Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1291 Return to life

The day after Yan Song received the secret letter, Xu Hai and the others also returned to the capital to return to their orders. Emperor Jiajing took the time to summon Xu Hai, Peng Cheng and others in the East Nuan Pavilion of Wuyi Hall, accompanied by Yan Song, the first assistant of the cabinet, Xu Jie, the second assistant.

"I greet the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live my emperor"

Xu Hai, Peng Cheng and others walked into the Dong Nuan Pavilion after the eunuch passed the biography, and bowed respectfully to see Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing was still wearing a blue gossip gown, sitting on a dragon chair with a gossip mat on the dragon chair. He was thin but full of majesty. After Xu Hai and the others saluted, Emperor Jiajing flicked his sleeves, put his hands on the dragon chair, and asked indifferently: "Excuse me, what's the situation after this inspection?"

As the head of the verification team, Xu Hai respectfully replied: "Hui Sheng, the impeachment is not true. Zhu Ping'an did not collude with grain merchants or accept bribes in Jingnan. Not only did he have no fault, he actually made merit. Most of Jiangnan is a piece of land. Aihong is miserable everywhere, but the south of the Yangtze River under Zhu Ping'an's rule is full of food and rice, just like a paradise."

When Xu Hai reported back, Peng Cheng, Zhang Wenbo and others stood aside respectfully, with their heads down, looking at their toes. This is the rule. When multiple people attend a summons, only the leader can answer the Holy Spirit's questions. The rest of the group cannot interrupt, let alone whisper to each other. They can only speak when the Holy Spirit specifically asks them about someone.

"Oh?" Emperor Jiajing was a little surprised when he heard the words, and asked with great interest, "How did kid Zhu do it?"

"Back to the Holy Spirit, Lord Zhu has already taken precautions before the floods came." Xu Hai briefly reported on Zhu Ping'an's precautions in Jingnan, defining food prices, public announcements of donations, and providing work-for-relief services.

"Every bustle in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Zhu Xiaozi uses profit as bait to lure grain merchants into his trap. He has learned the secret of the word 'profit'. He is a genius." Emperor Jiajing told Zhu Ping'an how to define grain prices. A behavioral comment.

"What you said just now, the grain merchants donated 110,000 taels? Is the figure true? Is Zhu Ping'an not corrupt?"

Emperor Jiajing asked again.

"Your Majesty, the numbers are true, and Zhu Ping'an is indeed not corrupt. There are donation letters and donation announcements as proof, and I have copied them." Xu Hai replied respectfully, and took out several donations brought back from Jingnan from his arms. Donation announcement of books and transcripts.

Huang Jin went down to take the relevant documents from Xu Hai, and handed them to Emperor Jiajing for review with respectful hands.

After Emperor Jiajing read it again, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "Zhu Xiaozi even announced Zhang San's donation of 5 eggs and Wang Wu's donation of 2 kilograms of vegetables. Every donation and expenditure was recorded in the book. It seems that it is indeed Innocence, this reminds me of Zhu Xiaozi's naked butt inspection of Taicang."

"Wei Zhong, you should also take a look."

Emperor Jiajing said to Yan Song and Xu Jie, and signaled Huang Jin to pass the relevant documents to them for reading.

"Open and transparent, wonderful workmanship. A donation announcement form, a donation use form, the origin and context of each donation are clearly recorded, and Zhu Pingan's innocence can also be seen." After reading it, Yan Song said to Zhu Ping'an was not stingy with words of praise, and it was completely an elder's gesture of appreciating and supporting the younger generation.

"Zhu Ping'an is indeed innocent." Xu Jie simply agreed, with a smile on his lips.

"How could a merchant have such financial resources? A mere grain merchant in Jingnan actually donated 110,000 taels. Grain merchants are so rich, and salt merchants even more so?!" Emperor Jiajing tapped the armrest of the dragon chair with his finger, and his face The clouds were uncertain, and he glanced at Yan Song and Xu Jie, "Weizhong, Huating, you and others will go back to the Department of Household Affairs, the Ministry of War, and the Salt Patrol Censor to discuss the "Discussion on Reform of the Salt Law" submitted to Zhu Bochen in the matter. ", and come up with a new charter someday and report it to me."

