Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1283 Drip, this is not a corrupt car

What do you mean by going to the county government office and knowing it at a glance? ! It is an ironclad fact that Zhu Pingan asked for bribes in disguise, more than 100,000 taels of silver! It's like going to the county government office and asking for and accepting bribes will turn into donations? !

You really don’t know how to praise!

Wang Meng and others were furious, with angry looks on their faces as if they wanted to eat shopkeeper Yang alive.

"Haha, okay, then let's go to the county government office and take a look. Anyway, if you want to accuse Zhu Ping'an, you have to go to the county government office. But when the time comes, if you are still stubborn, Mr. Yang, then don't blame me for waiting."

Zhang Wenbo said with a smile.

So, the group took Shopkeeper Yang out of the grain store and headed all the way to the Jingnan County Government Office. When they went out, Xu Hai and others looked up at the plaque of "Charity Businessman" hanging on the door of the grain shop.

"A sense of righteousness and good words. It's a pity that people are not as good as their words." Xu Hai sighed.

"It's right in front, your lords will know it at a glance."

The group arrived in front of the Jingnan County Government Office. Shopkeeper Yang pointed to a wall in front of the County Government Office and said respectfully to Xu Hai and others.

Xu Hai, Wang Meng and others looked in the direction indicated by Shopkeeper Yang, and saw a large roll of red cloth posted on the wall in front of the Jingnan County Yamen. On the top of the red cloth were written the words "Jingnan Donation Announcement". There are big characters, and neatly drawn tables below, with densely packed small characters written in the tables.

Donation announcement? !

What is this? !

Xu Hai, Wang Meng and others couldn't help but walked closer to watch. After just one glance, they were stunned.

In an instant, there were more pieces of wood in front of the public notice wall.

Looking at the donation announcement in front of them, Xu Hai, Tan Lun, Zuo Zhen and others seemed to have a storm in their hearts.

In front of them, the red cloth is mainly divided into two parts, one is the "Donation Announcement Form" and the other is the "Donation Use Form". The Donation Announcement Form lists the donation time, donor, donated money, donated materials, etc., and painstakingly details the specific circumstances of each donation; the Donation Usage Form also lists the time of use, usage status, usage, etc. Several items such as materials and usage amounts were painstakingly listed, and the specific usage of each donation and materials was listed.

"Zhu Ping'an can be so transparent and open. The donation announcement form and the donation use form are impeccable. The two forms echo each other. They are simple and clear at a glance. It is really a masterpiece."

Xu Hai couldn't help but admire the extremely detailed, open and transparent donation announcement in front of him.

"This donation announcement not only lists the large amounts of silver donated by Shopkeeper Yang and others, but also lists every insignificant donation in detail. Look, here, Zhang San donated 5 eggs and Wang Wu donated 2 Donations as trivial as a pound of green vegetables are also listed in detail."

Zuo Zhen looked at the donation announcement form in front of him, especially when he saw how many eggs and kilograms of vegetables donated by someone were listed in detail, he couldn't help but open his mouth and said in surprise.

It's really admirable that Zhu Pingan can achieve this. At this moment, he couldn't help but turn from vermilion black to vermilion pink.

"A donation disclosure form and a donation use form, the ins and outs of each donation are clearly recorded. Even if you donate a few eggs, you can be listed on the list, and your appearance will be glorious; the use of donations is also clear It can be seen that not a single donation has been corrupted. No wonder they are willing to donate. No wonder the local people recognize the plaque saying 'Charity Businessman'. Zhu Ping'an is really smart."

Tan Lun nodded and admired Zhu Pingan's skill. This kind of announcement seemed simple, but without standardized laws and enforcement of orders and prohibitions behind it, it would not be possible. That's why Tan Lun marveled at Zhu Pingan's skill.

He thought that if this kind of donation announcement was made in Fucheng, it would be difficult to implement it in a short time.

Zhang Guyi, a member of the Dongchang household, looked away from the donation announcement and turned to look at the trembling shopkeeper Yang.

No wonder he didn't dare to sign the record. How dare he sign the record of asking for bribes when such a donation was announced.

Mr. Xiao Zhu is indeed Mr. Xiao Zhu, and he has never disappointed anyone! Zhang Guyi, a householder in Dongchang, was amazed.

Is this really a donation? ! ! ! ! !

Wang Meng, Peng Cheng, Taiping Magistrate and others looked pale and shaky, as if they had been raped by a group of strong men.

However, they are not giving up yet! This is how the donation is announced, but this may not necessarily be the case! This may be just Zhu Pingan's cover-up, a fig leaf for him to cover up his request for and acceptance of bribes!

They randomly selected five people from the donation list, and it said that each person was given 1 tael of silver to buy food.

They need to verify it to see if it is exactly as announced and has indeed been issued.

But they were disappointed.

Every household admitted that the county government had indeed given them one tael of silver to buy grain half a month ago.

"You said that the one-tael silver payment for buying grain has been distributed. The county minister personally brought people to distribute it. He also said that from now on, we will be given money to buy grain once a month."

"Alas, our county magistrate is really alive. I'm really ashamed. When the county magistrate set the price of grain, he went to the streets to insult the county magistrate every day. I didn't expect that the county magistrate not only refused to investigate He was responsible for insulting the little old man, and he also personally paid the little old man money to buy food. If it hadn't been for the money to buy food from the county magistrate, the little old man and his wife would have starved to death."

"What? You said the price of food is high?! You are so short-sighted! If the county magistrate hadn't set the price of food so high, would there have been so many grain dealers coming to Jingnan, and would they have brought so much food?! Compared with fate , this price of food is nothing! Alas, I have a relative in Taiping County who pays 500 yuan per stone. The price of food is low enough, but without food, it is of no use. I will wait for my son to bring food to help him At that time, people had already starved to death. It was so miserable. There was no one alive in the whole village. They either starved to death or fled their hometowns. Half of the people in Taiping County have fled to our Jingnan."

"I said you all have hands and feet. If you don't participate in the work-for-relief program to earn money, ask what you are doing."

Wang Meng and others came out of five households as if they were running away, with tears on their faces.

From this point of view, what the little thief Zhu Ping'an announced in front of the county government is really the truth.

What a donation! It’s not asking for bribes or accepting bribes!

This trip was a waste of time! Before I came here, I even boasted about Haikou and said that I was going to complete a solid case and put Zhu Ping'an, the little thief who was causing trouble for Mr. Yan Ge, into eternal damnation. It really hurts my face.

What about Taiping County Magistrate? !

You are so close to Jingnan. If you don't verify the situation, will you impeach him? ! You idiot!

If the impeachment fails this time, I am afraid that the little thief Zhu Pingan will be in the limelight again! What makes people cry the most is that the reason why this little thief Zhu Pingan is able to steal the spotlight is because we personally pushed his butt from behind and helped him!

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