Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1282 Zhu Tanzhi loyally licks the dog

When Wang Meng, Peng Cheng, Taiping County Magistrate and others learned from Shopkeeper Yang that Zhu Ping'an took the initiative to ask them if they were willing to donate, they were all so excited that they couldn't express their excitement. Why don't you donate money to the victims? This is a disguised request for bribes!

record! This is the point! Zhang Wenbo excitedly reminded the accompanying scribes to take notes, record down the previous and subsequent questions without leaving a single word, and ask shopkeeper Yang to sign and press them later. This is Zhu Ping'an's evidence of crime.

"Then what?! Go on!" Wang Meng looked excited and couldn't wait to urge Shopkeeper Yang to continue.

"After the county official asked, I expressed my willingness on the spot, and then the county official took out a donation letter. I signed and fingerprinted it, and then donated 2,500 taels of silver." Shopkeeper Yang continued.

Two thousand five hundred taels!

Wang Meng became even more excited when he heard this. Zhu Pingan asked for a bribe of 2,500 taels of silver from shopkeeper Yang alone!

The "Da Ming Code" of our dynasty clearly stipulates corruption: if someone steals from a prisoner, 40 strings will be used; if he violates the law and steals, he will be punished with 80 strings of strings; if he does not violate the law, if he steals stolen goods, 120 strings will stop the staff and 100 strings will travel 3,000 miles; if he threatens to take money, he will be considered theft. If you add one level, you will not be punished with a financial cane; if you use people's power for private purposes, you can get 40 floggings per person and 80 canes to stop crimes.

Taizu promulgated the "Da Ming Code" and strictly ordered future generations not to revise it. Although, due to practical needs, many cases of corruption that are not stipulated in the Ming Dynasty Code have been added in the past dynasties, and the sentencing has also been lightened. For example, for civil officials, supervisors, Zhiyin, and missionaries who have violated the law and embezzled money and should be hanged, it has been changed to Distributed and confiscated.

However, with just these two thousand five hundred taels of stolen money, he, Zhu Pingan, was finished! Even if you don't die, you will have to be sent to the army!

In addition, this is just a grain store. As for other grain stores, we can imagine that the amount of Zhu Ping'an's corruption must be a huge number. Even if it is not the 80,000 taels that Liu Wannian impeached, there must be 50,000 or 60,000 taels!

If this amount is found out and reported to the Holy One, the Holy One will definitely be furious. Zhu Ping'an will definitely live or die!

"Do you know whether Zhu Pingan asked other grain merchants for bribes, which is what you call donations?"

The more Wang Meng thought about it, the more excited he became. He looked at Shopkeeper Yang with burning eyes and continued to ask.

"Yes. All grain merchants in this county, big and small, without exception, have been asked by the county officials if they are willing to donate money to the victims of the Jingnan disaster. For grain merchants from other places who come to Jingnan, the county officials will also send people to ask if they are willing to donate money. payment."

Yang Zhangui nodded and replied calmly.

Hearing this, Wang Meng, Peng Cheng, Zhang Wenbo, Taiping County Magistrate and others flushed with excitement, as if they had drunk a pound of old wine. Zhu Ping'an had such a big appetite and courage that no one from the big or small grain merchants was spared! It’s really excellent! Hahaha, Zhu Ping'an is in doom this time, and even gods can't save him!

"What? There are no exceptions for big and small grain merchants?! For grain merchants from other places, Zhu Ping'an will take the initiative to send someone to ask?!"

When Xu Hai heard this, he couldn't help but speak angrily.

"Yes. There are no exceptions. Even if there are grain merchants from other places who forget to donate, the county will send messengers to ask." Shopkeeper Yang replied.

"Do you know how much money you have donated?" Wang Meng continued to ask, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"I dare not deceive you, sir. Our grain merchants have consciously divided them into three categories: large, medium and small according to their scale and strength. Those who are affiliated with small-scale grain merchants will donate 800 taels of silver; those who are affiliated with mid-range grain merchants will donate one thousand five hundred taels. One hundred taels of silver for charity; large-scale grain merchants like me donated 2,500 taels of silver. There were 38 local grain merchants in the county, and they donated a total of 46,000 taels of silver. Later, the county minister After the move to set grain prices spread, many grain merchants from other places came. As of today, there are 53 grain merchants from other places. They all donated according to our agreed amount. They donated a total of 63,000 taels of silver. . Of course, if you are willing to donate more, the county will not refuse. I donated 2,500 taels of silver for the first time, and ten days ago I consciously went to the county government and donated an additional 1,000 taels of silver. .”

