Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1268 Implementing Relief for Work

The next morning, Zhu Ping'an took more than a dozen county officials, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others to the flood refuge area in the northern suburbs.

After the people and refugees in the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs had breakfast, Zhu Pingan gathered everyone together, stood on a high place, and announced the policy of work-for-relief to everyone with a self-made loudspeaker.

"Dear fellow villagers, starting from today, Jingnan will start to implement work-for-relief. What is work-for-relief? To put it simply, it is."

Zhu Ping'an just said the beginning, and the people and refugees in the flood shelter area below exploded.

"What? Did I hear you correctly? From now on, you will let us work and you will no longer provide us with food?!"

"Oh my god, this is not giving us a way to survive."

"Damn it, the county magistrate is not a thing. A few days ago, he reduced the amount of food for us, and now he doesn't even provide food, and he keeps saying that he is the official of our parents. Pooh, he won't give us a way to survive, and put us We are forced to die. Instead of starving to death, we might as well rob his mother. I don’t believe it. There are so many of us, and they can stop us."

For a time, the people and refugees below were furious, and the situation seemed to be getting out of control.

"Fathers, folks, don't get excited, just listen to me. I, Jingnan, donate porridge for free, but I will pay wages. As long as you participate in the construction projects organized by the county government, the county government will pay you wages every day. No less than 20 pennies a day. Work on the same day, settle on the same day, and will never owe everyone even a single penny! Later, the official documents for work relief will be posted all over the city. The promises of the official are in black and white, and they are covered The seal of the official is absolutely true, just like the time when Japanese pirates were defending the city! If you violate the promise, you can take off the official document and go to the Fucheng to report me to the Fucheng, Zhu Pingan!"

Zhu Ping'an stood on a high place, like the Dinghai Shenzhen, holding a loudspeaker and speaking loudly to everyone.

"What? No porridge, but wages, not less than 20 Wen per person per day?! That's 600 Wen in a month?! What's this good thing?! I used to ask someone to find a relationship, and it was hard to find a relationship in the town. I went to Mr. Liu's house and found a job as a cook, and after a month he only gave me 400 Wen."

"Pay wages?! Really? The county magistrate is really our parent official. We kowtow to the county magistrate."

"Why do you still let us work? What kind of work are you doing? Are you tired? It's like giving porridge before."

"Fuck, Liu Laohao, you are such a lazy bastard. There is no free lunch in the world. You still want to eat for nothing for the rest of your life. What a good thing it is to get paid for work. It is not less than 20 per person per day. What about Wen. The family has saved for a month, and the money to build the house has been settled. If you work hard, your wife can also save money."

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, the people and refugees below were all excited. The wages were no less than 20 cents a day, and they were settled on the same day. Even if some people were cheating and trying to make fun of them, they were given a good education by the people around them.

With the endorsement of the reward for fighting the Japanese pirates, the common people believed in Zhu Ping'an's promise.

Of course, concerns have also been raised.

"Mr. Magistrate, I have a lot of strength, so I can work for relief, but what are I going to do with my mother-in-law and my son?! My son is only three years old, and he can't do anything except eat, drink and play. ."

"That's right, magistrate, my father is seventy years old, why does he go to work?"

Everyone's worries were taken into consideration by Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan comforted everyone and said, "Don't worry, these officials have considered it. The elderly, weak, women and children can help cook, wash and mend, collect firewood and water, etc. They can do whatever they can." The same wages are paid for all the work. Of course, children under ten years old, sick people, and elderly people over sixty years old are exceptions. Even if they do not participate in project construction, they can eat for free."

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, the old, young, women and children in the flood shelter area were also relieved, and the county magistrate was thinking about them.

"Master Zhixian, my name is Huzi, I am eight years old this year, but I have strength, and I want to work and get paid."

A child with a thick head and a thick head was in front of him, not far from Zhu Ping'an, and he boldly stretched out his hand and said.

"Bad boy, what are you talking about?" A woman was frightened when she saw her son speaking boldly. She was afraid that he would collide with Zhu Pingan, so she quickly pulled him back, scolded him, and then hurriedly Busily knelt down and kowtowed to Zhu Pingan, "Master magistrate, my son is not sensible."

"Sister, please get up quickly. Although your son is young, he is brave enough to take on his responsibilities. It's too late for me to praise him, so how can I blame him?" Zhu Ping'an gave the woman a hand, asked the woman to stand up, and comforted her in a gentle voice.

"Huzi, right? It's good that you have such self-motivation. If you and other children want to participate in the work-for-relief program, you can do it. You can collect firewood, pick vegetables, and do whatever work you can, as long as you put your heart into it. , you can also receive wages. In addition, you can also eat for free."

Then, Zhu Pingan praised Huzi, which made Huzi very proud in front of a group of friends.

Collecting firewood, picking vegetables, and washing vegetables. These small tasks couldn't be easier for children of this age. They are often instructed by their parents to do these tasks at home. They are not tiring, not heavy, and not dangerous. Not only do they eat for free, They can still receive wages, and families with children are happy, which is a surprise for them.

"Master Zhixian, what kind of work do you do with work in lieu of relief? How long is it enough for us?"

Someone asked with concern.

"The first category is public projects related to everyone's public interests, such as building water conservancy facilities, repairing city walls, reclaiming wasteland, etc.; the second category is post-disaster reconstruction, that is, rebuilding the homes of your fathers and villagers, building houses, etc.; the third category It is anti-Japanese fortifications, such as sentry towers, forts, etc. There are many projects, and the fathers and villagers have worked hard." Zhu Pingan briefly explained to everyone with a loudspeaker on the high slope.

"What, building a house for us and paying us wages? The magistrate is really our parent."

"The county magistrate is really our great master. These projects are all for the long-term peace and stability of Jingnan."

"We are not afraid of hard work, but we are afraid that the work will not be enough for us. Please give the order, sir. We have long wanted to stretch our muscles."

Everyone in the audience was very excited, their faces were full of enthusiasm, and they wanted to roll up their sleeves and get to work right away.

People's support is available.

Zhu Pingan stood on the high slope, taking in the expressions of the people below, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course, there is no rule without rules, and the same is true for work-for-relief. The rules are very simple. First, observe discipline and obey orders; If you commit the crime three times, no matter who you are or what the circumstances are, you will be expelled and will not be allowed to use it again.”

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the work-for-relief program, Zhu Pingan announced the rules for the work-for-relief program in public.

"Don't worry, county magistrate, we will do our best. If anyone dares to cheat, we will not spare him."

Everyone below expressed their opinions.

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