Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1267 It’s like back then

In the middle of the night again, a lamp illuminated the study, and Zhu Pingan leaned over the desk by the window and waved a brush, the rustle of the brush rubbing against the rice paper could be heard endlessly, a cup of strong tea was steaming in his hand, and a bowl of steaming white fungus and lotus seed soup was beside him. In the corner of the desk near the door, Hua'er sat there with a tray and her cheeks, her little head dozing off little by little.

Inside the study, the demon girl Ruonan who occupied the small bed, her eyes were in a trance for a moment, as if she had returned to the most relaxing days in the Anqingfu inn: oil lamp, facing the window, young man, writing all night.

"Zhu Ping'an, what time is it now? You have passed the science examination and won the first prize, why are you still not sleeping?!"

The demon girl Ruonan put her slender hand on her fragrant cheeks, gave a haha, stretched out her little foot flirtatiously and nodded at Zhu Pingan, pouted her mouth and said in a coquettish voice, half teasing and half complaining that Zhu Pingan stayed up all night and affected her rest.

In her opinion, Zhu Ping'an had already passed the exam and there was no need to stay up late reading and writing.

"The work-for-relief program will begin tomorrow, and I will draw up a plan. You don't need to worry about me, just go to bed."

Zhu Ping'an replied without raising his head and continued to concentrate on drafting a work-for-relief plan.

"Isn't it just work-for-relief? You can just give the order directly."

It turns out that they are drafting a work-for-relief plan, the demon Ruonan curled her lips and said disapprovingly.

In her mind, being an official is the easiest thing in the world. It is much easier than being a farmer farming or a merchant doing business. Being an official only requires you to sit upright and give orders. Naturally, there are people below to worry about.

"Direct orders without making due diligence plans? Is this what officials do?! What is the size of the work-for-relief project, what is the size, what is the budget, what is the construction period, how to organize the construction, how to ensure the quality of the project, how to pay wages, how to deal with emergencies If an incident occurs. If overall planning is not made in advance, then the work-for-relief plan I planned for disaster relief will become a three-step project of "make a decision with your head, make a guarantee with your chest, and leave with your butt"?! This is disaster relief. Ah, are you still causing trouble?!"

Zhu Pingan raised his head and glanced at the demon Ruo Nan, pulled down the corners of his lips, and said with a speechless expression.

No wonder the demon girl Ruonan doesn't have a good impression of officials. Her understanding of officials is simply wrong.

However, there are indeed some officials like this in reality, but I, Zhu Pingan, am not such an official.

"You" the witch Ruonan is used to quarreling.

"Please, please stop disturbing my uncle and wasting my uncle's time, okay? My uncle always has to finish writing before going to bed. If you disturb me, he will stay up for a while longer. My uncle has not been here for more than a month. It’s past time to rest! Even a tough guy can’t handle it, and you’re still wasting his time!”

Baozi's little maid Hua'er exploded, her almond-shaped eyes widened, like a little hen guarding her young, and she shouted angrily at the demon Ruo Nan.

In fact, Hua'er was obviously very afraid of demons and women, but at this moment, she was so brave.

Have you been staying up late like this for more than a month? !

When the demon girl Ruonan heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned. It turned out that Zhu Pingan had worked so hard and worked so hard for the Jingnan floods. But the people outside didn't know. Not only didn't they know, the people didn't understand, especially when Zhu Pingan lowered his head to avoid the flood. After reducing treatment and raising food prices, the people continued to abuse him, especially when they thought that he and others were also among the people who had been abused.

The demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Zhu Ping'an paid so much for Jingnan, but he got scolded in return. How pitiful.

For a moment, the demon girl Ruonan looked at Zhu Pingan with a motherly look.

After learning that Zhu Pingan stayed up late to formulate a work-for-relief plan, the demon Ruonan was wise enough not to disturb Zhu Pingan.

She just lay on the bed and looked at Zhu Pingan quietly. She watched Zhu Pingan drink three cups of strong tea to refresh himself. She watched Zhu Pingan rub his forehead vigorously in deep thought. She watched Zhu Pingan write with ink on rice paper one after another. Finally, after Zhu Pingan wrote another piece of rice paper, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He placed the brush in his hand on the pen holder and stretched. It seemed that he was done.

"Uncle, have you finished writing? Drink this goat's milk while it's hot. Mrs. Wang, who sells goat's milk, said it will help you sleep."

Hua'er offered a cup of goat's milk diligently and opened the lid with her little hands. The goat's milk inside was still steaming.

Watching Zhu Pingan stay up late these days, Hua'er sees it in her eyes and feels pain in her heart. When I was shopping for food, I heard Mrs. Wang, who sells goat milk, telling others that drinking goat milk at night would help her sleep, so she bought goat milk without hesitation. If she didn't have time to feed the sheep, she would even want to buy the sheep back.

"Good job. It tastes good."

Zhu Ping'an smiled gently and did not refuse Hua'er's kindness. He reached out to take the goat's milk and drank it in one gulp.

"Hehe, my uncle likes it, so I will heat up a cup of goat's milk for him every night. Tomorrow, I will ask Mrs. Wang if there are other ways to make goat's milk. I need to change it in a few more ways so that my uncle will not get tired of drinking it. .”

Hua'er was a very competent maid. As she spoke, she took out her embroidered handkerchief and wiped the corners of Zhu Pingan's lips.

Zhu Ping'an is now used to Hua'er's service, and it is indeed easy to change from frugality to luxury.

"Girl Ruonan, you and Hua'er go to the back room to sleep. I'm resting in the study." After tidying up the desk, Zhu Pingan saw that the demon girl Ruonan was not asleep yet, so he said to her and asked her to go to the back room to rest with Hua'er while he Stay in the study and rest.

"Keke, I don't want to do anything that will disgrace the scenery. Just go to sleep with your little lover in your arms."

The demon girl Ruonan chuckled when she heard this.

Hua'er blushed with embarrassment.

what? ! Zhu Ping'an twitched his lips silently and insisted on driving the demon girl Ruonan to the back room.

"What, Zhu Pingan has never slept with you?"

When the demon Ruonan and Hua'er went to the back room to settle down, the demon Ruonan couldn't believe what Hua'er said.

"Keep your voice down." Hua'er said with a red face.

"Aren't you a dowry girl or a marrying girl? You are good-looking and have a plump and attractive figure." The demon girl Ruonan looked up and down at the painting, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and giggled, "Giggle, send it." If you don't even eat meat that comes to your mouth, Zhu Ping'an is probably a loser, right?"

"What the hell are you talking about! Don't smear my uncle. My uncle is using you. Our young lady is pregnant."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, couldn't help but get furious when she heard the evil girl Ruonan said bad things about Zhu Ping'an.


The demon girl Ruonan couldn't help being surprised when she heard this.

Zhu Ping'an is really hard to figure out. If he were a man and put himself in his shoes, he would have eaten it long ago.

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