Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1288: Not enough to treat outsiders

"Secret?!" When Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others heard Zhu Ping'an mentioned the word "secret", they couldn't help but uttered surprise, not knowing how serious it was.

"Yes, Mi Zhe." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"What is a secret fold?" Xu Hai couldn't help but leaned forward and asked.

"This is what I think about it. The Holy Spirit will grant some ministers the right to secretly seal the secrets according to the situation. After the ministers have written the secret secrets, they will seal them in a special box and send a special person to deliver them to the capital. They will not go through the post station, the General Affairs Department, or the Huiji Gate. When there is a secretary, he goes directly to the emperor and submits it to the emperor for approval. Only the emperor and his ministers know the contents of the secret document. There is no limit to the content of the secret document, including impeachment memorials, suggestions and policies, government affairs reports, etc. Everything heard can be reported to the public. This opens up channels of expression and expands information channels.”

Zhu Ping'an looked up at Xu Hai and others, and briefly introduced the basic situation of Mi Zhe in a soft voice.

Zhu Ping'an's voice was very soft, but in the ears of Xu Hai and others, it was nothing less than earth-shaking, lightning and thunder.

Xu Hai and the others couldn't help but trembled, their blood surged, and goosebumps appeared all over their bodies. They all looked up at Zhu Ping'an in shock. They had been in officialdom for more than ten years, and their sense of politics was not bad. They had already stirred up in their minds A huge wave.

Secret folding is equivalent to establishing a communication channel dedicated to the Holy Emperor and individual ministers, just like compiling an information network covering the entire Ming Dynasty! There is no doubt that we should open up more avenues of expression and expand information channels.

Xu Hai thought of the impact of many secret folds in an instant. Except for the emperor and his ministers, the contents of the secret report are not known to the outside world, and the contents of the memorial are not known to other colleagues. If they are so strict, they will no longer be able to gather their party members to impeach and attack political opponents in turn. If they dare to impeach and attack political opponents in turn, then It means that their secret information has been leaked, which is the crime of deceiving the emperor. Also, other officials do not know the contents of the secret information. If they are impeached based on the secret information, there is no need to worry about retaliation. In this way, the person who impeached the strict party will be impeached. There will be a lot more. In addition, Mi Zhe can avoid the General Administration Department and Huiji Gate, which are infiltrated and controlled by the strict party, and go directly to the imperial court. Needless to say, the benefits are

Tan Lun was thinking a lot at that moment. The secret is a ladder to get closer to the Holy One. He is far away from the center of power in the capital and lives in the southeast. He has been suffering from the lack of a channel to get close to the Holy One and gain the trust of the Holy One. If he had the power to get close to the Holy One. , Isn’t it a great good deed to go straight to the imperial court?

If such a secret plan is implemented, it will be an epoch-making change for the Ming Dynasty's political circle!

The more Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others thought about it, the more moved they became. They looked at Zhu Pingan with unspeakable shock.

To be honest, when Zhu Pingan asked if there was any way to solve the problem at the beginning, they did not have much expectations for Zhu Pingan. After all, these problems were left over for thousands of years. How can they be solved by just solving them?

However, they never expected that Zhu Pingan would come up with such an epoch-making method as "secret folding"!

Perhaps this method cannot eradicate the above problems and cannot cure the root cause, but at least it can cure the symptoms.

In such a short time, Zhu Pingan was able to come up with such an incredible method.

It is unbelievable. This child is definitely not a thing in the pool. If there are no accidents, his achievements in the future will be limitless.

Wang Meng, Peng Cheng and others were even more shocked. Before Zhu Pingan proposed the secret, they ridiculed and ridiculed Zhu Pingan.

However, when Zhu Pingan proposed the secret, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They were unhappy with Zhu Pingan, but they were not stupid. Their political acumen was no worse than that of Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others.

They were also immediately aware of Mi Zhe's subversion of the memorial situation and its impact on the political circle.

After Wang Meng, Zhang Wenbo, and Peng Cheng were shocked, they looked at each other with caution in their eyes.

Xu Hai obviously has a good impression of Zhu Pingan. Zhang Guyi and Zhu Pingan of Dongchang actually have an old relationship. Zhu Pingan's proposal of "secret discount" will undoubtedly be reported to them when they return to Beijing to report. Your Majesty.

In the view of Wang Meng and others, this secret fold is a double-edged sword for their strict party, with misfortune and good fortune interdependent.

Their Yan Party has a large number of people, and Yan Ge Lao and others are deeply trusted by the Holy Spirit. If the secret fold is implemented, many people in their Yan Party will definitely gain the power of secret fold. In this way, their Yan Party will naturally have an advantage.

However, relatively speaking, there are many disadvantages brought about by secret folding. The first one is that the secret fold is kept secret. In the past, officials were afraid of Mr. Yan Ge and our retaliation, so they did not dare to impeach us. However, if the secret policy is implemented, some officials who have obtained the power of secret policy would dare to impeach Mr. Yan Ge and us. Because the secret policy is kept secret, except for No one knows about them or the Holy One, and they no longer have to worry about being retaliated or suppressed. Therefore, it is conceivable that after the secret fold is implemented, the number of impeachments against Mr. Yan Ge and their officials will definitely increase a lot.

Therefore, without further ado, be sure to inform Mr. Yange about the secret in advance so that you can be prepared for the situation.

So, Wang Meng and others had a low-spirited exchange, and Wang Meng left the table and went out on the excuse of changing his clothes. While carrying the secret, he quickly wrote a secret letter and handed it to a close aide along with his personal jade pendant, and ordered him to rush to Yan's Mansion in the capital and use the jade pendant to pay homage to Yan Ge. Old man, submit a secret letter.

"If Mr. Yan Ge is not at home, then the secret message will be presented to Mr. Yan. Without further delay, you can set off quickly."

Wang Meng explained.

"Don't worry, sir, I will take care of it. Is there anything else you want to tell me?" The confidant put the secret letter and jade pendant away close to his body.

"Stop talking nonsense and set off quickly. Don't delay for a moment on the way, or I will skin you."

Wang Meng couldn't help but urge and curse. After watching his cronies, each with two horses, whip their horses, Wang Meng turned around and returned to the dining table.

Returning to the dining table, Wang Meng nodded to Zhang Wenbo and Peng Cheng. Zhang Wenbo understood and knew that Wang Meng had sent someone to send the news about the secret to Yan Mansion in the capital, so they couldn't help but relax a little.

"If Ping An had the right to secretly report, he could report the disaster relief situation in Jiangnan to the Holy Spirit in a timely and comprehensive manner, and there would not be such misunderstandings, occupying so many resources, and tiring you all to travel long distances. If Mr. Wang had the right to secretly report , impeaching Ping An will not be so troublesome, and there will be no embarrassment today," Zhu Ping'an said with emotion. After finishing speaking, Zhu Ping'an smiled at himself and said to everyone, "It's all Ping'an's immature ideas. , I will laugh at the generous family."

"No, Mr. Zhu's proposal is refreshing and thought-provoking," Xu Hai praised.

Zhu Pingan was naturally humble.

After lunch was over, Zhu Ping'an thanked Xu Hai and others again, and deliberately said: "Ping'an's nonsense about the secret, you adults, just listen to it, it's not enough to talk to outsiders."

The expressions on the faces of Zu and Outsiders Dao Ye, Xu Hai and others clearly showed such an answer.

Zhu Pingan was very satisfied.

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