Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1272 Check it out for me

One letter, two letters, three or four letters, five letters, six letters, seven or eight letters, nine letters, ten letters, countless letters flew into the Xiyuan and piled up.

There were many memorials to impeach Zhu Pingan, but Xu Jie, the second assistant in the cabinet, did not protect his student Zhu Pingan at all, and did not use his power to block these memorials. Instead, he was happy to see the results and provided various conveniences. , these impeachment memorials quickly piled up on several cases before Emperor Jiajing.

Regarding Xu Jie's knowledge and interests, the Yan Dang group in Wuyi Palace spoke highly of and affirmed him.

At first, the Yan Dang group in Wuyi Palace were a little worried. Because today Yan Ge is recovering at home due to illness. Xu Jie, who is in charge of the cabinet, and Xu Jie is Zhu Pingan's teacher, is worried that Xu Jie will protect his student Zhu Pingan. I didn't expect Xu Jie to be so sensible and completely biased towards us.

Yes, yes, as everyone said, Mr. Yan Ge has completely tamed Xu Jie.

Also, since Xu Jie entered the cabinet, he has been walking on thin ice for more than a year. He has not dared to stand up and sit with Mr. Yan Ge. In almost all matters, no matter how big or small, he follows Mr. Yan Ge's lead and only dares to "shoulder to shoulder" with Mr. Yan Ge. ", dare not "Jun Li". He also told people many times: Without the support and guidance of the elders of Yan Pavilion, there would be no Xu Jie today.

Xu Jie is one of our own, but I am the one who is overly concerned.

Due to Xu Jie's connivance, memorials to impeach Zhu Pingan soon piled up on several cases before Emperor Jiajing.

After Emperor Jiajing finished his daily routine of meditation, he took a fresh elixir with the morning dew and began to read through the memorials piled on several cases. One hand is about cultivating to become an immortal, and the other is about political power. Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be strong. This is the principle that Emperor Jiajing has always pursued.

The Holy Inquisition is arbitrary and powerful. As for power, once you get it, it will last forever.

In fact, it is not so much that Emperor Jiajing was obsessed with cultivating immortality and could not extricate himself, it is better to say that Emperor Jiajing was obsessed with power and could not extricate himself.

The purpose of Emperor Jiajing's cultivation of immortality was to achieve immortality and sit on the dragon chair under his buttocks.

"Huh? There are many more memorials today than in the past few days, but what big thing happened to the government and the public?"

Emperor Jiajing saw that there were many more memorials on several cases than before, and he couldn't help but frowned. There had been a flood in the south of the Yangtze River a few days ago. Is there any bad news down there? Why is it so difficult for me?

"Go back to Your Majesty. Thanks to Your Majesty's great blessing, everything in the government and the public, and everywhere, is going well these days."

Huang Jin, who was serving on the side, bowed forward with a wink, lowered his head, and replied respectfully.

Huang Jin is not only the chief seal of the ceremonial supervisor, but also the eunuch of the Dongchang. The Dongchang is the supervisory agency, secret service agency and secret police agency of the Ming Dynasty. It is equivalent to the emperor's watchdog, responsible for monitoring the government and the public, and looking after the emperor's house. .

"Everything is well? Why are there so many memorials?" Emperor Jiajing shook his head and said expressionlessly.

"Your Majesty, I know something. These memorials may be to impeach Mr. Xiao Zhu." Huang Jin lowered his head and replied.

"Zhu Ping'an?" Emperor Jiajing was slightly surprised.

"Your Majesty is wise." Huang Jin lowered his head and complimented.

"This is strange. In the past, it was Mr. Zhu who impeached others. I heard that someone also gave Mr. Zhu the nickname of 'The First God of the Ming Dynasty'. Why is he being impeached today?"

Emperor Jiajing was very impressed by Zhu Pingan. He heard that it was a memorial to impeach Zhu Pingan, so he couldn't help but be very interested.

