Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1281 A sudden turn of events, Zhu Tan reveals his tail

Xu Hai and his party came out of "Liu Ji Grain Store" and made secret visits to three grain stores one after another. The three grain stores, without exception, are all offering price reductions. The price of grain has been reduced by about one hundred cents per stone. Each grain store has sufficient grain stocks and is open to selling grain. You can even buy too much, such as more than 500 kilograms. , they also deliver to your doorstep.

Jingnan County is also prosperous. There is no sign of floods, and it is even more prosperous than before the floods. Because Jingnan promotes work-for-relief and welcomes disaster victims and refugees from all over the country, and refugees and disaster victims participate in work-for-relief, they also have money in their hands, and they also need food, clothing, housing and transportation, which drives the development of various industries in Jingnan, and thus forms With positive interaction, Jingnan will show prosperity.

At this point, Xu Hai and others had to draw a conclusion: Jingnan had sufficient grain and rice and the people's lives were stable.

"Humph, no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Zhu Ping'an defined high food prices in the name of the government!"

Wang Meng ignored the fact that Jingnan had sufficient grain and rice and the people's lives were stable, snorted and sneered.

"Of course. Mr. Xu and Mr. Wang, let's go ahead and interview some grain store owners to see if Zhu Pingan asked for bribes from them, or whether they paid bribes to Zhu Pingan, so as to judge whether Zhu Pingan has any relationship with Zhu Pingan. Grain merchants colluded? He used official documents to define high grain prices. Is there any benefit transfer between him and grain merchants?"

Zhang Wenbo nodded, not only fully agreeing with Wang Meng's conclusion, but also making suggestions to Xu Hai.

"I think this 'Yang Ji Grain Store' is quite large in scale. There is no other grain store in Jingnan. If Zhu Ping'an colludes with the grain merchants, there is no way this grain store can stay out of it. Why don't we start with this one? Bar."

Peng Cheng, the censor of Zhejiang Province, pointed to the Yangji Grain Shop not far in front, and said to Xu Hai and others.

The three of Peng Cheng and the others sang together and led the Jingnan investigation team to Yangji grain shop to investigate.

If you want to find out the truth, interrogating the shopkeeper of the grain shop is an indispensable link. Xu Hai nodded slightly.

So, the group entered Yang Ji's grain store.

"Several guest officials, please come inside, the store has enough food and rice." The workers of the grain store came up to greet them enthusiastically.

"Go and call your shopkeepers." Wang Meng interrupted him impatiently.

"Hehe, guest officer, if you want to buy food, you can just ask us. Why are you looking for our shopkeeper?"

The store clerk said with a speechless smile.

Zhang Wenbo saw that Wang Meng was about to reveal his identity to use his power to suppress others. He couldn't help but step forward, pulled down Wang Meng's sleeve, and whispered into his ear, "There are many people with mixed eyes. It is not appropriate to reveal our identity, so as to avoid alerting the enemy."

After speaking, Zhang Wenbo turned his head and said to the store clerk, "We have a big deal to discuss with your shopkeeper."

Big business coming? ! The store clerk looked happy, and went in briskly to inform them that the shopkeeper had gone.

"I didn't know that the distinguished guests were coming to the door, so please don't blame me for not being able to welcome them from a distance." When he heard that the big business was coming, shopkeeper Yang naturally would not neglect him. He came out quickly and enthusiastically invited Xu Hai and his entourage into the inner room to sit down. Refreshment fruit.

"I don't know how many distinguished guests, how much do you want to buy grain and rice?" After the politeness, shopkeeper Yang asked softly.

"Shopkeeper, don't be in a hurry. Let me ask you, has Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Pingan asked for a bribe from you? Or have you ever paid bribes or given gifts to Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Pingan?" Wang Meng went straight to the point.

"Huh? Didn't the distinguished guests come to buy food?" Shopkeeper Yang's face turned down when he heard this.

"I'll ask you to answer! Do you have any?" Wang Meng looked at shopkeeper Yang coldly and asked impatiently.

Wang Meng has been an official for a long time, and he has an official power. Although shopkeeper Yang is angry, he still has a sharp eye after being in business for so long. His intuition tells him that he cannot afford to offend these people, so he has to take a deep breath. He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and replied lightly, "No, not at all."

No? !

