Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1271 The teacher is happy to see the student being imprisoned

"Hahaha, my dear brother Ouyang, brother, I have some great news to share with you."

After Luo Longwen was sent to the Yamen, he deliberately took a detour to find Ouyang Zishi, who was also sent to the Yamen. He stepped forward and hugged Ouyang Zishi's shoulders with excitement, squeezed his little eyes, and smiled at Ouyang Zishi uncontrollably. said.

Ouyang Zishi also smiled, "Hahaha, I guess Brother Luo is going to tell me about Zhu Ping'an's impeachment."

"Oh, it turns out Ouyang Xiandi already knew about it. After all, Zhu Ping'an can be regarded as an old member of Prince Yu's family. Prince Jing's Palace must be particularly sensitive to this news. Haha, the old people of Prince Yu's Palace are in trouble. Of course, Prince Jing's Palace I'm happy to see it come to fruition." Luo Longwen was startled for a moment, then he figured it out, and said with a smile.

"Ahem, my little brother is not talented, so I also submitted a memorial with Master Xu Puxu. For shameless scum like Zhu Ping'an, I should do harm to the people." Ouyang Zishi said smugly, with hatred in his eyes. The light of reward.

Ouyang Zishi had been looking forward to this day for countless days. He had finally demoted Zhu Ping'an to a place of death in Jingnan. He thought that Zhu Ping'an would definitely die. The clinker thought that this dog's luck was so good that the Japanese pirates invaded Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Not only did this dog survive, but he also accomplished three great feats: defending the city, restoring the city, and killing Japanese enemies. He was promoted several levels in a row and became a full-fledged fifth-level official, one level higher than before he was demoted. ! When he heard the news, Ouyang Zishi was so upset that he didn't eat for several days! Especially at that time, I was still boasting in front of Yan Lan, saying that the next time I heard about Zhu Pingan, it would be the day to pay my respects to Zhu Pingan. Unexpectedly, the news I heard at that time was the news about Zhu Pingan's meritorious service and promotion!

Thinking of the way Yan Lan looked at him, Ouyang Zishi became even more upset! I almost vomited blood on the spot!

Zhu Pingan!

A lifelong enemy!

Haha, the sky finally has eyes. Zhu Pingan, this garbage scum, finally showed his fox tail. Zhu Pingan, who was born in a mud-legged family, is indeed a short-sighted person who has never seen money. He is so greedy and even got caught. , not even gods can save him this time!

What a wonderful word to describe your mood!

At this moment, Ouyang Zishi was so happy that he wanted to look up to the sky and scream! I have a rest tomorrow. I must go find cousin Yan Lan. I will also read the memorial to impeach the little thief Zhu Ping'an to cousin Yan Lan one by one! I might as well show my cousin Yan Lan that I, Ouyang Zishi, am many times stronger than the little thief Zhu Pingan!

"Haha, brother Ouyang Xian really hates evil and is a role model for our generation. I admire him, brother."

Luo Longwen flattered him at the right time.

"What the heck, Brother Luo deserves the reward, I just don't like the fact that Zhu Ping'an is such a rat, hahaha"

Ouyang Zishi smiled proudly. Now that he had avenged his biggest revenge in his life, he was in a good mood.

"Hahaha, Zhu Ping'an is definitely dead this time. Huh, if it were at the beginning of the dynasty, Zhu Ping would have been peeled off and used as grass! Even now, Zhu Ping'an will have to peel off his skin even if he doesn't die. At least his official career is over. ! Such a happy event should come to light. Come on, brother, I'll be the host, Ouyang Xiandi, let's go to Zuixianju for a drink." Luo Longwen put his arm around Ouyang Zishi's shoulder and invited him with a laugh.

"Although Zuixianju is nice, talking is inconvenient. If Brother Luo doesn't mind my little brother's intrusion, why not go to Brother Luo's house for a drink?"

Ouyang Zishi said with blurred eyes, cough cough, it is said that the cross-dressing scholar in Luo Longwen's house is really stunning in the world. The last time he took advantage of Brother Luo's drunkenness and had a sweet kiss, it was really ecstasy. Today, I will try to win Brother Luo again. Get drunk, haha, wouldn't it be possible to have a sweet kiss again?