Last month, Zhu Bochen proposed to change the salt law to use normal salt plus residual salt to solve the problem of insufficient military pay caused by the Japanese invaders in the north and south in recent years. Zhu Bochen suggested that all businessmen should report to Zhongzheng Salt and allow them to use it. There are two bags of remaining salt, each in a bag, and the bag ropes are included, a total of 285 kilograms. When the salt is cut, the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing pays the price for the remaining salt, and the Transportation Department gives a small invoice. The price of surplus salt is silver, which is set at five cents and five cents in Huainan and five cents in Huaibei. Every year, about 1,100,000 taels of salt and silver can be obtained from the regular salt and surplus salt to supplement the military pay.

Emperor Jiajing read the report at that time and was very satisfied with the 1.1 million taels of salt silver and intended to approve it. However, judging from the amount donated by Jingnan grain merchants, the 1.1 million taels of salt silver is still less.

In terms of profit, selling salt is much more profitable than selling grain. With the comparison, how could Emperor Jiajing be satisfied?

"I obey the order." Yan Song and Xu Jie bowed to accept the order. They understood Emperor Jiajing's thoughts.

"By the way, Zhu Xiaozi is doing work-for-relief in Jingnan, please tell me in detail." Emperor Jiajing said to Xu Hai again.

"According to the decree. Mr. Zhu organized the victims to carry out project construction in Jingnan, including building water conservancy projects, building city walls, reclaiming wasteland, building anti-Japanese outposts, etc., in the form of paying wages instead of direct relief. Mr. Zhu said that this would not only make the people Rely on one's own efforts, live with more dignity, and form a number of projects that are beneficial to the long-term peace and stability of Jingnan." Xu Hai reported in detail what he saw and heard in Jingnan.

Emperor Jiajing nodded after hearing this and asked about the flood situation in the south of the Yangtze River. Xu Hai replied truthfully.

"What else do you want to report during this trip?" Emperor Jiajing asked again after learning about the relevant situation.

Xu Hai thought about it and reported the secret secret proposed by Zhu Pingan to Emperor Jiajing truthfully.

"Go back to your Majesty. After this incident, Mr. Zhu was inspired and came up with an idea." Xu Hai reported.

"What do you think?" Emperor Jiajing asked with interest.

"Back to the Holy Spirit, it's a secret book! Master Zhu imagined that the ministers who have been authorized by the Holy Spirit to write the secret book will seal it in a special box and send a special person to deliver it to the capital without going through the post station or the General Affairs Department. , Huijimen and other officials went directly to the emperor and submitted it to the emperor for approval. Only the emperor and the ministers knew the contents of the secret document. The secret document was not limited to the content, including impeachment memorials, suggestions and policies, government affairs reports, etc., and everything was heard and heard. It can be reported to the public to open up more channels of expression and expand information channels.”

Xu Hai replied respectfully and truthfully reported Zhu Ping'an's idea about the secret fold to Emperor Jiajing.

As smart as Emperor Jiajing, he instantly understood the function of Mi Zhe. His eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded calmly.

After Xu Hai finished his report, Emperor Jiajing did not comment. He looked at Peng Cheng, Zhang Guyi and others and asked, "Do you have anything to add?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Mr. Xu has said everything in detail, and I have nothing to add." Peng Cheng and others replied.

"In that case, you can retreat, but you will stay."

Emperor Jiajing waved his hand to Xu Hai and others, indicating that they should leave, and ordered Yan Song, Xu Jie and others to stay.

"I will retire." Xu Hai and others resigned.

"Wei Zhong, Hua Ting, what do you think about the secret plan proposed by Zhu Xiaozi?"

When Xu Hai and others walked out of Dongnuan Pavilion, they heard the voice of Emperor Jiajing asking Yan Song and Xu Jie from behind.

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