This is not what I want to hear. Wang Meng lowered his face and said to him in a bad tone, "I ask you again, are you sure? Don't lie, otherwise the consequences will not be something that a small grain merchant like you can bear!"

"That's true!" Shopkeeper Yang said with a wry smile.

"Huh?! Look, I am Wang Meng, the head of the household department. This is Mr. Xu, a doctor in the official department. This is Mr. Zhang from the punishment department. This is Peng Yushi. This is Zhang Baihu from Dongchang. This is from Taizhou. Magistrate Tan Lun, this is the Magistrate of Taiping County. We are here to investigate the case of Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Pingan's inflating food prices and corruption. If you dare to lie, you will be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor! "

Wang Meng's face darkened, he took out a token from his arms, stretched it out in front of Shopkeeper Yang, and directly showed his cards to Shopkeeper Yang.

Peng Cheng and others also cooperated and took out their tokens to reveal their identities.

Tobe! Ministry of punishment! Officials! And Dongchang! Shopkeeper Yang's face turned pale with fright, and he almost carried it without a breath! No matter how awesome he is, he is just a grain merchant from a small county. He has never seen such a battle before. He hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, the common people will never dare to hide it from you adults."

Everyone from Dongchang is here, how dare I hide it! Shopkeeper Yang knelt on the ground, frightened out of his mind.

"I give you one last chance! Did Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Pingan ask for a bribe from you?! Or did you pay bribes or give gifts to Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Pingan?! Think carefully before answering!"

Wang Meng was very satisfied with Shopkeeper Yang's reaction and took advantage of the situation to ask Shopkeeper Yang again.

"No, really not." Shopkeeper Yang knelt on the ground and replied with a bitter look on his face.

"Huh?!" Wang Meng had a cold face and stared at Shopkeeper Yang with an unkind look, very dissatisfied with his answer.

"It's true. The officials of Dongchang are also here. How dare the grassroots lie. After the county lord determined the price of grain, we also thought about giving gifts to the county lord, and we also tried to give gifts to the county lord, but the county lord refused. The county official said that when he defined the price of grain, he was serving the public good and not for his own selfish gain." Shopkeeper Yang replied hurriedly.

Um? !

Zhu Ping'an's definition of grain prices is really dedicated to the public rather than personal gain? !

Wang Meng's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

When Xu Hai heard this, he nodded slightly, and his evaluation of Zhu Ping'an increased a few points in his mind.

Tan Lun's face became a little more relaxed, and he was happy to see this result. The magistrate of Taiping County exceeded his authority and reported that Zhu Ping'an had colluded with grain merchants for corruption. He, the superior, was responsible for failing to deal with Zhu Ping'an in time. Although Wang Meng and others stated that they would not pursue it, it was a hidden danger after all. Now, if Zhu Ping'an is innocent, not only the hidden danger has disappeared, but he, the superior officer, did not deal with Zhu Ping'an at that time, but he was very wise.

"Have you figured it out?! If there is even the slightest concealment, if you don't tell me, your wife, children, and children will also suffer." Zhang Wenbo looked at shopkeeper Yang coldly, and said threateningly.

"Indeed not." Shopkeeper Yang nodded, and then said hesitantly, "But..."

but! ! !

Wang Meng was overjoyed when he heard this. I like the turning word "but". Once "but" is included, the meaning is reversed.

"No matter what, tell me quickly!" Wang Meng, Zhang Wenbo and others urged impatiently with surprised faces on their faces.

"However, the county lord asked me, 'Jingnan has suffered severe floods, and the victims are displaced and waiting to be fed. Would you like to donate money to the victims of Jingnan?!'" Shopkeeper Yang said without daring to hide anything.

“Hahaha, what a willing person to donate money to the victims of the Jingnan disaster”

When Wang Meng, Zhang Wenbo and others heard this, they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing happily. What a turn of events!


Zhu Ping'an is so cunning and cunning, he actually came up with such a disguised form of corruption!

However, no matter how cunning the fox is, he can't escape the hunter's eyes! When you meet old hunters like me, no matter how cunning and cunning your little fox Zhu Ping'an is, there's nothing you can do about it! We caught the fox by the tail!

The joy that Wang Meng and others feel at this moment cannot be expressed in words!

Xu Hai's face turned dark, and he silently deducted the rating he had given Zhu Ping'an from the higher rating in his mind.

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