"How come, it's my honor for Ouyang Xiandi to come to my house. Let's go, we must get drunk tonight." Luo Longwen patted Ouyang Zishi on the shoulder and invited him enthusiastically.

Ouyang Zishi got drunk after hearing this, his eyes couldn't help but shine, and he said politely, "This will trouble Brother Luo again."

So, Luo Longwen and Ouyang Zishi walked shoulder to shoulder, gloating over Zhu Ping'an's misfortune, and headed to Luo Longwen's house.

Prince Yu's Mansion.

Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng sat opposite each other, and on the table between them was a stack of seven memorials impeaching Zhu Ping'an.

"What do you think, Uncle, about Zi Hou?" Gao Gong sat upright and asked.

"Qing Su, I don't have a close relationship with Zihou, but from what I've seen and heard, Zihou is not a corrupt official. However, I read the official document in Jingnan defining grain prices attached to Liu Wannian's impeachment memorial of Zihou. The handwriting on it is indeed from Zihou's hand, and the official seal stamped on it is indeed the official seal of Jingnan Magistrate. In my opinion, Zihou's definition of raising food prices is true, and corruption and bribery are false. It is just a conclusive statement in the memorial, which is puzzling. .”

Zhang Juzheng replied with a wry smile.

"Of course. When I first heard the news, I thought some people were deliberately spreading rumors to cause trouble and retaliate against Zihou. But after seeing the memorial, especially the official document defining the price of grain in Jingnan, I didn't believe that Zihou was that kind of person. Corrupt officials with shallow eyes and no regard for the life and death of the people have to take this memorial seriously." Gao Gongshen agreed, nodded at the official document defining food prices on the table, and frowned slightly.

Although Zhu Pingan is not as important as Zhang Juzheng in his heart, he is still a rare person who can catch his eye. There were not many civil and military officials in the dynasty who could be seen by him. Most of them were people with nothing but wine and rice bags and corpses.

However, judging from the current situation, corruption is temporarily doubtful, but Zhu Pingan has indeed raised food prices.

"There are floods in the south of the Yangtze River. Logically speaking, the first priority at the moment should be to stabilize food prices to appease the people. Why did Zihou risk the disapproval of the world and raise the food price to 2,500 yuan per stone at this time?"

Gao Gong said in confusion.

At this time, people have to suspect that there is something fishy between Zhu Pingan and the grain merchants.

"It's really puzzling." Zhang Juzheng nodded.

"Uncle, did you see Mr. Xu Ge today?" Gao Gong asked, "How did Mr. Xu Ge react to this?"

"My mentor was in charge of the Wuyi Hall today, but I didn't have a chance to meet him. However, I met Zushi (Li Chunfang) at noon. Zushi told me that my mentor was the only one in the cabinet today, and Mr. Yange felt cold and was not on duty. Regarding Zi Hou's case, Wuyi Palace is already in an uproar, but according to Zi Shi, my mentor has no intention of slowing down the many memorials to impeach Zi Hou, and seems to be happy to see the results."

Zhang Juzheng shook his head slowly, frowned slightly, and said that he was quite puzzled by the attitude of Master Xu Jie.


After hearing Xu Jie's attitude, Gao Gong was immediately shocked.

It shouldn't be.

Zhu Pingan and Zhang Juzheng are both the proud disciples of Mr. Xu Ge. Perhaps Zhu Pingan is more valued by Mr. Xu Ge. When Zhang Juzheng's official career suffered setbacks, Mr. Xu Ge always defended him. Now that Zhu Ping'an has been impeached, it's fine that Mr. Xu Ge didn't defend him. How could he still be happy to see him impeached? ! This is not normal.


Gao Gong was thoughtful, a light flashed in his mind, but when he was about to catch it, it disappeared again.

"Brother Suqing, there are many unusual actions in Zihou's actions, and his definition of high grain prices may have a deep meaning."

Zhang Juzheng said thoughtfully.

"What's the profound meaning?" Gao Gong asked.

Zhang Juzheng thought for a moment, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It's hard for me to see what it means at the moment."

Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng sat across from each other in deep thought.

After about a cup of tea, the two seemed to have thought of something, raised their heads almost at the same time, and smiled at each other.

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