Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1279 Unacceptable

impossible! Fake! all fake!

How could Jingnan be so peaceful with birds singing and flowers fragrant? It should be dark and full of corpses!

The magistrate of Taiping County could not accept all this. He gritted his teeth and coughed, and said very heart-wrenchingly: "Ahem, Zhu Ping'an spent so much money in order to trick ignorant refugees to come to Jingnan."

When Wang Meng, Peng Cheng and Zhang Wenbo heard this, they nodded subconsciously. They didn't believe it either, or maybe they didn't want to believe the scene in front of them.

Xu Hai and Tan Lun looked at the scene in front of them with serious faces and complicated expressions, but did not respond to the Taiping Magistrate's words.

Zhang Gu glanced sideways at Taiping Magistrate, his eyes full of sarcasm, as if he was looking at an idiot.

Amid mixed emotions of shock and suspicion, the group continued to move along the flat official road in Jingnan.

After walking about a mile, I saw another crowd gathering in front of a high platform. On the high platform, there was a person dressed as a subordinate holding a strange trumpet-shaped iron plate and shouting. The sound was quite loud and could travel far. Xu Hai and the others could hear clearly from a distance of about twenty meters. There were many guards under the high platform maintaining order.

“Dear fellow villagers, our Jingnan organization provides work-for-relief. To put it simply, as long as you participate in the construction of our county government projects, the county government will pay you wages, no less than 20 yuan per person per day, and they will be paid in cash every day; no need Worry, the old, weak, women and children can also do light work such as washing and cooking, and the wages are the same; children under ten years old, sick people, and elderly people over sixty can eat for free every day even if they do not work. You can do some light work within your ability, and you can still get paid. Our engineering area provides three meals a day, breakfast is 1 cent, lunch is 2 cents, and dinner is 1 cent. The amount is large enough to satisfy you. If you want to open a small stove, that's fine. It’s a little more expensive, and you can eat meat dishes for an extra 2 Wen.”

"We are currently focusing on six major projects including the East Lake Project, the City Wall Project, the Anti-Japanese Fortress Project, the River Dredging Project, the Wasteland Reclamation Project, and the Home Reconstruction Project. The wages are the same. You can choose one of them to participate. After selection, , report it to our officers below, and follow the officers to the corresponding flood refuge area for resettlement."

"Of course, when you come to Jingnan to participate in the work-for-relief program, you must abide by the rules. First, abide by disciplines and obey orders; second, you are not allowed to cheat or cheat. Once you are found cheating or cheating, your wages will be deducted depending on the situation. If there are consecutive If you commit the crime three times, no matter who it is, no matter what the circumstances, you will be expelled and will not be used again. Also, when you go to the flood refuge area, you must pay attention to hygiene, wash frequently every day, change clothes regularly, and do not defecate anywhere. Folks, please don’t underestimate hygiene. There are many people in our flood refuge area, and the floods have not receded yet. If we don’t pay attention to hygiene, it will easily lead to plague, which is no joke.”

The petty officer on the high platform held an iron trumpet and preached impatiently to the people who had escaped.

For work! Twenty -e -money daily! Keep the rules and talk about hygiene

All this is very fresh and thought-provoking for Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others, and upon closer inspection, they realize that there are endless truths.

Especially when they heard about hygiene and preventing the plague, Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others couldn't help but glance at Taiping Magistrate. The disaster victim resettlement area built in Taiping County probably ignored this point, which led to the plague. By the way, the resettlement area for disaster victims in Taiping County is not the flood refuge area like Zhu Ping'an, right? ! It's just that I don't even know how to copy. I just copied the gourd and learned only the superficial knowledge but not the essence. As a result, I caused a plague! A project for the people turned out to be a project that harms the people.

The magistrate of Taiping County had a guilty conscience, but when Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others saw him, he couldn't help but blush.

"Ahem, since ancient times, food relief has been distributed directly to the people to show the court's grace. Zhu Pingan actually forced the refugees to work and had to collect money to eat. Doesn't this show the coldness and ruthlessness of our government?! Isn't this forcing the people to cooperate with our court? Belly?! "

After the Taiping County magistrate blushed, he criticized Zhu Ping'an's work-for-relief policy. As the initiator of the impeachment of Zhu Pingan, he had no choice but to continue on the road of "Zhu Hei".

No one from Xu Hai and others answered, not even Wang Meng and others.

