Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1266: Handmaid Ruonan is not easy to mess with

A crisis was resolved.

The demon girl Ruonan regarded herself as the creditor of Zhu Pingan's head, and stayed behind. She used her tone to supervise Zhu Pingan at all times, and if she found that Zhu Pingan's words and deeds were inconsistent, she would take away the dog's head deposited on Zhu Ping'an's neck.

If I can't beat you, I can't glare at you.

Hua'er had a swollen face, and from time to time he would glare at the demon girl Ruonan, whispering about white-eyed wolves, bad women, etc.

"Ahem, if you want to stay, you can only be a maid." Zhu Pingan coughed.

When Hua'er heard this, her big eyes suddenly lit up, and she wanted to thank her uncle on her knees.

"What? You actually want me to be your maid?"

The witch Ruonan stretched out a finger in disbelief, pointed at her nose, and glared at Zhu Pingan.

"There's nothing you can do about it. You sold yourself as a painter in broad daylight. Many people saw it, especially Li Xiaoer, the yamen servant. If you want to stay, you can only make a fake show. Otherwise, I will be embarrassed, and I can only enforce the law impartially, fraud or attempted murder?! If you cheat, you will be punished with a cane, and if you attempt murder, you will be sent to prison."

Zhu Ping'an looked at the demon Ruo Nan with a calm face, and spread his hands helplessly, expressing that he was also helpless.

Baozi's little maid Hua'er became more and more excited the more she listened, she had already thought of 108 ways to get revenge on her maid Ruonan, such as carrying water for washing feet, cleaning the toilet, pinching shoulders and beating back, and so on. Again.

"Hmph, Zhu Ping'an, don't think I don't know what's going on in your mind. You just want to drive me away so that no one will supervise you. You're so self-willed, right?! Tell you, I'm not as good as you want, to be a maid Just be a maid, what's the big deal. My aunt will be a maid for you, it's a blessing you have cultivated for ten lifetimes."

The witch Ruonan gave Zhu Ping'an a hard look, raised her chin and snorted coldly, which was a complete stinker.

Seeing this scene, Hua'er admired Zhu Ping'an even more, and her admiration was not enough to express her admiration.

Ruo Nan, a bad woman, came to assassinate my aunt, but my aunt dispelled her killing intent with a few words, and made her put down the butcher knife. Not only that, but also obediently made her a maid, my aunt is really amazing.

You made her a maid just to vent my anger, right?

Only my uncle is good in the world, and a girl with an uncle is like a treasure. Hua'er's eyes looked at Zhu Ping'an like water.

After tea time, Zhu Ping'an left the main house with a jug of old wine and a basket of steamed buns in his hand, followed by the new maidservant, the boy classmate, who was holding a large pot of steaming chicken soup in his hand.

"Young Master. Ahem, we were abrupt and disturbed the Young Master."

Liu Dadao, Liu Mu and others saw Zhu Ping'an from a distance, and they all stepped forward to greet him, but their faces were flushed, and they were embarrassed that they had disturbed Zhu Ping'an's good deeds before.

Ahem, the young master is indeed a young master. He has been doing this for so long. He is really gifted.

Liu Dadao winked with Liu Dachui and others, Liu Mu glared at them, and Liu Dadao and others immediately became honest.

"What's the trouble? Young man, bring me the chicken soup."

Zhu Pingan understands that Liu Dadao and the others must be thinking wrongly, but this kind of thing is yellow mud falling into the crotch, it is not a matter (shit) or a matter (shit), and I can't explain it clearly. It is all to blame Ruo Nan, a demon girl, for making such a shocking sound. There was a misunderstanding in the voice, so he turned his head and gave the demon Ruonan a white look, and ordered to avenge his personal revenge.

"Ah? Master, who is she?"

Only then did Liu Dadao and others realize that the demon Ruonan was following Zhu Pingan, and their mouths opened wide in surprise.

Why is there suddenly an extra person in the backyard? ! Liu Dadao and the others were immediately stunned.

"Her name is Ruonan. Her mother is seriously ill. Her father wants to sell her to Yichun Building. Hua'er met on the way to buy vegetables. He couldn't bear her to fall into the kang, so he gave her father ten taels of silver. Ruonan She is a man who repays his kindness and did not want to receive Hua'er's money in vain, so he sold himself to Hua'er and became a maid in the mansion."

Zhu Ping'an simply said that due to various considerations, he did not tell them the truth for the time being and would wait until some time later to tell them.

"They are all poor people."

Liu Dadao and the others looked at the demon Ruo Nan, and their eyes were filled with sympathy.

I hate it the most in my life when people look at me with sympathy! The demon girl Ruo Man looked like a white lotus flower on her face, but her teeth were itching with hatred in her heart.

Back in the main room, Hua'er had already prepared dinner, including fragrant chicken soup and four seasonal side dishes.

"The color, fragrance and taste are all good. My painting skills have improved a lot." Zhu Pingan couldn't help but praise as he looked at the table of food.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the chicken soup was directed by Xiaonan, the little hoof, and she also cooked these dishes." Hua'er blushed a little and said, relying on Zhu Pingan's presence, she retaliated by calling the demon girl Ruo Nan a little hoof.


The demon girl Ruonan giggled and glanced at Hua'er, who swooped behind Zhu Pingan.

After all, I was at fault first. I deceived and took advantage of Hua'er's kindness. Just think of it as something I owe you.

In view of this, the demon girl Ruonan did not care about Hua'er.

Seeing that the demon girl Ruonan didn't do anything else, Hua'er became more courageous, poked her head out from behind Zhu Ping'an, and pouted at the demon girl Ruonan, "Why are you so blind, didn't you see?" Are you ready for dinner? Why don't you go get some water for me to wash your hands? I need warm water."

