Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1278 No comparison, no harm (Part 2)

"These victims are like dogs biting Lu Dongbin, they don't know good people's hearts! I think about them, lest they fall into the tiger's mouth and be eaten by others without knowing what happened, only to be bitten by them again."

Wang Meng kindly persuaded the victims to turn to no avail, but after being scolded by the victims, he couldn't help being annoyed.

"Forget it, Mr. Wang, your vision is different. They are short-sighted, so why bother with them. To say that they are also blessed. We went to Jingnan to eradicate the scourge of corrupt officials Zhu Ping'an. They went to Jingnan and it is not considered that they took the wrong path. .”

Peng Cheng patted Wang Meng's shoulder lightly, laughed and teased, and comforted Wang Meng.

"Well, it's true in that sense, when they meet us, they can be regarded as meeting a noble person." Wang Meng smiled wryly.

The group continued on their way to Jingnan, the closer they got to Jingnan, the more fleeing teams they encountered on the way. Some are local refugees in Taiping County, and more are refugees from other places passing through Taiping County, bringing the old and the young, and taking care of their families. The fleeing teams came from three sides and gathered together on the official road leading to Jingnan, forming a huge fleeing group. Xu Hai and others made a rough count and found that there were thousands of people.

Not only that, the flow of people is still coming from three sides continuously, heading towards Jingnan like ants.

This is not what shocked Xu Hai and others the most. What shocked them the most and made them unbelievable was that the people who had gathered to flee to Jingnan looked in the direction of Jingnan one by one, their eyes full of trust and trust. Hope, the face is filled with joy and excitement, like a pilgrimage.

"Look at Jingnan, after passing the foot of this mountain, Jingnan is in front of you!"

"Father, cheer up, we are going to Jingnan, we are saved"

"Okay, hold on to me, dad can still hold on."

"Damn it, that's great, we're finally approaching Jingnan, we're saved, woo woo woo"

The sallow and emaciated disaster victims, who had suffered so much, could not help but burst into tears when they saw Jingnan who was so close at hand.

Weird things happen every year, especially today!

Seeing this scene, Xu Hai and others couldn't help being dumbfounded. Why are there so many starving victims? !

Don't everyone know that there is a corrupt official in Jingnan, Zhu Ping'an, who disregarded the life and death of the people, colluded with grain merchants, and drove up grain prices? !

Don't everyone know that Jingnan is not a place of hope, but a hell in dire straits? !

Don't everyone know that as soon as they go to Jingnan on this trip, there will be no bones left by Zhu Ping'an? !

Xu Hai and others looked at these refugees who fled to Jingnan like a pilgrimage, and couldn't help the corners of their eyes getting wet.

Zhu Ping'an, a corrupt official, somehow deceived these refugees. There are so many disaster victims today, but what about yesterday? What about the day before yesterday? How long has this scene lasted? ! How many refugees in Jingnan has Zhu Pingan deceived? ! Walking into Jingnan with hope, Zhu Pingan first snatched away the fine gold and silver he was carrying, then peeled off the skin, and then chewed it until not even the bones and dregs were left.

"Let's go to Jingnan quickly and seek justice for the people who have been harmed! Eliminate a big scourge for the people who are about to be harmed!" Xu Hai suddenly fixed his eyes and said to Wang Meng and others.


The group of people hurriedly passed the huge crowd of refugees and rushed towards Jingnan.

After bypassing a low ridge, they entered the Jingnan boundary. As soon as they entered the Jingnan boundary, Xu Hai and others were dumbfounded.


What about Jingnan?

The sky is blue, the trees are green, the grass is green, the rivers are clear, the green vegetables in the rice fields are swaying in the wind, and the smoke rising from the distant kitchens is full of paintings and poetry. This is Jiangnan!


Why is Jingnan so Jiangnan? !

Xu Hai and others were mentally prepared to see miserable hellish scenes such as corpses lying in the fields and Yi Zi cannibalizing each other. However, what they came to see was not such miserable hellish scenes, but the beautiful mountains and clear waters and the curling smoke of Jiangnan, a Jiangnan that had not been seen for a long time. , Xu Hai and others couldn't help being dumbfounded, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Dear fellow villagers who have come from afar, please wash your hands first before eating. Don't crowd or grab. Everyone has a share. Uncle, and that auntie, please go slowly. Don't be in a hurry. We have plenty of porridge. , it’s enough. The steamed buns have just come out of the pot, and everyone is careful to burn their mouths. After eating, everyone walks forward, and there are people in front of them to help everyone. As long as everyone works hard, not only will they have food to eat, but they will also have money."

"Please get up quickly. Please get everyone up. We can't bear it. If you want to thank us, thank our magistrate. All this was ordered by our magistrate. We are just running errands."

Walking further, you will see a wide field with ten large porridge pots lined up in a row. Each steamer is steaming. Three bulging grain trucks are parked on the field. The porridge in the pots is finished. Open the bag to get food at any time, and use the stream water on the spot to boil it in a pot. In front of the venue, there are several people wearing government uniforms directing the disaster victims to line up by the stream to wash their hands and faces, and then receive porridge and distribute steamed buns. The entire venue Clean and organized.

The venue was full of refugees who had fled here, holding bowls of porridge and eating steamed buns, and their faces were filled with happiness.

Moving forward, the refugees who had finished their meals were heading to the resettlement site in front of them one after another under the command of the receptionist.

The scenery here is picturesque, there is food and drink here, and the people here are filled with happiness and hope.

What kind of miserable hell is this? Compared with other places in the south of the Yangtze River, especially compared with the nearby Taizhou Prefecture, Taiping County and other places, this Jingnan is simply a paradise.

Seeing this scene in front of them, Xu Hai and others couldn't help but think of Tao Yuanming's classic "Peach Blossom Spring" in their minds: In the Taiyuan Dynasty of Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling were engaged in fishing. Walking by the stream, I forget how far the road is. Suddenly I came across a peach blossom forest, hundreds of steps across the bank. There were no trees in the middle, the grass was delicious, and the fallen flowers were colorful. Fishermen are very different

This is unscientific!

I must have opened it the wrong way!

Xu Hai and others couldn't help but shook their heads, closed their eyes, and opened them again. What they saw was still Jingnan who looked like a peach blossom garden.

What's happening here? ! how so? ! Is this Jingnan? Are we on the wrong track? !

Xu Hai and others looked at each other and were immediately stunned! Each and every one of them was as shocked as wooden stakes, stuck in place, staring stupidly at this picturesque Jingnan, with abundant food and rice, a paradise-like place. The most serious among them was the magistrate of Taiping County, with his mouth hanging open. Like the mouth of a box.

Zhang Guyi, a householder in Dongchang, was also shocked, but compared to Xu Hai, Taiping County Magistrate and others, he was much better off.

Before coming, although Du Gong Huang didn't say anything explicitly, his words were full of hints. Coupled with his understanding of Zhu Ping'an, he felt that something was fishy, ​​but he didn't expect that Jingnan's situation would be so good.

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