Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1293 Men are all big pig hooves

"The observation opening should be narrow on the inside and wide on the outside, tilted to the left or right or downward, and not facing the front. This is not only convenient for archery defense, but also convenient for observation, and can also prevent Japanese pirates and other enemy bows and arrows from hurting people."

"On the second floor wall of the sentry fort, bamboo tubes as thick as bowls are placed on the fort gate. If Japanese pirates attack the fort, they can use the bamboo tubes to pour gold juice and boiling water to prevent the Japanese bandits from approaching the fort gate or climbing on it. Climb the fort wall. In case of fire attack by Japanese pirates, you can also use bamboo tubes to water the fire."

"No windows should be installed on the corridor floor of the fort. Windows can only be installed on the second floor, and they should be as small as possible."

"The fort gate needs to be set up on two levels. Even if the first level of the gate is breached, there will still be one for defense."

"The walls of the sentry fort must be thick enough, and the layout must be careful not to leave any dead corners to avoid being taken advantage of by the enemy."

In the morning, Zhu Pingan took Liu Mu and others and more than ten officers to inspect the construction status of various anti-Japanese outposts and put forward opinions from time to time.

Zhu Pingan planned a total of 150 anti-Japanese outposts in Jingnan, including 28 anti-Japanese outposts along the coast. They are close to the sea and backed by mountains, making them easy to defend and difficult to attack, and easy to retreat. They focus on warning and set up beacons. Taiwan; one hundred and twenty-two anti-Japanese outposts have been planned in the mainland, which are set up in places where Japanese pirates must pass through and places that are prone to invasion by Japanese pirates. These anti-Japanese outposts focus on defense and are large in area. The fort can accommodate more than two hundred people, and a well is dug inside. When Japanese pirates invade, nearby villages can take refuge in the Japanese anti-Japanese sentry fort.

The peak of the Japanese invasion is about to come. In the next ten years or so, there will never be peace along the southeastern coast, and all life will be in ruins.

With these Japanese anti-Japanese outposts in place, even if Japanese pirates wreak havoc, the people in Jingnan can still retain their vitality.

Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the anti-Japanese outposts rising from the ground.

"Report to the county magistrate, the imperial envoy from the capital is here."

When Zhu Ping'an was inspecting Zhang Duo's defense against Japanese forts, a sergeant arrived on a fast horse, got off his horse and reported.

The imperial envoy from the capital is here? !

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but feel excited. The last time the imperial envoy came to check his corruption case, he had returned to Beijing more than ten days ago. After counting the time, it was time for the results to be announced.

Come to think of it, today is another harvest season. I just don’t know if I can meet my expectations.

Xu Hai, Zhang Guyi, please don’t let me down.

"Okay, I understand." Zhu Pingan nodded to the messenger who reported the news, then turned to Li Dianli and others who were accompanying him and said, "Liu Dianli, you follow me back to the county office to prepare for the order and other matters; Li Dianli You all go separately to inspect the construction of the anti-Japanese outpost. The points I just mentioned must be integrated into the construction of the fort. Defense and security are the core of the construction of the anti-Japanese outpost, so you must pay attention to it."

Liu Dianli is Old Man Liu from Baqiao Village. Although he is relatively old-fashioned, he is proficient in all kinds of etiquette, so Zhu Ping'an took Liu Dianli back to the county office to greet the imperial envoy. With Liu Dianli there, there would be no problems with etiquette.

"Don't worry, your Majesty, we will live up to your trust." Li Dianli and others said in a gesture of raising their hands.

After the arrangements were made, Zhu Pingan, Liu Dianli, Liu Mu and others quickly returned to Jingnan County Yamen.

The imperial envoys from the capital were three young eunuchs and a team of Dongchang fans, and no one Zhu Pingan knew.

"The high official is here. I have something to ask for. Please forgive me." Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and handed over his hands to accuse him.

