Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1290 You are indeed worthy of my Qilin’er

Capital City, Yan Mansion.

The secret letter that Wang Meng ordered his cronies to deliver to the Yan Mansion was delivered to Yan Song on the morning of the third day. After Yan Song received the secret letter, he attached great importance to it and immediately summoned Zhao Wenhua, Yan Maoqing, Wang Xueyi and other close confidants to circulate the secret letter.

In fact, Yan Song also sent someone to call Yan Shifan, but Yan Shifan was enjoying life outside and was not in Yan's house.

"I would like to hear your opinions on the secret plan proposed by Zhu Ping'an." Yan Song asked, squinting his eyes.

Zhao Wenhua and others are all veterans of officialdom. They have seen more and deeper than Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others.

They had almost analyzed the pros and cons of secret folding at once. Yan Song nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Xu Hai and the others will return to Beijing in the near future, and the secret incident will definitely be reported to the Holy One. The Holy One may ask me for my opinion. In your opinion, what attitude should I take at that time, support or oppose it?"

Yan Song took a sip of tea, soothed his throat, opened his cloudy eyes, glanced at Zhao Wenhua and others and asked.

"Mr. Pavilion, this little thief Zhu Ping'an has evil intentions. The content of his secret remarks will not be known to outsiders. It will definitely encourage impeachment, whistle-blowing and other things. If implemented, I am afraid it will embolden some rats to impeach Mr. Ge. , if things go on like this, I am afraid it will shake Elder Ge’s image and status in the heart of the Holy Emperor.”

Yan Maoqing was the first to speak. He was opposed to the secret policy and believed that if it were implemented, it would cause endless harm.

"Brother Jingqing is worrying too much. Only the Holy One can read the secret book. In addition to taking care of state affairs, the Holy One also has to practice Taoism and refine elixirs. He is already weak and does not have much energy to review the secret book. Therefore, the secret book will not be widely popularized. It is inevitable that only those ministers who are favored by the Holy One can have this honor, and those ministers who are deeply trusted by the Holy One are mostly people in the Taoist circles such as myself, and the secret book will become a sharp weapon in our hands."

After hearing what Yan Maoqing said, Zhao Wenhua shook his head slightly and put forward a different point of view.

"Meicun, you are in charge of the general affairs envoy, how can you say this? If there is no secret record, all the imperial envoys in the world will be sent to the general affairs envoy. If there is no memorial to hide the secrets of the government, there will be Wang Zongmao and other young people who come to criticize and hurt the cabinet. Lao, if you keep your bruises for a few days, it will be enough time for us to respond. If the secret seal is implemented, and the secret seal goes directly to the emperor without going through the general envoys, and is presented to the emperor for inspection, wouldn't we be depriving ourselves of martial arts? ?!”

Yan Maoqing spoke again.

Yan Song couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard the words. Yan Maoqing's words hit the important point.

"No, as I just said. Mi Zhe will not be implemented on a large scale. If those who do not have the authority to report to Mi Zhe, they still have to go through the general affairs envoy. In my opinion, due to the limited energy of the Holy Spirit, even if it is implemented Mi Zhe, the authorized ministers will not exceed a hundred people. Moreover, the vast majority are people of my kind. For those who are not my kind, we will strictly monitor them, and they will not be able to cause trouble."

Zhao Wenhua said unhurriedly.

"It's better to get rid of uncontrollable uneasy factors as soon as possible. The status quo is good, so why take risks."

Yan Maoqing shook his head, not convinced by Zhao Wenhua.

"Although the current situation is good, wouldn't it be better to go further. There is no limit to the content of the memorial. This secret memorial is by no means as simple as a memorial. In my opinion, it is a collection of the censors, Jin Yiwei, Dongchang, and Guishi With several middle-level positions in one body, and one day's secrets in hand, we are equivalent to having many identities such as Yushi, Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Shishi. The use of them is wonderful. Although Mr. Lu of Jinyiwei has some respect for the elder. Plus, it’s pleasant to get along with us, but he is never one of our own, and he does many dirty things in private. This is evident when he sheltered the traitor Shen Lian last year. Not to mention Dongchang. If you have any secrets in hand, , we are equivalent to having countless more Jin Yiwei, Yushi, Dongchang, and other positions in the affairs. Isn't it a pity to abandon such a secret, as long as we use it properly, we can go further and it will be easy. It should be noted that the official career is as follows If you're sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you'll retreat. Please think twice, stepfather."

Zhao Wenhua smiled slightly, analyzed the functions hidden behind Mi Zhe, and highly praised Mi Zhe.

Actually, besides these.

Zhao Wenhua still had selfish motives and ambitions, and secretly reached the imperial court. He was very jealous of this weapon that could get close to the Holy Emperor. The reason why he took the risk to offer the Holy Hundred Flowers Wine last time was because he wanted to get close to Emperor Jiajing! Unfortunately, not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he also angered his adoptive father Yan Song. If not for the intercession of his adoptive mother, he would have been disowned by his adoptive father and kicked out.

Now that he has discovered the secret weapon, his hidden selfishness and ambition are ready to move again.

Mi Zhe combines several major positions such as Yushi, Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Jishi.

After hearing Zhao Wenhua's analysis, Yan Song couldn't help but nodded again. Mi Zhe is really both loveable and hateful.

Yan Song kept a calm expression on his face and glanced at Wang Xueyi and others who had not yet spoken, "Xueyi, what do you think?"

After Wang Xueyi's name was called by Yan Song, he paused for two seconds before speaking, "Mr. Ge, from my humble opinion, this secret book is a double-edged sword. If used well, it can make contributions to us. If used poorly, it will You can also hurt me."

"Slippery! What's the difference between your words and not saying anything?!" Yan Song glanced at him and scolded him.

What a bullshit double-edged sword. It looks like a clear point of view, but in fact it is equivalent to not saying anything.

How could Wang Xueyi, who was building a wall, get away with it under the nose of Yan Song, who was like an old fox?

Wang Xueyi shrank his neck angrily.

At this moment, Yan Shifan came back, smelling of alcohol and powder, and he obviously crawled out from among the women.

"You smell like powder, and you went out to fool around again?!" Yan Song glared at Yan Shifan displeased.

Yan Shifan came forward to please Yan Song and poured a full cup of tea for Yan Song. He said with a smile, "Dad, son, I am not doing anything for our old Yan family. How can you call it a fool's errand if you work hard?"

"Shit!" Yan Song cursed angrily, but of course he didn't mean it, and then threw Wang Meng's secret letter to Yan Shifan, "Look, it's a matter of secrets. If the Holy One asks, what attitude should I take?" ?”

After Yan Shifan read it again, he asked Zhao Wenhua, Yan Maoqing and others about their attitudes, and couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Why are you laughing?" Yan Song asked angrily.

"Dad, you are trying to catch fish by chance. What attitude should you take? The key depends on whether the secret folding has pros and cons for the Holy One. If the secret folding is beneficial to the Holy One, you will naturally support it; if the secret folding is not good for the Holy One, you will I will oppose it to the death." Yan Shifan said with a smile, one eye shining brightly.

When Yan Song heard this, he was enlightened and suddenly realized. He nodded appreciatively to Yan Shifan. He was indeed worthy of my Qilin'er.

"This secret message is to encourage the ministers to tell the truth, to make the officials vigilant to each other, to check each other, to guard against disloyalty, to guard against deception, and to help the Holy One to hold the power alone, so that the king can be more king and the ministers can be more ministers. It must be in line with the Holy Master's wishes." Yan Shifan knocked. Looking at the table, he said confidently, "What we have to consider is how to make the secret fold work for me."

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