Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1287 Come out, Mi Zhe

How many dishes are there to drink like this? !

Wang Meng and others listened to Zhu Ping'an's emotion, and curled their lips in disdain.

Why are the news channels not smooth? ! What memorial contents are relatively public? .Ask your impressions, you really dare to think about it! What kind of identity and status are you? It’s really that I’m still young and I don’t have a big chest! We failed this time. You, Zhu Pingan, will not have such good luck next time!

"I feel very cordial to see you all in peace. Suddenly, Meng Lang started talking nonsense, which made all of you laugh." After Zhu Pingan expressed his feelings, he said to everyone with some embarrassment.

"Young people need to think more. What Mr. Zhu just mentioned is not without purpose."

Xu Hai smiled slightly and encouraged him. He used to be an angry young man who always liked to give advice. When he saw Zhu Pingan, it was like seeing himself in the past, so he became more and more pleasing to the eye.

Tan Lun just smiled slightly and said nothing. His eyes were as deep as an ancient well.

Zhu Ping'an took in everyone's expressions without leaving a trace, paying special attention to the expressions of Xu Hai and Zhang Guyi.

The emotion I just expressed was not just a random statement or nonsense, but something intentional.

Seeing the expressions of Xu Hai and Zhang Guyi, Zhu Ping'an raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then lowered his head, put down the chopsticks in his hands, and tapped the table with his fingers, pretending to be a standard thinker.

Sure enough, after Zhu Ping'an thought for a few seconds, he heard Xu Hai's voice, "What is Mr. Zhu thinking about?"

"Ping'an was wondering, is there any way to solve these problems?" Zhu Ping'an raised his head and replied thoughtfully.

What? solve these problems?

When Wang Meng and others heard this, they snorted disdainfully, "Zhu Ping'an, I said you are fat, but you are still out of breath?" ! So what problems, such as blocked information channels, can be easily solved? ! He's not too old, but his tone is not too young!

"Oh, Master Zhu, do you have any ideas?" Xu Hai asked with interest.

"I'm wondering, based on the current memorials and memorials, can I add a secret memorial?"

Zhu Pingan said slowly, revealing the fox's tail.

That's right!

It’s a secret! Zhu Ping'an's emotion as he moved a hammer here and there and a stick here and there was a preparation for the secret folding.

Zhu Ping'an had long wanted to introduce the secret folding system that became popular in the Yongzheng Dynasty in the later years of Kangxi to this dynasty, but he never had the chance. Now he just took advantage of this opportunity to propose the secret folding system.

The secret folding system of the Qing Dynasty was a system that impressed Zhu Pingan deeply. It was no less profound than the brand-turning system of the Qing palace attendants.

The Qing Dynasty was unlike the Ming Dynasty. There were no royal guards, no east factories, or these secret service agencies in the Qing Dynasty. How could the emperor, who sat high in the temple and lived deep in the ninth level, control the government and the public? ! How to monitor ministers? ! How can you know everything about the world without leaving home? ! However, the main method they rely on is secret folding.

Through secret secrets, they can know everything about the world without having to rely on secret service agencies such as Dongchang and Jinyiwei that have been criticized all over the world. There are two classic examples: In the early years of Yongzheng's reign, an official sold a new hat and couldn't put it down. The next day, he went to court without his hat to thank him. Yongzheng jokingly said to him, "Please don't mess with your new hat." It's dirty. Another official was playing "leaf play" with his friends one night, and for some reason he lost a leaf. When he went to court the next day, Yongzheng asked him how he passed the time last night. The official answered truthfully that he was playing leaf games. Yong Zheng smiled with satisfaction, took out a leaf from his sleeve, and said to the official, Aiqing, please take it back and finish the game last night. The official took the leaf with both hands and saw that it was the leaf he had lost last night. He was suddenly sweating!

The so-called Mi Zhe, as the name suggests, highlights the word "secret" compared to the relatively open memorials of the Ming Dynasty.

The specific operation is as follows: Central and local officials of fourth rank and above, as well as some courtiers authorized by the emperor, write the secret fold in their own handwriting. After writing, they put it into the folding box and send a special person to the capital to read it without going through the inn. There are only two keys to the folding box. One is in the hands of the official and the other is kept by the emperor. No one else can open it. This is an information channel dedicated to the emperor and individual courtiers, radiating throughout the country.

During the Yongzheng period, there were more than 1,200 ministers with secret rights. The secret document only stipulates the form and does not limit the content. Everything you hear, including impeachment memorials and anecdotes, can be reported. Through the secret system, the emperor is like having a God's perspective. All the disturbances in the empire can be seen, and he can have an overall view and control everything.

The secret system of the Qing Dynasty was a powerful tool for the feudal monarchy and centralization to reach its peak!

Zhu Ping'an believed that with Emperor Jiajing's extreme intelligence and greed for power, as long as he heard about the secret system, he would adopt it without hesitation as a means to consolidate his rule and firmly control the Ming Dynasty.

Although the Ming Dynasty had Jinyiwei and Dongchang, these two spy agencies had their own limitations and were far from enough to meet the emperor's requirements for controlling the world. Otherwise, there would be no West Factory. The eunuchs of Dongchang are dark and perverted, the uniformed guards are good and bad, and the censors often neglect their duties. With secret information, all officials in the world can become the emperor's eyes and ears. This is a group of high-quality spies, far beyond what eunuchs and fanzi can compare with. .

Emperor Jiajing would definitely not refuse.

Xu Hai is the leader of the investigation team for this trip, and Zhang Guyi is from Dongchang and is the supervisor of this trip.

These two are the key. Xu Hai had a good impression of him, Zhang Guyi was an old friend, and the two were not in the same group. He believed that his "secret discount" proposal would reach the ears of Emperor Jiajing through the two of them.

Of course, the main purpose of Zhu Pingan's secret proposal was not to make the feudal autocratic monarchy and centralization reach their peak.

On the one hand, Zhu Ping'an was considering for the future of the Ming Dynasty, eliminating and limiting the internal friction of party struggles in the late Ming Dynasty. The secret system of the Qing Dynasty was a powerful weapon against cliques. Officials at all levels restrained and monitored each other, which could effectively prevent officials from forming cliques for personal gain and cliques. The factional struggles in the Ming Dynasty caused serious internal friction, which greatly weakened the power of the Ming Dynasty, and it was also a major reason for the collapse of the towering building of the Ming Dynasty. It is hoped that the party struggle can be eliminated in the bud, and this hidden danger can be eliminated for Daming.

Secondly, if people don’t do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. Zhu Ping'an's secret proposal was also to gain benefits for himself. Zhu Pingan wanted to get the right to submit secret reports. With this right, although Zhu Pingan was far away from the center of central power, he could always make his presence felt in front of Emperor Jiajing and gain political capital. There was no one in the world who was more powerful than Jiajing. The emperor's thigh is thicker. As long as he holds it tightly, it will not be a dream for him to get a promotion, a salary increase, or to reach the pinnacle of his life. In addition, he has the right to secretly submit a report, which is equivalent to having a nuclear deterrent in his hand, and other people who want to You must also consider your own people. I did not get the nickname "The First God of the Ming Dynasty" out of thin air, lest this situation of being impeached should happen again.

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