"You are so polite, Mr. Xiao Zhu. What crime does Mr. Xiao Zhu have in fighting floods and providing disaster relief? Before the Zajia came, Mr. Huang had told him not to cause trouble to Mr. Xiao Zhu and affect the overall situation of Mr. Xiao Zhu's fighting against floods and disaster relief."

The leading young eunuch returned the courtesy with a smile, and was very polite to Zhu Pingan without any arrogance at all.

"The Zajia family has brought the Holy Emperor's instructions and rewards this time. They also asked Mr. Xiao Zhu to take a bath and change clothes, and prepare to receive the order."

After exchanging a few words, the leading eunuch said. Zhu Ping'an had just been inspecting the construction site of the anti-Japanese outpost. He was covered in dust and was really not suitable for receiving orders. He had to take a shower and change clothes to show his respect for Emperor Jiajing.

"I'm sorry, please wait a moment." Zhu Ping'an handed over his hand and asked the young eunuch and Dongchang fanzi to take a break in the side hall.

"Master Zhu, please." The leading young eunuch nodded, and Liu Dianli led him to the side hall for a rest.

Zhu Pingan quickly went to the backyard of the county government office to bathe and change clothes. Hua'er and the demon girl Ruonan had already received the letter and had prepared bath water and changing official uniforms. Zhu Pingan quickly took a warm bath, with Hua'er taking care of him. After changing into clean official uniforms and wearing a black gauze hat, he quickly returned to the front yard of the county government office.

"He looks like a human and a dog." The demon girl Ruo Nan looked at Zhu Ping'an's back and twitched her lips.

"My uncle is handsome." Hua'er emphasized.

"You can't find him even if you throw him into a crowd. You can't tell he's handsome." The demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes.

Zhu Ping'an returned to the front office and asked people to open the ceremony door and begin to receive the order. According to the procedures for receiving the decree, Zhu Ping'an led the county government officials to kneel down to greet him outside the Yimen. The young eunuch and his entourage entered through the Yimen and went to the county government hall to announce the decree.

Liu Dianli had already arranged the incense table, incense candles and other items in the county government lobby according to the etiquette.

"Master Zhu, please accept the order," said the leading young eunuch.

"I, Zhejiang Provincial Envoy Si Qianshi, and Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Ping'an received the order. Long live my emperor."

Zhu Pingan knelt down to receive the imperial edict.

"The Holy Father orally: Mr. Zhu, you have made great achievements in fighting floods and providing disaster relief. You are capable and honest. I am not disappointed. I am very pleased. The secret folded thing you mentioned is very popular with me. I will reward you with two things. I will cherish them. I hope you will continue to work hard. Don't Be proud and relaxed, be an official for a long time, and continue to do more practical things for our great Ming Dynasty."

The leading eunuch silently recited Emperor Jiajing's oral instructions.

Reward two things? ! which two things? ! But don't let me down, Zhu Pingan thought to himself.

"The Holy One bestows you with a unicorn robe." The leading eunuch continued to say after silently reciting Emperor Jiajing's oral edict.

The Kirin robe is a gift dress and is also a court dress for officials, but it is not a standard dress for civil and military officials. You cannot wear a gift dress if you want to, but can only wear it if it is given by the emperor. This was the highest honor for officials in ancient times. The emperor bestows servitude on his subjects, usually first-grade python clothes, second-grade flying fish, third-grade bullfighting, fourth- and fifth-grade unicorns, and sixth- and seventh-grade tigers and tigers. The emperor refuses to obey easily. Only officials who have made great achievements can obtain the emperor's surrender.

A young eunuch held out a unicorn robe from behind and handed it to the leading young eunuch. The leading young eunuch handed it to Zhu Ping'an. Zhu Pingan took it with both hands and respectfully placed the Qilin robe on the incense table.

This was a royal uniform. Zhu Pingan glanced at it excitedly, and then couldn't help but have a dark look on his face.

Since the Kirin suit is folded, only the top pattern can be seen - a pair of big pig's hooves.

The Kirin suit has no claws, and its four feet are all big pig hooves.

With this uniform on your body, if someone calls you "all men are pigs", you won't be able to refute it.

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