"Yes, ma'am. I'm going to fetch water for you now."

The witch Ruonan glanced at Zhu Ping'an charmingly with her fox eyes, put her hands on her right waist and bowed, and said coquettishly.

"What madam, what nonsense are you talking about, my young lady is still in the capital. I'm the young lady's dowry girl." Hearing the witch Ruonan calling her madam, Hua'er immediately blushed and corrected her seriously.

The main wife is in the capital, and this one is just a dowry girl. What kind of family does it even have a dowry girl? ! Zhu Ping'an is such a lucky boy. He is so lucky. The witch Ruo Nan glanced at Zhu Ping'an, and couldn't help curling his lips. He is not tall, and his appearance is not good, no, he is too bad.

What's that look in your eyes? !

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but grit his teeth when he saw the disdainful look in the demon Ruonan's eyes, as if he was a toad eating swan meat.

Soon, the demon girl Ruonan brought a basin of warm water, holding it with both hands like a little maid, asking Zhu Pingan to clean his hands.

Seeing that the witch Ruonan was so sensible, Zhu Pingan felt that he should take the opportunity to settle the accounts and collect some interest.

So Zhu Ping'an cleaned his hands with peace of mind, and then smoothly instructed the demon Ruonan to take a towel to wipe his hands.

"It's just that I don't have any sharp eyesight, and my heart is not alive. I know how to bring water, but I don't know how to pick up a towel."

Baozi's little maid Hua'er took the opportunity to scold him.

"Giggles are all slaves, aren't they? Wait a minute, master, and I'll get them here." The demon girl Ruonan didn't seem to be angry at all, she bowed again, giggled and admitted her mistake, and turned to get the towel.

After the demon girl Ruonan left, Hua'er and Zhu Pingan looked at each other with proud smiles on their faces.

After wiping his hands, he started to eat.

Zhu Ping'an and Hua'er sat down, and the witch Ruo Nan just wanted to sit down, Hua'er said, "Young master is the master, you sold yourself to me, and I am also half the master. The master is eating, how can there be no reason for the maid not to wait on the sidelines? "

Zhu Pingyuan pretended not to hear.

"Giggle, giggle, sister Hua'er taught you a lesson." The demon girl Ruonan giggled when she heard this.

The painting was very proud.

"Ahem, who can help me with the remaining food?" Zhu Pingan coughed and raised the bowl.

Hua'er glanced at the demon Ruonan, who giggled and stepped forward to take Zhu Pingan's bowl, then turned around to serve Zhu Pingan with rice. After turning around and no one saw her, the smile on the demon Ruonan's face disappeared and her face dropped. , while filling the rice, he gritted his teeth and cursed silently, "Eat, eat, eat, I'll eat you to death."

Of course, he turned around and smiled again.

After Zhu Ping'an took the meal, he coughed again and asked the demon Ruonan to help him serve chicken soup.

After serving the chicken soup, Hua'er instructs Ruonan, a demon girl, to serve Zhu Ping'an with dishes, tea and rice.

For a time, the demon Ruonan was ordered around.

Zhu Ping'an ate happily.

Seeing the witch Ruonan looking like this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel comforted. To be successful in life, you must have all the fun, and don't let the golden bottle stand in the sky against the moon. Well, that's right. In this situation, how can you not take a sip of wine to express your feelings.

So, Zhu Ping'an, who was enjoying the meal, got carried away and asked the demon Ruo Nan to pour him a glass of wine.

"Haha. I'm so happy, sir. I'll pour you some wine for you right now." The enchantress Ruonan had the same smile as before.

With that said, the demon Ruonan poured a glass of wine.

"Lord, please use it."

The enchantress Ruonan bent over and squatted half down, holding the wine glass in one slender hand. She giggled and handed it to Zhu Ping'an tenderly, with a pair of fox eyes that secretly glanced at her.

Zhu Pingan reached out to take it, but before he touched the wine glass, he heard a "bang" sound, and the wine glass in the hand of the demon girl Ruonan was crushed. The wine liquid and the glass fragments splashed out like fireworks in full bloom. At that time, the seductress Ruonan behind the wine was smiling like a flower without blinking an eyelid.


monster! How strong is this!

Zhu Pingan couldn't help but trembled with fright. Hua'er was even more unbearable than Zhu Pingan. When he saw the demon Ruonan, he crushed the wine glass with one hand. He was so frightened that he was like a frightened groundhog and forgot all the food in his mouth. Chewed.

"Giggle, oh, my martial arts practitioner, this hand is really insignificant. Master, wait a moment, I will go and pour you a glass of wine." The enchantress Ruonan smiled as bright as a flower, and blinked innocently with her eyes.

"Ahem, cough, cough. Drinking is causing trouble. I won't drink anymore. I won't drink anymore. Oh, if you guys and girls have worked hard, please sit down quickly."

Zhu Ping'an coughed and warmly greeted the demon Ruo Nan to take a seat.

"Keke, the master has broken the slave. The master is eating, there is no reason for the maid not to serve beside him."

The witch Ruonan declined with a smile as bright as a flower, and repeated Hua'er's words exactly.

"Ahem, cough, cough, how can there be so much exquisiteness? We don't care about this." Zhu Ping'an coughed, shook his head seriously, and said in a high-sounding voice, "Besides, if the boy and girl are just maids in name, it will be seen by outsiders. That’s all, actually you are our distinguished guest, aren’t you Hua’er?”

Hua'er nodded timidly.

"It turns out I'm an honored guest, so I have no choice but to be respectful and obey your orders. Guests can do as they please." The enchantress Ruo Man giggled like a cuckoo in spring.

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