Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1292 Can’t leave

The night has not yet receded, the dawn has not yet arrived, and the sky is half-dark with the remaining stars. Zhu Pingan has already gotten up early to wash up.

"Your official position is really boring. If someone else were an official, you would still be in my concubine's bed right now. Can you die if you sleep in?! In the past month, my aunt has not had a sound sleep."

The demon girl Ruonan had a pair of panda eyes and looked like she was seriously deprived of sleep. She poured Zhu Pingan's face wash water out the door, turned around and gave him a haha, and couldn't help complaining to Zhu Pingan.

"If you are in your position, you will pursue your own affairs. Being an official does not mean enjoyment, but responsibility. Also, why do you mean that I have caused you not to have a full night's sleep? If you are familiar with it, if you talk like this, I will sue you for slander. ha."

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

"Keep talking about responsibility, but you still don't admit the good things you have done?! You are indeed a scumbag!" The demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes, hugged the basin, leaned in front of the door, and looked at Zhu Ping'an with disdain.

"What good thing have I done?!" Zhu Pingan was even more speechless.

"If you hadn't slept so late, sister Hua'er and I would have brought you tea and water. Otherwise, would my aunt have slept so late?! If you hadn't gotten up so early, sister Hua'er and I would have brought you tea and water. Prepare breakfast, otherwise my aunt would have gotten up so early?!" The demon Ruonan said with resentment.

"That's all done by Hua'er, okay. As for you, hehe." Zhu Ping'an glanced at the demon Ruonan and said hehe.

When I was working overtime in the study at night, the person who served me tea and water was Hua'er. This enchantress always occupied the small bed, as if she was having a baby, and serving tea and water didn't even exist.

"You heartless person, who poured the washing water just now?!" The demon girl Ruonan hid her face and pretended to cry, looking pitiful.

Zhu Ping'an turned a blind eye and did not support him at all, letting the witch Ruonan show off and enjoy herself.

"Last night's chicken soup was all fed to the dogs!" The demon girl Ruonan gritted her teeth when she saw Zhu Ping'an ignored him.

"You drink the most, right?!" Zhu Ping'an glanced at her speechlessly and said lightly. This enchantress is a man who loves nothing but meat. She must have meat for three meals a day, even breakfast. Although she sometimes cooks, Zhu Ping'an suspects that she dislikes Hua'er's poor cooking skills and eats the most. For example, the witch drank two bowls of chicken soup last night. If all the chicken soup last night was fed to the dog, then you are the puppy who drank the most.

The witch Ruonan angrily threw the towel on her shoulder at Zhu Ping'an. She was so angry that my aunt could occasionally bring you a wash of water and occasionally cook two dishes. I don't know how many lifetimes you spent cultivating it. It's okay for you not to be grateful for the blessings you've received, but you dare to complain that your aunt eats too much.

Zhu Pingan reached out to take the towel, said thank you casually, and then wiped his face while continuing, "Thank you, it has been more than a month, isn't it time for you to move?"

"What old man?!"

No matter what age, girls are particularly sensitive to their age. When Zhu Pingan said that she was an old man, the enchantress Ruonan immediately darkened her pretty face, and a sharp dagger appeared in her hand like a magic trick. It circled and danced in the palm of her hand, drawing a line. Circles of cold light.

You guys are just mocking my age! Auntie, I am still a yellow-flowered girl, okay? !

The demon girl Ruonan seemed to be offended, gritted her teeth and said: "My aunt is only three or five years older than you!"

"As the saying goes, there is a generation gap when you are three years old. If you round up, if you are five years old, there will be two generation gaps. If you are two generations apart, you will not be an old man." Zhu Pingan said lightly with a smile on his lips.

"Zhu Ping'an!" The demon girl Ruonan immediately went crazy, and she looked like an angry man, with blood splattering on his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm an old man, okay." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, waved his hand carelessly, and continued: "More than a month has passed. If you are a boy or a girl, shouldn't you leave too?"

"Why, you want to drive me away so that you can commit corruption, don't you?! Stop dreaming!"

The witch Ruonan sneered and glared at Zhu Pingan fiercely. Just after arguing about their age, Zhu Pingan suddenly retreated and retreated, making her feel like she had been punched on cotton, causing internal injuries.

Zhu Ping'an raised his eyes to look at her and said calmly, "It's been a month and a half now, and 70% of the donations have been spent. The work-for-relief program has also entered the final stage, and the donation income and expenditure will be announced every day outside the Yamen. Ruonan There is really no need for the girl to supervise her here, it affects her sleep, I really can’t bear it.”

"There is still 30% of the donation! Why are you in a hurry!? If you are in a hurry, it proves that you are guilty. What is the saying that you scholars often say, a person who travels a hundred miles is half as good as ninety; if he climbs a mountain nine feet, he will fall short of the achievement. I can't You can't give up halfway. To be a human being, you have to do it to the end, to send Buddha to the West, and to supervise you, you have to supervise it to the end. Thank God, you can have an aunt to be your maid. I don't know how many lifetimes you have been blessed." Demon Girl Ruonan He put away the dagger, hugged the washbasin, raised his chin and said.

"Uncle, it's time to eat."

At this moment, the voice of Baozi's little maid Hua'er came from the living room.


When the demon girl Ruonan heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up. She hurriedly responded and ran out. Her movements were so fast that it was hard to describe. The actual movements explained what it meant to move like a crazy rabbit.

have to! You can’t bear to eat here! Zhu Pingan looked at the back of the demon Ruonan, speechless.

Zhu Pingan hung up the towel and walked slowly to the living room.

In the living room, the seductress Ruonan had already sat down unceremoniously and picked up the chopsticks to pick up the chicken drumsticks on the plate.

"Why are you so unruly? My uncle hasn't touched the chopsticks yet. You are a maid now."

Hua'er had quick eyes and quick hands. He tapped the enchantress Ruonan's claw with chopsticks and puffed out her cheeks to teach her a lesson.

The demon girl Ruonan retracted her claws and muttered angrily, "Your uncle still said that I am an honored guest."

"There's no such thing as an honored guest who won't leave." Hua'er snorted.

"What do you mean by lai? I am here to supervise your uncle and save him from corrupting people's life-saving money."

The demon girl Ruonan argued.

After Zhu Pingan sat down, Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, diligently put the chicken legs on the plate into Zhu Pingan's bowl.

Is it my turn now? The enchantress Ruonan stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the chicken drumsticks, but Hua'er knocked her chopsticks down again. She couldn't help but look up at Hua'er, "He already picked up a chicken drumstick, why shouldn't I pick up one?"

"My uncle eats lunch and dinner at the construction site. It's not like you haven't eaten the big pot rice at the construction site. The clear soup is watery. These two chicken drumsticks belong to my uncle. I leave early and come back late every day. It's so hard, don't make up for it. Damn, my body bones can't bear it." Hua'er glared at the demon Ruonan and insisted.

If a man hears this, the witch will remain silent.

"It's okay Hua'er, I ate enough chicken last night. You can eat these chicken legs." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile and put one chicken drumstick into Hua'er's bowl and the other into Yaonv Ruonan's bowl.

"It's all in your bowl, I don't want it." The demon girl Ruonan reluctantly handed the chicken legs to Zhu Ping'an.

Hua'er even insisted on giving the chicken legs to Zhu Pingan.

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