch Ruonan put away the dagger, stretched out her slender hand and hooked it in front of Zhu Pingan, and said softly.

"What are you bringing?" Zhu Ping'an was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the demon Ruonan meant.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? Of course it's the dirty money you received from profiteers. Although what you said seems to make sense, I will be merciful and temporarily store your head, but the dirty money you received from grain merchants, you always You can't quibble, can you?! Take it, these ill-gotten gains will be used as your life-paying money for this month."

The demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan and said angrily, her little hands almost reaching Zhu Pingan's face.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an shook his head and flatly refused, "Then you'd better take my head."

"Zhu Pingan! Do you think I dare not kill you?!" The pretty face of the demon Ruonan suddenly turned cold. Like an angry lioness, she glared hard at Zhu Pingan and took out the dagger again.

This stinking bastard is really hopeless!

The demon girl Ruonan looked at Zhu Pingan with a heavy layer of disappointment again in her eyes. She had finally recovered a lot of her senses towards Zhu Pingan, but this time her senses towards Zhu Pingan plummeted again.

"I'm sorry, this money is not mine, it belongs to the hundreds of thousands of people in Jingnan. I can't give it to you." Facing the sharp blade, Zhu Pingan had a calm expression on his face, and looked at the demon Ruonan calmly with his eyes, and said seriously said.

"Bah! Zhu Ping'an, you also know that these silvers are not yours. You also know that these silvers belong to the one hundred thousand people in Jingnan! One hundred thousand people are fated by the people, and they are not afraid of killing you, a dog official! Zhu Ping'an, you really impress me. Disappointed! Auntie, I regret it, I regret it! I want to take back what I just said!"

The demon girl's masculine face was livid, she stretched out her slender hands and grabbed Zhu Pingan's collar, glaring at Zhu Pingan angrily, her teeth chattering, and she almost spat at Zhu Pingan's face in her excitement.

"Inflammable and explosive, your character is so impulsive." Zhu Pingan curled his lips calmly.

Hearing this, the demon girl Ruonan was so angry that she almost exploded on the spot. She stared at Zhu Ping'an with a livid face and gritted her teeth and said: "My aunt, my personality is not impulsive enough. I should impulsively poke you seven or eight times as soon as I see you." The transparent hole saves money and allows you, a bitch, to live longer."

"Why can't you just listen to what I have to say?" Zhu Pingan looked at the demon Ruonan calmly and said slowly.

"Bah! You're accepting dirty money, what's there to say!" The witch Ruonan raised the dagger and put it on Zhu Pingan's neck.

"This money is my key to saving the people of Jingnan. Although Jingnan is located in the south of the Yangtze River and is richer than other places and the people have more savings, not all people can afford the food price of 2,500 yuan per stone. I have ordered people to conduct a platoon to count all the poor people in Jingnan. I will regularly take out a part of the money from this money and distribute it to these poor people who cannot afford to buy food to help them." Zhu Pingan turned a blind eye to the dagger on his neck and looked at him. He said without changing his expression.

What? Distributing money to people who cannot afford enough food? !

Unexpectedly, the puppy officer, no, Zhu Pingan is quite humane.

Hearing this, the enchantress Ruonan's cold eyes instantly regained their warmth, and her hand that was tightly gripping Zhu Ping'an's collar relaxed. She also helped Zhu Ping smooth the wrinkled collar, which was already close to Zhu Ping'an's neck. The dagger was also taken back, but it was only held in the hand in a superficial way.

"In addition, I am planning to carry out work-for-relief from tomorrow." Zhu Pingan continued.

"What does "relief for work" mean?" the demon Ruonan asked in a puzzled voice, without any hint of coldness in her voice.

"To put it simply, it is to organize the victims to carry out engineering construction, well, it is to work, such as rebuilding homes, digging water conservancy facilities, building city walls, building anti-Japanese outposts, reclaiming wasteland, etc., and I pay them wages in lieu of direct relief. Zhu Ping'an explained, "Firstly, a number of projects can be formed that are beneficial to the long-term peace and stability of Jingnan. Secondly, the victims can obtain necessary income and have living security. Thirdly, it can stimulate the will of the victims to be self-reliant and work hard, and get rid of the epidemic." The negative thoughts of 'waiting, relying, and wanting' also consume their excess energy and stabilize the society. This money is also the basis for my work-for-relief work, and it is the wages of the disaster victims."

"Humph, Zhu Ping'an, you are really good at calculating. In the past, the government directly distributed food and porridge to the people, but you are different from others. You also let the people work, and you are not afraid of them poking your spine and scolding you."

The witch Ruonan had completely put away the dagger, but she still made some sarcastic remarks to Zhu Ping'an.

"An honest person will not eat what he complains about. I am here to let the people support themselves and live with more dignity. I can save a hundred thousand people and make Jingnan long-term and stable. If the people scold me, let them scold me. I will not be less A hair.”

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said seriously.

"You've told me the truth." The witch Ruonan gave Zhu Pingan a white look, and let out a coquettish moan.

In her eyes, Zhu Pingan seemed to shine.

"Now you understand what I mean when I say that these silvers belong to the hundreds of thousands of people in Jingnan. They are taken from the people and used for the people." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and looked at the demon Ruonan with burning eyes, "So these silvers I can’t give it to you. If I gave it to you, wouldn’t all the money go into the private pockets of your village?! You’d be drinking and sharing the money on a big scale, and you’d be so happy?! Well, you’re a heroine, even if you rob the rich If you have a heart to help the poor, do the others in your village also regard money as dung? Well, even if others in your village regard money as dung, you have the ability to investigate and count the poor and distribute the money to those who need it most. People?! Are you able to ensure that it plays its maximum role?"

The witch Ruonan flinched when facing Zhu Pingan's gaze. She couldn't guarantee it. If she gets the money, Hu Laosan and others in the village will definitely clamor for the money to be divided. They are thinking that by doing this, they will be popular and drink spicy food for the rest of their lives, and their children will also be popular and drink spicy food. It's spicy. At most, at most one-third, no, maybe at most one-tenth, should be given to some poor people. Money and silk attract people's hearts, and there are many copycats and many ideas. Even if she and her father have prestige, they cannot act arbitrarily. They must also consider the opinions of the people below, otherwise the people below will definitely oppose it.

"Hmph, then I have to supervise you to see if this money is taken from the people and used by the people as you said. If you dare to embezzle even a copper coin, I will chop off the dog's head on your neck! "

After the demon girl Ruonan realized that she had lost in the eye-to-eye confrontation, she pushed her chest out hard, snorted, and said to regain her face.

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