Shopkeeper Yang replied truthfully.

nonsense! It's strange that he, Zhu Ping'an, could refuse! Who would think that there is too much money? Wang Meng and others sneered!

Afterwards, everyone couldn't help but gasped. In this way, didn't Zhu Ping'an corrupt more than 100,000 taels of silver! More than one hundred thousand taels! He, Zhu Ping'an, has a big appetite, and he is not afraid of bursting his belly!

One hundred thousand taels!

This is a rare case of huge corruption in this dynasty!

I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Zhu Pingan would be so bold at such a young age! So greedy! Less than half a year after taking office, he has embezzled more than 100,000 taels of silver! As expected of the youngest number one scholar in my dynasty, with his skill and courage, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Lord Yan Xiaoxiang! Bah, bah, bah, what am I thinking, how could Mr. Yan Xiaoxiang be corrupt! Wang Meng shook his head, Zhu Ping'an deserves to be compared with Lord Yan Xiaoxiang!

After hearing the number reported by shopkeeper Yang, Xu Hai's face turned darker, as black as the bottom of a pot, and his hands shook in anger.

"Oh, by the way, why did you consciously donate an extra thousand taels of silver after you donated two thousand five hundred taels?"

Zhang Wenbo asked curiously.

"In order to encourage us to donate to charity, the County Lord personally wrote three plaques with the words 'Charity Businessmen'. The three grain merchants who donated the most money can hang the plaques written by the County Lord. Ahem. That's the little one. The plaque hanging outside the store door.”

Shopkeeper Yang replied with some embarrassment that he donated an extra thousand taels to get this plaque.

In order to earn more money, Zhu Ping'an really did a lot of tricks! With so many thoughts, why don’t you stay on the right path?

Xu Hai's face turned even darker!

"A plaque is worth it to you." Zhang Wenbo sneered at shopkeeper Yang. He was really Zhu Ping'an's licking dog!

"Ahem, I don't dare to hide this from you adults. The common people recognize our county. If anyone hangs this plaque, people will be willing to buy grain from that house. Whoever hangs this plaque will have no worries about selling their grain."

Shopkeeper Yang lowered his head and replied.

These foolish people! Zhu Pingan is so greedy, why do they still recognize Zhu Pingan? ! What a bitch!

When Wang Meng and others heard this, they couldn't help but sneer at the people of Jingnan. What a bunch of stupid bitches!

The clerk quickly wrote a record of the inquiry. After Wang Meng and others reviewed it and it was correct, he ordered shopkeeper Yang to sign and stamp it.

"No, this is different from what I said." Shopkeeper Yang read the transcript and said with a grimace.

Wang Meng looked worried, "What's wrong?!"

"The county magistrate is asking us if we are willing to make a donation, not asking for a bribe; also, we are making a donation, not a bribe."

Shopkeeper Yang said with a sad face.

"Huh!? Are you still making excuses for Zhu Pingan?! What kind of bullshit donation is just a disguised request for bribes. Don't worry, this is Zhu Pingan asking for bribes, and you can barely be considered victims. In addition, you confessed and exposed today If you have meritorious service, I can protect you from innocence. Please sign and sign as soon as possible!"

Wang Meng sneered and said to Shopkeeper Yang impatiently.

"No." Shopkeeper Yang was about to cry. He held a brush in his hand and hesitated to sign, "It's really a donation! It's not asking for bribes! Even ordinary people with many brains dare not deceive in front of the officials of the East Factory."

Yo? ! I didn’t expect you to be so loyal to Zhu Pingan? !

Wang Meng and others were stunned.

"Is your family in Zhu Ping'an's hands?" Wang Meng was stunned for a moment and asked with a frown.

"No." Shopkeeper Yang shook his head.

"Then you have something in Zhu Pingan's hands?" Wang Meng frowned and asked again.

"No." Shopkeeper Yang was frightened to tears when he heard this, "None of that. Sir, the common people are not quibbling for the county magistrate, they just don't dare to lie. Your Excellencies are on errands under the orders of the emperor. How dare the ordinary people do it in front of you? Especially lying in front of the official of Dongchang, that is the crime of deceiving the emperor of the nine tribes. This matter was found out as soon as the investigation was carried out, how dare the common people lie, sir, what the common people told is the truth, it is really a donation!"

"I have already guaranteed your innocence, but you still don't know how to praise me?!" Wang Meng couldn't help but became furious.

"It's really a donation. If you don't believe me, go and take a look in front of the county government office." Shopkeeper Yang kowtowed as if pounding garlic, and pointed in the direction of the county government office.

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