In fact, Zhu Ping'an was not the first to use work for relief. "Yan Zi Chun Qiu" has a record of "Yan Zi provided relief to the people due to the war of sleeping on the road due to hunger in the Qi Dynasty." In the Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan recruited workers to build temples and also used work for relief. It's just that Zhu Ping'an's work-for-relief approach is a step up from that of the ancients. It is epoch-making and pioneering in both scale and form.

Taiping County Magistrate criticized Zhu Ping'an's implementation of "relief for work", which showed that the court was cold and heartless, and his butt was too crooked.

About three miles further, we saw the bustling East Lake Engineering Area. The reason why we know it is the East Lake Project Area is because there is a tall flagpole erected in the project area. There is a cloth hanging on the flagpole, which reads "East Lake Relief for Work Project Area". It occupies a huge area and cannot be seen from a distance. When we got to the edge, we roughly estimated that it was at least ten or twenty miles away, and there were fifty to sixty thousand people inside digging, loading, and transporting earth. Although there were many people, the project area was not chaotic at all, and the organization and planning were actually orderly.

There are five carriages spaced dozens of steps apart on the lake slope, and boxes of copper coins on the carriages are shining in the sun; there is a planned kitchen area in the lake area, where hundreds of women, children and children are preparing lunch, and the fragrance of rice is wafting. It was so far away; motivated by copper coins and food, the fifty or sixty thousand people were scrambling and sweating profusely.

A huge artificial lake has begun to take shape, with an upper and lower lake vaguely visible.

Everything is full of hope, everything is so vibrant!

Compared with other Jingnan areas that have been ravaged by floods and struggling desperately, the contrast is stark, like heaven and hell.

Xu Hai and others stood on the edge of the East Lake, looking at the lively scene inside the East Lake and were shocked.

"Why did Zhu Ping'an dig such a big lake? He was wasting money and abusing people's power."

Taiping Zhixian once again spoke Zhu Ping'an.

"Well, it makes sense. Zhu Ping'an's move is quite suspected of wasting money and abusing people's power." This time Peng Cheng responded to the Taiping Magistrate, looked at the Taiping Magistrate encouragingly, and nodded slightly.

Yes, this was barely caught.

"My father, may I ask, why are you digging such a huge lake?"

Tan Lun saw an old man passing by carrying a bundle of cash on his back. He stopped him politely and asked curiously.

"Haha, you are from out of town. What is this Zhugan Lake for?" The old man was talkative. After being stopped by Tan Lun, he put down the firewood on his back, wiped his sweat with his sleeves, and smiled. said.

"I'm really wise. Hey, isn't this called East Lake? Why is it called Zhugan Lake?" Tan Lun cupped his hands and replied.

"Haha, the official name of this lake is East Lake, but we all call it Zhugan Lake privately. The reason why we call it Zhugan Lake is because our county magistrate, leaning on a bamboo pole, climbed over mountains and ridges, waded into rivers, and trampled our Jingnan After checking it three or five times, I figured out the reason why Jingnan often suffers from floods. It seems to be the terrain or something, which I don’t understand. Anyway, it was the county magistrate who picked this place with his own hands after he figured out the reason for the floods. Bamboo poles are used as boundaries to circle the boundary of the East Lake, so we privately call it Zhugan Lake. This bamboo pole lake can protect our Jingnan from floods for a hundred years. When the river water surges during the flood season, the gates are opened to release floodwaters into the lake. The lake stores water for floods; during drought periods, the accumulated lake water is returned to the river to irrigate the farmland. You tell me, our county magistrate is a god! We people all say that we will erect monuments, statues, and build ancestral halls for our county magistrate. , to express gratitude and commemoration. However, our county magistrate did not agree with it. We made a private agreement that when our county magistrate is promoted, we will erect monuments, statues and build ancestral halls for him. Not only do we express gratitude and commemoration, we Future generations should also remember the goodness of our county magistrate, remember the kindness of our county magistrate, and pay homage to him every year."

The old man was full of respect for Zhu Pingan in his words. In his eyes, Zhu Pingan was on the same level as a god.

"What?! Build a monument, a statue, and build an ancestral hall for Zhu Ping'an?! Give thanks and commemorate him, and worship him every year?!"

When the magistrate of Taiping, Wang Meng and others heard this, they felt as if they had swallowed a fly.

Was there any mistake? ! Zhu Ping'an colluded with grain merchants, drove up grain prices, and accepted bribes. Shouldn't he be spurned and cursed by you? ! Why are you still grateful for the commemoration? Even erecting monuments, statues, and building ancestral halls for him? ! Even if you refuse? !

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