In the past, it was Zhu Pingan who impeached others, but why was he impeached today, by so many people? Not long ago, didn't Zhu Ping'an make a great contribution to the fight against the Japanese, and he will be rewarded based on his merits? !

How many days have passed before he was impeached by so many people?

This made Emperor Jiajing very interested.

As Emperor Jiajing spoke, he read the memorials. The first memorial was requested by Xu Zonglu to be appointed as an official. Xu Zonglu cared for Liaodong, and the people of Liao relied on him. He had always made great achievements, but he was impeached some time ago. Now he is suffering from old age. When he was sick, he requested that he should become an official and return to his home to recuperate. Emperor Jiajing paused for a moment and approved the request with the word "approved".

When Emperor Jiajing was reading the memorials, Huang Jin stood aside respectfully, as quiet as a statue.

Emperor Jiajing finished approving the first memorial and opened the second memorial. Sure enough, this one was the memorial to impeach Zhu Pingan. It was the first impeachment memorial jointly signed by Liu Wannian and the magistrate of Taiping County.

Emperor Jiajing looked through it with great interest, wanting to see what outrageous things Zhu Pingan had done that provoked so many people to impeach him.

"What? During the flood, Zhu Ping'an raised grain prices regardless of the lives of the people and accepted a bribe of 80,000 yuan from grain merchants?"

The content of this memorial was very sharp, conclusive and well-founded. Emperor Jiajing could not help but frown after reading it.

Turning to the back of the memorial, Emperor Jiajing also saw the original document of Jingnan's official document defining grain prices attached to the back of the memorial.

This is very convincing.

After reading it, Emperor Jiajing put the memorial aside with an expressionless face and flipped through the next memorial. Sure enough, it was another memorial to impeach Zhu Pingan. The content was similar to the previous one. Both of them were impeaching Zhu Pingan. During the flood, he colluded with grain merchants, raised grain prices, and accepted huge bribes.

Another letter, still a memorial to impeach Zhu Ping'an.

The content of this letter is different. This impeachment memorial takes character as the starting point. It impeaches Zhu Pingan for his moral decline, disrespect for superior officials, and no love for the people. It describes Zhu Pingan as a villain with no character.

Next, I read several memorials to impeach Zhu Pingan one after another. Generally speaking, they used Zhu Pingan's collusion with grain merchants and driving up grain prices as the starting point. However, there were also several impeachment letters that impeached Zhu Pingan from other angles, such as Zhu Pingan's impeachment in the capital. He opened a restaurant called "Zhu Ji Fast Food", which openly used dirty pig waste as raw materials and cooked it into meat, harming the people and competing with them for profit.

"Huang Ban, what do you think?" Emperor Jiajing asked Huang Jin calmly after reading the memorial.

"Back to your Majesty, Mr. Xiao Zhu is far away in Jingnan. There is no investigation into his actions, but I dare not lie. However, I do know about the affairs in the capital. This 'Zhuji Fast Food' opened by Mr. Xiao Zhu The restaurant was opened by Mr. Xiao Zhu after he inspected Taicang and borrowed his wife's dowry to pay the fine in Taicang. It specializes in stewed pig meat. The price is cheap and the taste is good. Yes, there are many Lifu and ordinary people around, and the business is booming. This old slave has done this business before, and he also tasted it once. Three dishes, two meat and one vegetarian, only cost ten coins, and it tastes really good."

Huang Jin bowed and replied.

"Oh? There are other things like this. If I can let Huang Ban say that it tastes really good, I am also interested."

Emperor Jiajing seemed to be interested.

"Going back to your Majesty, Zhu Ji's meat dishes are all cooked with water, and some of them can't be put on the table." Huang Jin advised tactfully.

"Forget it then."

Emperor Jiajing just said that as a noble of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, how could he eat such things as pigs in the water that were not on the table?

"Huang Ban, in consultation with the cabinet, send someone to Jingnan to check what Zhu Xiaozi has done, and then deal with it when you come back. Well, you can also send two people from Dongchang to follow and go together. "

Finally, Emperor Jiajing gave instructions calmly.

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